Manny Questions
9 months ago

Manny Questions

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In response Manny Questions to his Publication

Q - Where did the Blackhawk helicopter go down yesterday?

A- Huntsville, AL , Redstone Arsenal

Q- Where did newly appointed Commanding General commit 'suicide' in 2017?

A - Huntsville AL, Redstone Arsenal

In response Robert Wakefield to his Publication

Cathy O'Brien writes, in Trance Formation of America, that the Disney characters are a part of MK-ULTRA programming. The programming creates alter personalities in the sex slaves. that would slip into characters, who would perform sexually, according to words, phrases, hand signs, etc. So a programmed, sex slave, 'Snow White' role would obey requests or commands when the (trained) abuser used the 'codes' properly. Training for the use of the 'keys' to access the slaves' programming took place on military bases, Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, AL for one, and so elites and high government officials, would attend these training sessions over a couple of days, and then be able to subsequently request and use the MK-ULTRA subjects according to their own status in the Cabal. So well-known Hollywood starlets or celebrity performers might also be MK-ULTRA slaves, who would act according to the Disney MK-ULTRA programming, when triggered by the codes. 😕

In response Bee Bee to her Publication

I always considered that the 'Dan' referred to in#4572 was Dan Scavino, but there are always multiple levels to these drops.

In response Authentic Citizen to his Publication

Bravo. Trump continues to need our support. Often we forget that one of the (many) meanings of 'vaccine' in TrumpSpeak is/was 'The Military' & that the 'Virus' is/was the Cabal. The military interventions & 'Operation Warp Speed' have saved the lives of millions/billions & are destroying 'The Virus'. Occasionally, Anons need to pull out our Decoder Rings & get back to the basics of deciphering this information war. The worst possible outcome is brother against brother, through misunderstanding & division. Trump has to be seen as an acceptable leader to that magical '80%+' as the war continues to evolve & then wind down (years, decades). IMO he takes the slings and arrows for We the People, sometimes playing the fool by doing so. When this is over, no one is going to be able to say 'I told you so' . We've all been fooled by these Satanists & humanity will ultimately unite to protect the children from the demons.

In response Dale Bradburn to his Publication

Evil knows the facts, assumes the role of an expert, brushes aside opinions, and insists that published lies are the truth and the censored truths are lies.

In response Cob Cob to his Publication

Cob - is there a Bitchute or Rumble link to this SG ANON interview? TIA

In response Mary Bell to her Publication

I'm going to start studying up on bees. There's nothing more natural than the 'birds & bees'. Disturbing the natural order with frequencies, HAARP, pesticides, etc. is putting us at risk, IMO. Small and medium communities & local commerce are the future to save us. People have to start growing their own food or at least have some connection to its local production. Example, Burt's Bees began in Raleigh & did a lot of good educating with their products, & then sold out. Trusted national brands are frequently bought out & core missions changed to new agendas.

Driving home today there was a huge flock of wild turkeys along the roadside. At home one of the first news feeds I get on my phone is 'Have you seen any wild turkeys? Report them to the DNR." I'm not joking. I think we've all experienced weird correlations between odd things seen or thought about & then references shortly appear on our devices. No effing way am I reporting ANY wild turkeys to the Department of Natural Resources

In response Mary Bell to her Publication

We need to keep an eye on this queen bee 'vaccine' . It doesn't appear to mess with bee DNA, but the reportedly inert or dead pieces of the bacterium do get passed on to larvae to improve immunity to this 'foulbrood' disease. My understanding is that bees dont really have an immune system and all immunity is passed down by the queen So far I haven't found anything obviously wrong or evil-intentioned with the methods, but it could also be a Trojan horse for future Cabal plans. We all know how important bees are. I'm going to keep researching. Lots of honey production in Nebraska and surrounding states so I'll be discussing with beekeepers and may take up bee keeping as a hobby to get to the inside. Worrisome that the trials for the 'vaccine' are in California. 🤔

