Janet Love
2 years ago

Janet Love

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Mother of 2 boys, one is in USCG, other wants to be a Marine. Husband is USAF. MAGA, LOVE TRUMP! Hello JFK Jr. WWG1 WGA Philippians 4:13

Mother of 2 boys, one is in USCG, other wants to be a Marine. Husband is USAF. MAGA, LOVE TRUMP! Hello JFK Jr. WWG1 WGA Philippians 4:13

In response arba happihr to her Publication

That would be awesome! It's also my anniversary. Honestly, despite growing up with traditional holiday dates etc., I'm ready to drop the pagan dates and make new traditions!

Mother of 2 boys, one is in USCG, other wants to be a Marine. Husband is USAF. MAGA, LOVE TRUMP! Hello JFK Jr. WWG1 WGA Philippians 4:13

In response Liberty Jennja to her Publication

Very similar photo, however, look at the flag. In the Sep. 11 photo flag is lowered. In Fake Joe photo, US flag isn't lowered and there is the MIA black flag. Now could they have doctored the flag too? Of course. In the end, it really doesn't matter because the entire Joe Biden 2.0 administration is TOTAL FAKERY with CGI and Soundstages/Movie sets. First saw the Biden pic on Twitter. Brainwashed sheeple couldn't understand the difference between a tree with full green leaves vs. a mostly bare tree and an overcast day vs. a sunny day. No doubt these are the 3 jab idiots who are still wearing their homemade cloth mask in their cars.😠

Mother of 2 boys, one is in USCG, other wants to be a Marine. Husband is USAF. MAGA, LOVE TRUMP! Hello JFK Jr. WWG1 WGA Philippians 4:13

In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

Kelli Ann Boatwright on this platform, formerly on Twitter 777KAB and Kelli Ann Hub News on YT was all over the "pinky pull" a couple years ago. She's been the master of decodes when it comes to JFK JR. She also called out MP as being rogue when she emphasized the "Trump Point" before others brought this up. She was recently on with Pryme Minister. Great discussion about her JFK JR decodes. Worth the watch if you haven't seen it and aren't familiar with her work. https://youtu.be/Jo-6E8YFCrk


FOR THE LATEST INTEL & THE DRIPPIEST DRIPS GO T Ohttps://prymeminister.com/**********************************************************************KELLI ANN HU...

Mother of 2 boys, one is in USCG, other wants to be a Marine. Husband is USAF. MAGA, LOVE TRUMP! Hello JFK Jr. WWG1 WGA Philippians 4:13

In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

Juan O'savin has stated the Scare Event will be akin to the Cuban Missile Crises. I believe it's going to involved taking out the 5 Gorges Damn. Think it was Whiplash on Telegram who said the CCP Bitcoin Server is underneath this dam. We all know that Bitcoin is a CCP scam. Then you have psychic JC Kay saying there are going to be massive mud floods all over the world; the worst being in the Asian countries, the worst being near Wuhan, which is near the dam. But the again, she's saying the shedding from vaxxed people to no vaxxed people making them sick, getting blood clots, women bleeding again is all BS and just fear porn. I read an actual document from John Hopkin's research stating they developed a vaccine that can do this sheeding for nefarious purposes. So I'm not sure JC is right about many things. Her heart is good, but just because you want to believe something doesn't exist doesn't make it so.

Mother of 2 boys, one is in USCG, other wants to be a Marine. Husband is USAF. MAGA, LOVE TRUMP! Hello JFK Jr. WWG1 WGA Philippians 4:13

In response Janet Love to her Publication

It sickens me that the medical field, which I've been a part of as a CMA for 30 years, is now pushing these toxic experimental drugs on children. I stepped away from my position a year ago when I saw what was coming from Big Pharma. Physicians bow down to Big Pharma and the CDC. If you question either, you are ostracized. That's why I left. Physicians take an oath to "do no harm" yet are doing this in mass numbers. In the Medical field, the deepest pockets always face the $$$$ prosecutions. Physicians in the country who side with Big Pharma/CDC are going to be prosecuted to the fullest because they are violating the Nuremberg Codes about using experimental drugs on patients and not giving them informed consent. One of the Nazi's who was part of the concentration camps et al was hung simply for not giving the test subjects "Informed Consent." The law suits from this are going to destroy the medical field, physicians, hospitals, the CDC, Big Pharma et al. Med Beds will save humanity.

