I used to give Flat Earth a 2% probability. Now I am at 30%.

Knowing who really we are🙏✨ True Consciousness Creates Harmonic Circulation. 🌎💞☯️💞◯=♾☺️ Armor of Source Almighty🙏✨

Knowing who really we are🙏✨ True Consciousness Creates Harmonic Circulation. 🌎💞☯️💞◯=♾☺️ Armor of Source Almighty🙏✨
Telegram: Contact @RealGeneDecode
Hello my friends, The map I shared on my last interview with Taino on Galactic Talk; at time mark 39:45; was NOT the Piri Reis map but instead the Geradus Mercator Map. The Piri Reis map is attached along with the Geradus Mercator (for comparison). My apologies for this error and gratitude for thos..
i don’t know about the shapes so much. but im thinking the north and south poles are more like portals and the earth is more a realm/dimension.
btw during a NDE i had a dream like experience and a guide took me to the center of earth and there was a tree that looked almost mirrored. but the center of the earth was more hollow, like another realm or something.

Q 5:5 Trump will be my president forever. TWAT booted Jan 8th 2021 WWG1WGA Love you all AU
N216XX144 Qxsquare
AnonUp.com Patriot Platform. \'If not us, who? If not now, when?\'
👉 find me here! https://linktr.ee/petahjane
Hmmm that's interesting, me too.
I really like the Hebrew scriptures around it and the ideology has such a beautiful innocence to it.
I'm open, I am not 100% sold, but I am open.
Ancient Hebrew Cosmology – Pursuing Veritas
Human beings often presume our own worldview when trying to make sense of a message or a text. As anyone who has had an argument based upon a misunderstanding knows (think of Abbott and Costello's "Who's on First?" routine), assuming that other people mean exactly what you think ..
JESUS = KING || MAGA || #WWG1WGA || IFBAP: AU, T.me, Gab, Rumble/Locals, 107Daily, TRUTH, GETTR || XRP, XDC, XLM, HBAR, SHIB, JASMY
🔥🔥🔥 Sharing is Caring ! 🔥🔥🔥
For the staunchest of skeptics, be as skeptical as you can muster and enjoy,,,,
🐸 Did INFO WARS just completely debunk the FE narrative? 🐸

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill
I’ve researched it enough to convince me that the earth is not a spinning sphere as we’ve been told. But I’m not all in 100% on the flat earth theory either. My stance today is that there is much fookery on this subject like everything else we thought we “knew” once upon a time. The truth will no doubt expand my thinking to ‘all time high’ dimensions I haven’t yet reached. Can’t wait!!

I fight the Judicial arm of the British Crown & lose Every-time, but I keep fighting w/o a law degree cause I know.
same here.

Pro-Life Christian. Intercessor. Evangelist. Artist. Marine Corps Veteran.
🤔 i still think it's a sphere.

Its a more enjoyabke awakenng than the others.

We are Flattening the Curve, Leveling the Playing Field, Breaking the Glass Ceiling, Taking down the Dominion because we live in a Domain.
Planes fly over a plane. A planet is a small plane. Sea level is level.

Here paying it forward. Blessed to be redpilled digital Soldier. Will not stop fighting until justice is served #wwg1wga #thegreatawakening
Hollow earth seems more plausible. Thoughts Anyone?

Older & wiser. Have the scars to prove it.
I’m at God 💯%

✝️ Father | Husband | American Latino | Capitalist | Millennial Patriot | 🇺🇸🦅
illusion of choice:
-thinking absolute
...could be neither
-thinking abstract
...could be both
These are also options nobody ever brings up

Wordsmith, Lightworker, Anon, Human Design 1/3 Splenic Manifestor Holding the Light is my Soul Purpose
yes, why limit it to merely flat or round. im not convinced were not in a simulation. but im keeping my mind open to follow the path.

