Mark Quinn
3 years ago

Mark Quinn

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Did he reply?

In response Meeka Stella to her Publication

Was that about a week or two ago? I think I remember that.

Here's a good comment under the article:

"I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that Torba is pushy and ruthless. I find it difficult to believe that anyone could make Trump not do something if he thought he should. There's more to this story."

In response Sabina de Nooijer to her Publication

Never seen her before. She's pretty awesome. I subscribed.

In response CJJM Patriot to her Publication

And neither is Charlie Ward, which the article uses as a source. According to Ward, the "event" should've happened on 2/5 at 6 PM.

In response AQ. PATRON to his Publication

"Most sharply divisive president in US History."

Yeah my ass. That was Obama, the great divider. Trump was the most uniting president in US history as evidenced by his record number of votes in 2020. And don't forget the MASSIVE Walk-Away movement.

In response Lefty Gonzales to his Publication

This video is six months old and as stated in the comments underneath it, the title is misleading clickbait.

In response Qbero Gil Vega to his Publication

The time for chess is over.

Trump said "We have it all."

Trump said "This is a national security issue."

The DNI Report proved foreign interference.

The states, the courts and the congress were all in on it.

DC is surrounded by razorwire fencing. It is occupied by an army. There are hundreds of thousands of sealed indictments.

Is there a situaiton in chess which describes a player whose next move will put his opponent in checkmate, but instead of moving he gets up from the table and flies down to south Florida to play golf?

I'm sorry for the sarcasm but I am very, very ups

In response Joanne Sherman to her Publication

Okay. So apparently there's a deception happening. It's likely that Trump and the patriots are behind this deception with the goal of waking up the masses. A noble cause, yes?

When do we look at this objectively and ask ourselves if deception is EVER right? Isn't it the left which claims the ends justify the means? But suddenly it's okay that Trump is decieving America simply to "wake them up?"

Does part of this deception also entail the suffering of countless vaccine victims and Keystone Pipeline workers?

Enough is enough. The cure is becoming as bad as the disease.

In response Jane Doe✔️ to her Publication

I'm sorry, but it seems like every week we're hearing MOABs are coming next week.

I'm very angry at Trump and the patriots. I've never felt so betrayed in my life. We just keep waiting and waiting for them to go on the offensive. We elected him precisely because we didn't want to suffer under the wrath of these leftist totalitarians. Now we must suffer in the name of "waking people up?" That was never part of the deal. The deal was Trump was going to drain the swamp. Now I feel like he's thrown us to the wolves.

In response Janice SureJan to his Publication

Imagine Hillary's pleasant surprise when four years passed and nothing happened. Looks to me like she got all paranoid for nothing.

In response Sabrina Gal to her Publication

Ticket prices shouldn't be halved amid fears of a fake pandemic. They should be halved amid disgust from fans that the NFL is an anti-American corporation which endorses terrorist organizations.

In response Mark Quinn to his Publication

To add to what you've said: the American people and people of the world have been victims of a sophisticated program of mainstream media and academic propaganda for many decades. That can't be reversed with secretive comms requiring decoder rings. I don't even think it can be undone (fast enough) by demonstrating what the far left wants to do to us. Eight years of Obama woke peolpe up but not nearly enough and not nearly fast enough.

They've inundated the airwaves with lies for far too long. It can only be reversed by inundating the airwaves with truth.

In response Pike Bishop to his Publication

You and I are in ABSOLUTE agreement on this. ABSOLUTE.

In response Girl Mama to her Publication

During the last few weeks and even months, this sort of thing would've gotten me so excited. But I was much more naive then. Now I've learned not to get my hopes up about any of these things which seem like sure fire comms. I'm just going to assume he was literally sending a message to the troops about the FOOTBALL game and also factually stating that it will be wacted around the world, which is true every year.

If it turns out to be more than that, I'll be pleasantly surprised. But I've learned not to count on anything.

In response Girl Mama to her Publication

I read "inauguration day to current" meaning that starting from the 2017 inauguration of DJT to the time of that drop, attempts were made by the MSM to make MAGA folks seem like the minority. I don't read that as the 2021 fake inauguation.

In response House of the Muse to her Publication

Okay, last name Allgood. For this to be a comm, it has to be connected in some way to something else happening or something else we've been told. Or it has to be connected to an intelligence insider source. I guess I'm missing something?

In response House of the Muse to her Publication

Here I zoomed it as much as I could. Sorry for the pixilation.

In response Capricia Tyner to her Publication

I wasn't going to watch it anyway, but if the general is going to post these sorts of things (is that a verified account?) he should elaborate. Getting tired of the secrecy from everyone.

We shouldn't watch it, why? Is that message somewhere in the realm of "because something terrible will happen which you won't want to see" or "because the NFL is an anti-American institution which doesn't deserve revenue from the good people of Americ?"

It could mean anything. Which is why occaisonally elaboration is required.

In response House of the Muse to her Publication

What is this we're looking at here?

In response Vee Wallace to her Publication

When were the dates of these tweets? That picture looks like a screenshot of a screenshot of a screenshot passed around for months.

In response Heidi Palmer to her Publication

So we all have moderation power. But that means trolls have it too. If a troll comes along and uses that feature against people, I understand they won't last long here. But if we happen to be the victim of someone who wants to come along and just cause havoc, what is our recourse? If we're banned we can't come back and appeak to admin, so what would we do?

In response Kobayashi ADMIN to his Publication

I'm still confused about the difference between block and fook. I know what block means. But when you use the fook feature what does it do differently from block? What makes it so powerful that abuse of the feature will get you suspended? What benefits does the fook feature have the blocking doesn't?

In response The Wise Owl_AZ to his Publication

Maybe it's cognitive dissonance but I don't believe a word of this. If the cabal is SO POWERFUL that they could keep this in the WH without Trump knowing, then how is it that the moment he moves out, it's suddenly discovered and something is done about it? In other words, at the HEIGHT of his power within the WH, he's clueless about it, but then upon moving out, he and the patriots know EVERYTHING and do something about it?

Did you folks learn nothing about Charlie Ward yesterday? I waited until 6 PM, doubtful that something would happen but still watching. And just as I suspected....

In response Cowboy w2b to his Publication

How does post 2830 connect with Pompeo's tweet in any way, aside from both referencing Reagan?

In response Tanna Morris to his Publication

"WE ARE AT WAR and you never tell the enemy you have a plan"

Doesn't that conflict with the other commonly held belief that the war is already won, the patriots are in control and everything we're seeing is a movie?

In response Girl Mama to her Publication

Just outside Pittsburgh here and I've gotten nothing. Do you mean on TV? Our TV is never turned on. Or do you mean on devices?

In response patriot party to his Publication

Are you talking about the tests people were reporting in Florida? If so, it was one event. I was looking forward to hearing more such reports but they never happened.

If you're not talking about the tests reported from Florida then indeed we're remember two different events and maybe we can really say the tests were more frequent.

In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

Do we believe the military is in control? Do we believe the patriots are in control? Do we believe the war is already won and the rest of this is to wake up the sleeping masses? If true, then his words weren't to throw off the DS "so they don't know what the plan is." If so, the plan would already be in full swing and the DS would be screwed. This disinfo would be for the benefit of the sleeping masses who need to believe Biden is a legit president. That in turn would continue the perception that we're headed into communism, which is part of the Scare Event.

In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

"Can't legally sign EO's."

Someone please explain to me. Why is the Keystone Pipeline being shut down and why are those workers losing their jobs? This is the main sticking point I have whenever anyone brings up the blank EOs.