Mother of 2 boys, one is in USCG, other wants to be a Marine. Husband is USAF. MAGA, LOVE TRUMP! Hello JFK Jr. WWG1 WGA Philippians 4:13

In response Lisa Sistare to her Publication

I have 'heard' Trump had HCQ put into the first batch of Vaccines, but then the cabal started putting in all the toxic elements after Trump was out of office. Again, I've just heard this. Doesn't make it true. I've also heard that President Trump had two scenarios presented to him prior to leaving office. 1. Support the release of vaccines, which are not FDA certified, because they were rushed out. The public would have Free Will, which is what God gave us. OR 2. Hold back on the vaccines until they were FDA certified, which would mean Biden would be in office when certified and make vaccines mandated. The first gives us free will to take or reject the vax. The latter is NWO sick/evil agenda. Neither option is 100% a winner, but the first prevents the vaccine from being forced on all of us awake patriots in the US and the world.

Mother of 2 boys, one is in USCG, other wants to be a Marine. Husband is USAF. MAGA, LOVE TRUMP! Hello JFK Jr. WWG1 WGA Philippians 4:13

In response Mr. Deeds to his Publication

I've given zillions of shots in my 30 years as a CMA. 1. None of these healthcare workers are wearing gloves while administering the injection, which is against universal protocol. 2. Pretty much all of their technique is just horrid! 3. They are NOT injecting the contents but just sticking them. What a joke! Where is this taking place? Obviously the military personnel observing don't know jack shi*t or are in on it.

Mother of 2 boys, one is in USCG, other wants to be a Marine. Husband is USAF. MAGA, LOVE TRUMP! Hello JFK Jr. WWG1 WGA Philippians 4:13

I watched a clip. If that's NOT Kimmel, then it's either a twin or clone. Also had his smart ass personality as well.

Mother of 2 boys, one is in USCG, other wants to be a Marine. Husband is USAF. MAGA, LOVE TRUMP! Hello JFK Jr. WWG1 WGA Philippians 4:13

In response manny iamdjanggo to his Publication

I've been called a conspiracy theorist ever since 911 when I questioned the official government narrative. Here's the deal.
It was the clowns in a America who labeled anyone who challenged the official narrative the government pushed regarding the assassination of JFK, a conspiracy theorist. They did this to put a "negative connotation" on someone who actually used their God given critical thinking skills as opposed to just being lazy and accepting what the government tells you you must believe. So when someone calls me a conspiracy theorist, I take it has a compliment. It means I'm not a brain dead sheeple as they are. So cheers to being one of us!!😎

Mother of 2 boys, one is in USCG, other wants to be a Marine. Husband is USAF. MAGA, LOVE TRUMP! Hello JFK Jr. WWG1 WGA Philippians 4:13

In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

I'm on a college football board. Over a year ago, I started sharing a little bit of what's going on, ie: pedos in hollywood, MSM, Politics etc. cabal runs the world, the Fed, DUMBS and in a very delicate manner, the white rabbit. I got called the usual "conspiracy theorist", a complete nut job, insane, crazy, ignorant et al. I haven't posted since then. Now they have a politics board and I read the comments about current events. I'm actually enjoying reading the posts from these stupid/ignorant/brainwashed idiots because when the SHTF and there's full disclosure of all these facts fore mentioned, I'm going to enjoy returning to the board and posting 17 Smiley Faces on my first post.😎

Mother of 2 boys, one is in USCG, other wants to be a Marine. Husband is USAF. MAGA, LOVE TRUMP! Hello JFK Jr. WWG1 WGA Philippians 4:13