Q 5:5 Trump will be my president forever. TWAT booted Jan 8th 2021 WWG1WGA Love you all AU
PLEASE CLICK HERE FOR PART TWO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PNf6-tgjpXA PLEASE CLICK HERE FOR NO MUSIC AND HD RESOLUTION: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_vgKL9LDhw&t=495s whenthebuildingscried...
Q 5:5 Trump will be my president forever. TWAT booted Jan 8th 2021 WWG1WGA Love you all AU
Water does not bend

English patriot. Trump supporter.United States of America is the last stand!!!. #familyiseverything
30% of the world is now awake,
was 2%.
just thinking out loud here

Artist * Londoner * cat lover 😺 * searching for the truth 🙏
When Q was asked if earth was flat answer was 'no'

Well, that answer is correct…mountains, valleys….
Only followers of this user (@techstartupmom) can see their posts

#thegreatawakening #christconsciousness #5D #godwins
Interesting...I believe something along these lines for sure....I don't think we are on a round planet, and there is waaaaaay more to Antarctica. Thank you for sharing!

Can you describe the reasons for your shift?

Be ready to stand alone in this world. Truth never stands with the majority.
Only 30%? But water cannot be bent and in the Genesis a heliocentric globe and planet model makes no sense (firmament).
Also Psalm 24.1 --> "The world circle stands still and does not shake".
A believing Christian has few or no alternatives here.


The Great Awakening, Trump ... and Q - Photographer, Writer ... Motorcycles! Virgin Mary, Parsifal Jinpa movie, wwg1wgaworldwide ... no DM

dog & cat rescuer, animal advocate, Patriot, MAGA KAG WWG1WGA
I used to be the same VK. We've been lied to about Everything! Read Genesis - it tells us what the Earth is.

Trump said the end would not be for everyone, i hanve lived in 10 states and 20+ cities, always looking for home. maybe theres a reason

A.K.A. 1Truthseeker2giveglory2-1God #JESUSSAVES#WWG1WGAWW #WRWY #Godwins #TakeTheOath#God1st#JFKJRISALIVE #DARK-TO-LIGHT
well you help us out alot so heres 1 for you.
Go to the ocean with a really good telescope. Watch a ship go out far enough that it looks like it goes over the (curve) and you lose sight of it. Then look through the telescope at that same ship. You will 100% be able to see the ship again. It never went over a curve. Your eyes simply couldnt see that far. Love you brother🤜🤛

A.K.A. 1Truthseeker2giveglory2-1God #JESUSSAVES#WWG1WGAWW #WRWY #Godwins #TakeTheOath#God1st#JFKJRISALIVE #DARK-TO-LIGHT
Im 45 years old as of January 2nd. I believed the earth was a globe until 2017. They sure are tricky. Also water stays level no matter what. Take a picture of the oeans horizon download it onto your computer. Use a big tv screen to look at pic. Then take a string and pull it tight from left and right side following the horizon. it is perfectly straight.( DONT USE GO PROS OR ANY OTHER CAMERA WHICH DISTORTS THE REAL VIEW

Nuked from twitter for supporting Donald Trump. English Patriot 🇬🇧🇺🇸 MAGA, WWG1WGA, Say NO To Evil Globalists, Trump WON!
For years I just ignored flat earth talk, now Im 70/30 in favour, 1 question though VK why is Tesla going to be launching a 5G phone that runs via Starlink, I thought 5G wasnt happening?

I know there has got to be a 'dual' purpose for this post, so I'll just end my thought there. :)

Jesus Saves, WWG1WGA, God Wins, 9/11 Truth, Trump Supporter, JFKjr lives, Truth Will Prevail, #SaveTheChildren
the globe is supposedly spinning at 1000 mph at equator, at 66,000 mph around sun, and at 500,000+ mph thru galaxy, yet we dont sense any motion and our relation to other stars hasnt changed in all of recorded history. nonsense.

Q 5:5 Trump will be my president forever. TWAT booted Jan 8th 2021 WWG1WGA Love you all AU
Water always wants to find a flat plain.

Truth hunter, "scientist" and "expert" TS @ehehron
shill test?? :)