Lucilla FPC
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Brazilian. Family is everything. Seeking truth. No to Left thoughts and narratives.

Brazilian. Family is everything. Seeking truth. No to Left thoughts and narratives.
dear, thks for bring up our pictures up here! we have been faughting against the globalist since the 1st day of our Pres Bolsonaro took place as president in 2018. we dont accept neither recognize criminal Lula as our president starting 1st jan 2023 (lula and the system are the evil working foe the globlalists). we are not leaving the streets until we break the system. watch us as monday we are going “to stop” the country - full strike !

Brazilian. Family is everything. Seeking truth. No to Left thoughts and narratives.
you mean Hunter Biden , not Barron…

Brazilian. Family is everything. Seeking truth. No to Left thoughts and narratives.
it will qork of course if ppl calculate of being the year of ie: 1970 + 52 yrs = 2022 (most of the times you dont ask ppl when is their bday but what year hv you born…) ok also if your bday it is not arrived but if i am of 1970 it is presumed that i am 52 ok if mu birthday will be in 2 weeks…

Brazilian. Family is everything. Seeking truth. No to Left thoughts and narratives.
i am in hormone terapy (its a pellet that must be injected once a year). i was like this lady in the video. for sure our food is full of the cabal additives and thats why most of us were/are loosing tons of energy besides health…

Brazilian. Family is everything. Seeking truth. No to Left thoughts and narratives.
Hi VK! pls never do the MMR (meningitis). Ourpediatrician who is annAnthroposofic (Rudolf Steiner/Waldorf) tell us its ok to accomplish our brazilian government vax yearly although all those modern vax which is outside the government calendar (its done on a private vax clinics) we must keep away fm them. Already mentioned here that our pediatr told us that nowadays medicine university is ttaught by big pharma industry..: try to understand Rudolf Steiner philosophy. it worths! Stay safe you all😍🙏🏻

Brazilian. Family is everything. Seeking truth. No to Left thoughts and narratives.
hello fm Brazil, VK!!! please dont leave Anon up yet since ae dont have DJT platform in Brazil yet!! not sure if I u/tood right you guys are leaving Anon Up… just in case…

Brazilian. Family is everything. Seeking truth. No to Left thoughts and narratives.
a family friend of ours lost their 47 yr old daughter, was a sudden death after lunch… they dont want to talk abt the vax since they believe in this and might had taken the 4 th dose. another friend of mine from beach tennis classes has suffered with myocarditis and spent abt 3 days ay the Emergency unit

Brazilian. Family is everything. Seeking truth. No to Left thoughts and narratives.
i may ask this to Juan O Savin through Rumble (if possible) 😂I was listening his last video - not sure why i love his voice…

Brazilian. Family is everything. Seeking truth. No to Left thoughts and narratives.
this is what is happening in Brazil. Corrupt physicians paid by the BP are misinforming their pacients, ie: that ppl dying fm heart attack, arrest, miocardites, trombosys etc are due to covid and nothing to see w vax…

Brazilian. Family is everything. Seeking truth. No to Left thoughts and narratives.
thanks for the reposting this!! i think i got a bit lost (and lazy) since suspended fm twit but glad to be back here with you guys posting everyday… i really appreciate yr attention!! thks since Brazil 🇧🇷🥰

Brazilian. Family is everything. Seeking truth. No to Left thoughts and narratives.
of course!!! i havent realized before tonight what VK means when write Family is everyrhing! the 13 fam …

Brazilian. Family is everything. Seeking truth. No to Left thoughts and narratives.
i would love to learn as much as i can about all this. Is there any good channel/book i can start to understand all the truth?

Brazilian. Family is everything. Seeking truth. No to Left thoughts and narratives.
this is happening worldwide. in Brazil, our president cannot talk abt vax being dangerous due to this new tech of mRna - ppl here are crazy divided + the vaxed ppl are crazy abt the unvax blaming the unvax the reason of covid being mutating and still spreading… if our president opens his mouth abt the vax to say anything negative abt it, it is possible the vax ppl will kill him … crazy times!!!

Brazilian. Family is everything. Seeking truth. No to Left thoughts and narratives.
my brother in law is a physician (orthopedics) he has been telling us if we feel our throat - i mean sore throat, we shld take inv for 2 days that it kill every “bug” we have in our body… (sorry my english as i am brazilian 🇧🇷🤣) he told us that we might face both HQC n Inv might work for new cures that were probably hidden fm all of us… i dont doubt …

Brazilian. Family is everything. Seeking truth. No to Left thoughts and narratives.
yes! fm Brazil 🇧🇷🙏🏻🙌🏻🙏🏻

Brazilian. Family is everything. Seeking truth. No to Left thoughts and narratives.
“He is not at Mar al Lago”... i Love those intelligent american people! its inspiring. It makes us to expand thinking! thks !!

Brazilian. Family is everything. Seeking truth. No to Left thoughts and narratives.
was so glad to find u here but u are back to twit?? miss you!

Brazilian. Family is everything. Seeking truth. No to Left thoughts and narratives.
pls share!!! i have lost of the track since suspendend fm twitter and hardly following you guys here, wego or gab... internet issues down here in brazil🤯