Mystic Knight
7 hours ago

Mystic Knight

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In response Tmaga Amaga to his Publication

A Zionist Nation
Not a Jewish one

"You don't have to be Jewish to be a Zionist, and I'm proud to be one" - John Kerry

In response Yuri Stauffenberg to his Publication

Educate yourself, you have no idea of what is actually happening, non Caucasians have been targets for hundreds of years, war, famines, disease. Difference is, they fought back
Just so happens Caucasians are now in [THEIR] crosshairs
Are Jews involved? Yes, and so is every other culture "race", but how do you explain Jews who are being slaughtered? Look at Arab nations,
BTW, it is a "white" man that is behind it all
Its not the Jews, its the Zionists
It is not the Illuminati, it is the Church
The Abrahamic religions are at it once more, wanting to cull the population for easier control

In response Authentic Citizen to his Publication

P W:
Long Pig

In response Elizabeth Sylvia to her Publication

The people trusted the most should've been "EYED" the most

In response John Burke to his Publication

Thank generations of "churching"

In response Crystal Iannacone to his Publication

It did not
It helped the CCP

In response LanieLou _MAGADonian to her Publication

Except, they are NOT Illuminati

In response Age of Enlightenment to her Publication

That proverb became truth when the Bolsheviks took control of the country

In response Jack Wightman to his Publication

He was threatened with loss of his shows, wealth and exposure of lies to public

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

Shop local
Dine local
Cut back spending in big box business

In response --- Shuaye to her Publication

In this case, do not "see" them as higher or lower to one and the other, rather "SEE = SEA" them as within and throughout each
To say that one is higher or lower is to separate and there is nothing and no thing separated, only individualized

In response John Burke to his Publication

Allowed to conduct, not interfere

Words matter

In response Michelle Eschenfelder to her Publication

Energies, frequency, not gods
Gods are a human construct, a result from fear

In response John Burke to his Publication

Misery does love company

And who are the miserable ones?

In response URBAN SQUIRREL to her Publication

[They] are the ones making the connections and the reason why they are so mentally, spiritually and physically screwed up, they don't know the difference or which way to turn. But they are not the same, HRC's emails are proof, she mentions Moloch several times, who or what is Moloch? And that is Abraham offering his child sacrifice. Who is Abraham?
The entities are not the same,
The Baphomet is the amalgamation of all material (flesh), Man and (his!her) mental qualities and/or animal instincts

In response Every Time to her Publication

No, Satanism and Luciferianis!m are not the same, different States of consciousness, different energies, different sigils

In response Michelle Eschenfelder to her Publication

No, they are not, different energies, different sigils, different State

In response URBAN SQUIRREL to her Publication

No, they were not Luciferians, they were and still are Ba'alians, proof is the sigil pins and the blood stone rings they wear, blood of Abraham

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

They can no longer do their sorcery, the gig is up!

In response ol_ cowboy to his Publication

"We fight for the Freedom of all Humanity - OUR SPECIES"

If only the populace knew and understood the ramifications of that statement, could not be any truer

Well said

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

Keep telling you guys, the war is very real, some of us are fighting on a different "plain"

Yea, '86 was the year

Felt like IT without the clowns

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

Still kicking, but chirping like it's Spring

(A S) when you can not use the black mirror, use a ghoul

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

The people do not get it. They see these sock puppets and believe they are the ones responsible. They are not! They are following orders! They are guilty but mere pawns in this. There is something deeper, far more cruel and evil. Once you accept the fact that these lizards in the spot light are byproducts of [HIS] construct you'll understand

In response Robert Wakefield to his Publication

That is his opinion. Unfortunately he is not accounting that non whites actually do think critically and decide for themselves. Good and bad are in everything so let us not paint a broad brush and see things black and white for life is not so simple
That is how [they] want us to believe and behave
let him explain
Blacks for Trump
Whites for the sock puppet

Right! They only see (feel) what they want to. They don't see nor (feel) what others have and are going through. Especially for those who are at the Styxx. Very few truly know the gravity of this and just how deep the rabbit hole goes. They believe in the delusion that god will snap his finger and *poof* it's over. The masses are too emotional and Spiritually damaged to think clearly and logical

In response CM_ Patriot to his Publication

What they are not informing you is that the process was moved to China then shipped through Mexico and the main reason you have inflation

No manufacturing

In response Laurie Sunshine to her Publication

I wonder how's that going?

In response Robert Wakefield to his Publication

No, not an idiot, an idiot does not know what s/he is doing
HE intentionally did it, knowing full well and consciously knowing that it was all lies

Let us not give him rest and an excuse to claim incompetence

In response UM EK17 Q1111 to his Publication

No, does not benefit him to reveal himself just yet. Anyone in the spotlight are but distractions. He is a stooge, just as every other far leftists. We can "sense" him. There are no candidates, there is only HIM and he does not share power

But you are correct, he will show himself soon