In response For Love of Country to her Publication

Everything is so twisted. At this point I don't believe anybody or anything, except the promises of God and Christ. I believe it was important to show up on Jan 6, but I agree we were like sheep led to slaughter. I admit I didn't pray that day, & avoided entanglement only through serendipity. In the past year I've come to pray dozens of times each day and it is a lifeline. I'm learning. I never knew how to pray, really, but now I know that we're only asking God to fulfill the promises he's made to us, and that we're justified in asking, not because of our good works, but because we're his children, and in the spiritual body of Christ. We just have to claim that birthright. So much to come, but the war is still raging and Satan is also active, always, daily, seeking to mislead and destroy whomsoever he can.This is the time when the wheat and tares are being gathered and separated. Stay strong in your faith. God has plans for good & not disaster, to give YOU a future. (Jeremiah 29:11)

In response For Love of Country to her Publication

I'm so sorry that happened to you. We were pretty cold and we went back to our hotel to warm up, and grab a bite, intending to then go to the Capitol. As we were heading over we ran into some friends we'd met, and took their reports of the madness and so stayed at our hotel, gathering more reports. About a month later, 2 FBI agents visited my sister-in-law at her Atlanta condo. They asked why she went and she said that God spoke to her and asked, "Are you going to deny me?" And so she said, truthfully, "God told me to go." The interview ended shortly afterward and the agents said, "We're putting down that you went to DC to support your president." Continue to pray. Divine Justice is coming and you will be free of this evil. As we all will. 🙏🙂👍🐸

In response Lady 4Trump to her Publication

This news needs watching. In my limited research this approach seems valid. The CEO of the Dalan Here is a link to the original findings on the bees immune system:

The CEO, Annette Kleiser, did 'Like' an article which was pro-beef consumption, which would be unusual for a New World Order shill. There are several beekeepers among the employees.

"The vaccine, which contains killed whole-cell Paenibacillus larvae bacteria, is administered by mixing it into queen feed which is consumed by worker bees. The vaccine is incorporated into the royal jelly by the worker bees, who then feed it to the queen. She ingests it, and fragments of the vaccine are deposited in her ovaries. Having been exposed to the vaccine, the developing larvae have immunity as they hatch."

So it doesn't look like mRNA stuff that messes with genetics.

I subscribed to ne

Also "I don't want to assume hir gender - it's 50-50...".

Greta is a dude/baphomet.

In response Robert Wakefield to his Publication

My information is that the Salvation Army is a Rothschild front organization, and always has been, originally established to launder opium money from the far east. Look at the Red Shield symbol (Roth - schild = Red - Shield) . As I recall this research comes from the multiple part series 'Fall of the Cabal'. Not surprising that the Salvation Army would be activated to support the Cabal narrative. We know that good people, trying to do good, are caught up in these evil agendas. Charities are often used as money laundering services. Cabal uses our better trusting natures against us. This is the theme of 'The Green Mile' by Stephen King, another Cabal asset.

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

Romans 14:1-5, "Him that is weak in the faith receive ye, BUT NOT TO DOUBTFUL DISPUTATIONS. For one believeth that he may eat all things: another, who is weak, eateth herbs. Let not him that eateth despise him that eateth not; and let not him which eateth not judge him that eateth: for God hath received him. Who art thou that judgest another man’s servant? to his own master he standeth or falleth. Yea, he shall be holden up: for God is able to make him stand. One man esteemeth one day above another: another esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind."

In response Dr. Bobbi Anne White to her Publication

Thank you! Do you believe Bitchute is safe as a repository? This is a very important video. Maybe THE most important video of all, as documentation of the Jan 6 scam.

Thank you for this editing. I watched the full video long ago and then lost the link. No one has ever listened when I try to explain the Babbitt scam. Everyone, and I mean everyone, white and black and grey hats, insist that Babbitt was murdered and this video makes it so evident that it was all a sh**show. I confronted Taylor Hansen ('white hat reporter' on the scene) and on Twitter with this and he just lied. They all lie, all the time. Lies. lies and more lies. Lies on top of lies. They lie about lying, and then they lie some more. Do you have a link to the full video? I think I watched it on Rumble.

