SO would be nice to know why the UN tanks are in our country. AND where are OUR fellas and gals. I mean man, that whole stupid "meditation" room is for living sacrifices, not sound proof so you can think better. AND the freaking black alter thing was giving by a bloodliner, told pre net. NOW um wtf is going on with them being here. Heard they want our guns also. WTF we need clarity on this. NO freaking kidding. I think everyone is sick and fkin tired of the bs.

thats their plan defund our police and destroy our military then replace them with globalist agenda un troops kiss your civil and religious freedoms goodbye!!!


You can also thank Alice Bailey and Lucifer Trust for the "education curriculum" later renamed Lucis Trust STILL PRINTS UNITED NATIONS DOCUMENTS>

This is GOD'S planet, and He is sick of the evil. Make no mistake about it, He is NOT up there ringing His hands in worry. Disrespectful to America the bs we have been thru the last few years. SOME of us much longer. I DO NOT GIVE IN freaking EVER>

NOT afraid, PISSED, big difference.