Julie Anaya
@Julieanaya79Notice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/v2.anonup.com/themes/default/apps/profile/content.phtml on line 273

As I was listening all I could see was the big white rabbit cloud in the sky behind him.

I had a conversation with I AM (god)... we discussed alot on good, evil and neutral souls on earth. We are given free will to choose. That there are NPC here that are just here to help us learn lessons. These players are neither good or evil. They can interact with us but can't change our destiny or freewill.

My husband and I have also been having problems since Covid. We don't see eye to eye on it and the government. We finally realized there were certain things we needed to avoid talking about to save our marriage. To us our marriage is way more important. I hope you guys can find the way to save your marriage also. 🙏

Thank you for everything you did. You will be missed.

If you are only using 1 beer bottle none will get full. Not enough liquid. If liquid is unlimited 3 will fill first.

Glad to hear god brought the book in to your life.

I believe Anon up is to help keep the light workers and healers connected to help keep the collective positve and of light. Healers are on the outskirts of the battlefield to be there to help when people start to lose hope or feel negative they come back here to be healed. If healers were always on the battlefield they would not have the energy to heal others.

I sent an appeal email last night and was reinstated this morning. I was banned by mistake with a a bot dump. Hopefully your will be fixed soon. 🙂

I got banned also. I only retruthed one truth tonight and was just scrolling through. I also got an email about being banned.

I agree. I had just deleted Facebook and somehow stumbled upon anonup. Ever since it's been the perfect place. It gives truth but is also positive. Truth is a great site but can be very negative at times.

Sending prayers, love and reiki..🙏

I agree. I have a 5yr old and a 6yr old. I hate that I actually have to make sure my girls understand if anyone touches them in their 3 private places to tell mom or dad. That if anyone tells you not to tell something to mom or dad it's the first thing you say to mom and dad. It's a sad world right now to have kids growing up in it. Kids should be able to be kids and feel they are safe.

I know it's so important for us to continue to expose this stuff but it is so hard to watch and hear this crap. He's a hero and so glad for what he's doing.

You need a spot in there for never had twitter. Stopped all main stream social media 4 or 5 years ago. Anon up and Truth are the only social media I have. Anon up is my home and favorite.

That was an era where people cared about others more. Now a days people are in so much of a rush or staring at their phones that they don't care if they are risking someone else on the road.

I feel the same way sometimes. Then I remember we are the beacon of love and light spread around the world to be ready to help others. I believe AU was made to help us stay connected and sane. 🙏

Sending prayers, love and reiki. 🙏

Does anyone know if it's safe to take it while pregnant?

I watched it all on badlands and couldn't believe how rude the democrats were being to the reporters.


Garlic, hibiscus tea and dark chocolate

I didn't count it but I also thought he emphasized April fools alot. Makes me think it's important.

Us lightworks had to have been spread across the earth so that when we activate we can help more people. Including our loved ones that are still asleep. However those asleep ones are there to remind us why we are here.

We are in information warfare. We are at a time where it's so hard to know who is telling the truth anymore. The only thing we can do know is pray to God on the situation no matter if it's true or fake and let him do what he does best. We just have to do our best to keep our vibrations high. 🙏 ❤️

It's always hard to lose a loved one no matter if they are 2 legged or 4 legged. Sending love, reiki and prayers.

Start talking. I could hear him clearly in my head. after she said that's just a start of what we can do now. I woke up feeling like I hardly slept.

I agree. I had a dream two nights ago about sitting at a stop light at night. I saw clouds around 1 clear circled area. In the circle I was seeing purple lightning sprites in front of me. Than a burst of fire spread across sky. I felt it burn through me but was fine. I checked on daughter. She said good. I drove to pick up other daughter. After i picked her up my 6 year old got serious and said mom we cant drive anymore. We need to sit together in the back and just let it happen. I felt another 3 fire shifts across all of us. Than a burst of white light. My daughter than said mom cars won't work. Just relax and than focus on home and hold on to us. She said " OK now open eyes and we were at our house." I said what about dad should we call him. She said no phones. How do i make sure hes ok. She said im sorry mom you cant... hes gone... (hes vaccinated) I said who can i talk to She only Brian is left of family ( my only other unvaccinated family )She said just concentrate on him and star