In response dan7gtar Q-Tip to his Publication

That wasn't the same DC at the trial as in the pic of the crime. I think this entire ordeal was just another production and part of the show. I could be wrong, but if you see the list of people that Ezra's Ghost has complied, there are many actors playing roles. Just look at the person playing K. Harris from yesterday. Her mask was coming apart at the seems on her neck. The real Jarod Kushner who was handsome/had dimples was replaced with a really bad double. When this whole thing with George Floyd started, the post Q did with "Hello George" really stuck out to me. I have no doubt there are multiple meanings to that post as 17 always does specific names/comments. I would LMAO if the real GF reveals himself in the near future. Didn't his attorney state GF has died years ago? I seem to recall that. Anyway, if I've learned one thing from this journey, nothing is as it seems.

Mother of 2 boys, one is in USCG, other wants to be a Marine. Husband is USAF. MAGA, LOVE TRUMP! Hello JFK Jr. WWG1 WGA Philippians 4:13

In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

I think the general consensus is that WE THE PEOPLE are READY for this movie to END!! Mike Lindell has stated Trump will be back by August. OK, not great, but I can live with it. Gene Decode just said Trump will be back by October! Nope. Can't wait that long! Our country is being gutted from within and illegals spread out through the nation. Our nation will go through a civil war to STOP all this criminality and corruption IF the military doesn't do their jobs and defend the constitution and our citizens!!! They've had all the forensic evidence of foreign election interference for MONTHS!! But they sit on it while good people suffer, innocent people get thrown in jail and terrorist groups as BLM/Antifa get violent/destroy property (again) and for what? To wake up the brainwashed SHEEPLE? We're told to get more popcorn/enjoy the show. We're told to get more involved locally. OK, I've done that. Will that overturn the 2020 election? Nope. God fearing 2A patriots have had ENOUGH!

Mother of 2 boys, one is in USCG, other wants to be a Marine. Husband is USAF. MAGA, LOVE TRUMP! Hello JFK Jr. WWG1 WGA Philippians 4:13

In response CSPOA JAMES to his Publication

Hello George?

Mother of 2 boys, one is in USCG, other wants to be a Marine. Husband is USAF. MAGA, LOVE TRUMP! Hello JFK Jr. WWG1 WGA Philippians 4:13

In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

What a shame! The real Jarod was handsome. The fill in, looks more like an anorexic, anemic version, minus the dimples. I feel for Ivanka and the child she and Jarod had together.

Mother of 2 boys, one is in USCG, other wants to be a Marine. Husband is USAF. MAGA, LOVE TRUMP! Hello JFK Jr. WWG1 WGA Philippians 4:13

In response Patriot AztekJade to her Publication

Yes the real one is a POS and deserves to burn in hell for eternity. He also made $$$$$ from CV19 vaccines. BTW, the real one is already toast.

Mother of 2 boys, one is in USCG, other wants to be a Marine. Husband is USAF. MAGA, LOVE TRUMP! Hello JFK Jr. WWG1 WGA Philippians 4:13

In response Pale Horse to his Publication

Actually Doc is spot on! There are TWO Dr. Fauci's. The real one and the fake one. This is pretty much par for the course when it comes to numerous people in the public eye we're seeing in this little drama. If you can't see it, that's not Doc's fault; that's all on you.

Mother of 2 boys, one is in USCG, other wants to be a Marine. Husband is USAF. MAGA, LOVE TRUMP! Hello JFK Jr. WWG1 WGA Philippians 4:13

In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

Kelli Ann Boatwright nails it, again. She is master decoder. Has been doing this kind of decodes for over 4 years! Was the first to also decode all things Jr. https://drop.space/v/43rTyV

Mother of 2 boys, one is in USCG, other wants to be a Marine. Husband is USAF. MAGA, LOVE TRUMP! Hello JFK Jr. WWG1 WGA Philippians 4:13

In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

Yup the guy in the video isn't the real Dr. Fraudci. Same with Pelosi and others. As frustrating as it is, we are really watching a movie. Just wish it would end soon!