In response Robert Wakefield to his Publication

Even in the contest between man and steer, the issue is not certain. - Sheriff Ed Tom Bell - No Country for Old Men

In response Manny Questions to his Publication

The 'They Live' scene with Mt. Rushmore on the TV in the store window. 🤔

"They Live" : Greatest documentary ever written. Credit to Ray Nelson.

Notice in 'They Live' that early on when the unnamed protagonist (Roddy Piper) stops to watch a TV screen in a store window that it's an image of Mt. Rushmore! The same image on JFK Jr's iconic George 'Future' cover! 🤔 - Roddy Piper -"They Live is a documentary"
Why is the Federal government so set on stopping Fourth of July celebrations at Mt. Rushmore since 2020? My guess? A Fourth of July celebration like no other awaits U.S. when this shitshow is mostly over in 2024 or 2025. But in the Alice time machine it's a marker without a date attached. A marker like Trump going down the escalator. Predictive programming or an irrevocable moment in time from which there is no going back, only forward. Like JFK assassination. So DS attempts to stop the Rushmore celebration from happening, to prevent the White Hat victory timeline from ever happening.

In response Boooo BooBoo to her Publication

The filings in this case look pretty good. The Clerk of the Court and the Solicitor General of the US assisted this pro se filer (Brunson) in preparing the filing and moving it through to SCOTUS. Go here for audio of Brunson explaining the case:

Listen to the audio file and then download the filings here:

It's up to you how much to donate to get the PDFs. I donated $10.

The filings include the evidence for the treason - which is primarily the traitors OWN WORDS - in the fully transcribed Congressional Record of the certification debate on January 6, 2021. It's very clear that the traitors did not protect the constitution, nor honor their oaths, when they brushed away examination and investigation of concerns . The traitors all take the oath near the beginning of the Record.

These Brunson brothers have done some heavy lifting for the past two years and deserve support, IMO. They're coming in under the radar with a MOAB. God's Plan. 🐸

In response TheStormIsHere NOW to her Publication

🤔😕This meme bothers me for many reasons, which I believe are self-evident. We don't know who the people in this photo are, what the context is, or why the creator of the meme has chosen this image to illustrate their viewpoint. They could be people asking for help and the meme demonizes their image. I don't think this is the spirit of meming.

In response Melissa Lee to her Publication

That's weird.

In response Melissa Lee to her Publication

Looks like a waiver? What does the document say?

In response Manny Questions to his Publication

A new glitch in AnonUp that I'm experiencing is that when I 'reply' to a post, it's not posting as a reply, but as a new post. In this manner it becomes separated from the thread and makes less sense. Anyone else experiencing this?

In response TRUTH SEEKER to her Publication

😎🙂Speaking of..... haha....panic.... Joseph Lubin (Ethereum CEO) blocks Digital Asset Investor who has done much to expose the shenanigans...

In response TRUTH SEEKER to her Publication

Wait until the real scandal breaks wide open - ETHGATE - Down will come Bitcoin and almost all other cryptos, but not XRP! Clarity soon for XRP. FTX will seem like the powder-puff league, when the Black Hat banks fall because of corruption, banksters, and 3-letter agencies (CIA, SEC, FBI, FED) surrounding and propping up Bitcoin and Ethereum. Probably not long now - the eggs are cracking.... 👍🐸

In response TRUTH SEEKER to her Publication

Wellll ... since they were teaching wokeness.....go woke, go broke!

In response NoVacks . . . to his Publication

A 'manssiere' would have been just the thing for Barney Frank. I think Kramer tried to market them some years earlier. He and Frank Costello. Another great technological innovation, like flying cars, that never got off the ground. 🤔

In response AQ. PATRON to his Publication

Sounds like an educated teacher. Advanced Degree obtained from alt media?

In response Jay Dee to her Publication