Not Tom. Tom just reminds me of better times when MySpace was first started free from Deep State.
Block and Fooked are 2 totally separate features.
Block whoever you want. However, be VERY careful with the 'Fooked' feature. It's ONLY for the nasty stuff. Abuse of it will just get you suspended.
I'm still confused about the difference between block and fook. I know what block means. But when you use the fook feature what does it do differently from block? What makes it so powerful that abuse of the feature will get you suspended? What benefits does the fook feature have the blocking doesn't?
It's not about me it's about US, all of humanity! 💖🌏
So we all have moderation power. But that means trolls have it too. If a troll comes along and uses that feature against people, I understand they won't last long here. But if we happen to be the victim of someone who wants to come along and just cause havoc, what is our recourse? If we're banned we can't come back and appeak to admin, so what would we do?
It's not about me it's about US, all of humanity! 💖🌏
@administrator will be monitoring the Fooked. That's why he says use it wisely. Koba is a brilliant and gifted Patriot, he knows the games and he's prepared for it.