Mother of 2 boys, one is in USCG, other wants to be a Marine. Husband is USAF. MAGA, LOVE TRUMP! Hello JFK Jr. WWG1 WGA Philippians 4:13

In response stacy roberson to her Publication

I believe this is the man who personally took charge of JFK JR's plane prior to flights et al. His picture has been seen at numerous Trump rallies and there was a lot of info on him back then. Do some digging regarding Jr and you'll probably find info on this man.

Mother of 2 boys, one is in USCG, other wants to be a Marine. Husband is USAF. MAGA, LOVE TRUMP! Hello JFK Jr. WWG1 WGA Philippians 4:13

In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

It's getting very difficult to be awakened and in the 5D conscious opposed to our old 3D. When I hang around co workers or just people I know, I feel bored and out of place. Things I used to think were important in conversations now mean nothing. I almost feel as if I'm looking through people instead of at them because so many have no clue what the truth is. It's a double edge sword; a blessing but also a massive weight to carry 24/7.

Mother of 2 boys, one is in USCG, other wants to be a Marine. Husband is USAF. MAGA, LOVE TRUMP! Hello JFK Jr. WWG1 WGA Philippians 4:13

In response Layney 888 Z- K3K to her Publication

Spiralgraph. Spent hours working on these as a kid. Got an original one that was barely used off of ebay and gave it to my kids when they were both 8 yrs old in 2009. They spent about 30 minutes seeing what they could make, then bored. I sat down and created a few beautiful designs. Love my kids but thankful I was a '70's kid who thrived on being creative and inspired by what I could do with simple tools and not a video game remote.

Mother of 2 boys, one is in USCG, other wants to be a Marine. Husband is USAF. MAGA, LOVE TRUMP! Hello JFK Jr. WWG1 WGA Philippians 4:13

In response 17Commentary 17C to his Publication

Yup. Juan has stated this exact thing numerous times. When all of the treasonous POS are removed (arrested and tried in front of military tribunals), the majority of Congress/Senate will have open seats. There are very few members left who are loyal to the constitution and still have integrity.

Mother of 2 boys, one is in USCG, other wants to be a Marine. Husband is USAF. MAGA, LOVE TRUMP! Hello JFK Jr. WWG1 WGA Philippians 4:13

In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

I've been stating the earth is flat or at the very least concave for the past 5 years. Genesis states the earth is fixed at four corners and the bodies of stars are in the Firmament. There have been many attempts to shoot rockets high into the atmosphere and yet they always seem to hit something that breaks them up. I'm not talking NASA rockets, smaller ones. I believe there is a dome. The Simpson's even foreshadowed this. Firmament contains water. If you look at stars with a strong lens, they are not solid but translucent like ripples of water. We are indoctrinated the earth is a globe since KG. Yet no one can explain to me how the earth spins at 1,040mph, hurls around the sun while massive bodies of water remain in tact at water table levels. Tesla knew the truth. Anyone who believes NASA doesn't know NASA's history. All their pics of earth from 'outer space' are CGI.

Mother of 2 boys, one is in USCG, other wants to be a Marine. Husband is USAF. MAGA, LOVE TRUMP! Hello JFK Jr. WWG1 WGA Philippians 4:13

In response LanieLou _MAGADonian to her Publication

WE know this but look at all the sheeple lining up to take a toxic vaccine that could potentially kill them. Europeans are so much more awake than the dumbed down brainwashed citizens of the United State.

Mother of 2 boys, one is in USCG, other wants to be a Marine. Husband is USAF. MAGA, LOVE TRUMP! Hello JFK Jr. WWG1 WGA Philippians 4:13

In response Penopi Patriot to her Publication

I think one of the hardest things most Christians are going to have to accept and then change their POV is the fact we have not been told about the fact we are meant to ascend spiritually. So many Christians think that if they simply believe John 3:16, that's all they need. While this is certainly at the heart of the message, we are not just bodies without a soul purpose. We have a Soul and are meant to ascend. The church has kept all the info about Chakras and our strong, spiritual powers we possess but have never been taught how to develop them. We are connected to source (God) more than people realize.

Mother of 2 boys, one is in USCG, other wants to be a Marine. Husband is USAF. MAGA, LOVE TRUMP! Hello JFK Jr. WWG1 WGA Philippians 4:13

In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

Can't wait for this to happen!! Despite our state being open, my church has decided to bow down to the CDC and Fraudci and make people attend Easter service wearing a mask. They actually are selling tickets to services so they can control the number who attend. We were not able to attend Christmas services because of the Scamdemic and now they are destroying Easter services. My family will not attend and be forced to wear masks to worship our Risen Lord and Savior. We will hold our own Easter service in our home and celebrate HIS Resurrection. I firmly believe in time, many churches/religions will be gutted because they are connected to the cabal shackles 501c3.

Mother of 2 boys, one is in USCG, other wants to be a Marine. Husband is USAF. MAGA, LOVE TRUMP! Hello JFK Jr. WWG1 WGA Philippians 4:13

In response Stock Azzo to his Publication

Genesis tells us the earth is a circle and fixed at four corners. And there is Firmament above that holds the waters. But go ahead and keep believing what you were indoctrinated to believe from the time you were in the 2nd grade; the earth is a globe spinning at 1,040 mph and hurling around the sun while all the massive water bodies stay in tact at water TABLE.

Mother of 2 boys, one is in USCG, other wants to be a Marine. Husband is USAF. MAGA, LOVE TRUMP! Hello JFK Jr. WWG1 WGA Philippians 4:13

In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

I've been watching Melissa (Freedom Batallion/Red Pill the World) on Rumble. She's done some incredible decodes using the Bible compared to what's happening now. The 17 team has been using dates et al that relate to the Hebrew calendar. She just did a video about the Evergreen cargo ship stuck in the Red Sea. I don't think the big boom events will be on our dates but God's dates, which again, go back to Biblical dates. I've followed numerous patriots but she is the master of applying current events to historical Biblical events etc. Add to that Juan has stuck to his bet that we would KNOW Trump is the real POTUS by April 1. To me, this means we will know he's the legit POTUS but it doesn't necessarily mean Biden is out. We may have TWO POTUS's for a while as per Kim Clement's propecy. Mike Lindell says Trump will be back by August. I'm guessing that means Biden completely axed by then.

Mother of 2 boys, one is in USCG, other wants to be a Marine. Husband is USAF. MAGA, LOVE TRUMP! Hello JFK Jr. WWG1 WGA Philippians 4:13

In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

Jason Q was on with Nick Vieamin recently and said he used Ancestory dot com to decipher that Bill and his lovely manwife were executed in India for their crimes against humanity. I've heard others says the real Gates is deceased. Time will tell. It's baffling how many sheeple listen to his medical advice when in reality, he's nothing but a cheat and a shill.

Mother of 2 boys, one is in USCG, other wants to be a Marine. Husband is USAF. MAGA, LOVE TRUMP! Hello JFK Jr. WWG1 WGA Philippians 4:13

In response Mark Kirin to his Publication

What you posted is exactly what Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot said yesterday in a long interview on her channel. She speaks for me and millions of patriots who have believed in the plan, 17 and Trump. She was told by her military insiders that there was a big rif in the military and that in order for them to do the right thing; as in honoring their oath to the constitution and protecting our freedoms, there was some deal made. Her response to this is mine. WTF?? If Trump or the 17 team had to make some deal with the military to do their sworn duty, then we're in a world of hurt. The longer this goes, the more patriots are going to jump off the 17 train and start taking matters into their own hands. You know more FF's are coming. Trump told us to be calm/stay at home. That's not going to work much longer.