John Andretta
@Jandretta81Notice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/ on line 273

agreed...but why all the MJ posts recently...people really believe he faked his death to work with the Q team?? I know he was very cloe with 45....anythings possible i guess....maybe im not seeing something

I saw NJ in your post and i had to reply....are you still stuck in this hell-hole?? lol i've been in central NJ my whole life....was super excited to see another truth seeker from the state on here....feel free to msg me back...if your still here in the state maybw we can do some good together somehow...look forward to your reply

These people are sick.....

This man is sacrificing EVERYTHING for the cause of an effort to save our country....45 also put it all on the line to save our country.....General Flynn put it all on the line to save our country....sems to be a theme.....perhaps even an example

The fire and patriotism in this kids blood should be an example for all.....truly inspiring.....respect and admiration should be sent his way by ALL patriots



Mindboggling exposure in this videos research....i highly doubt Trump Tower had any idea who they were renting too either....probably done on purpose for optics

Absolute B.S. .....first indictement from Durham then he goes silent to deliver this snake to a probation officer.....hope he flipped big time to get this weak ass slap on the cheeks....should be behind the wall with some real deal predators who can put the fear of God in his punk ass

Hate to say it but our forces have to be engaged globally at all times....South China Sea & Taiwan aint lookin good either....

Much repect to Daniel Lee and the work he does...solid dude with only good intentions....will always suggest his work....glad to see you doing the same brother

well put bro...what its blacked out again tonight??

been waiting for him to post....appreciate the heads up

wish i could believe this....

firmly agreeing with@lovethedonald on this 1..military ops..especially on the scale we're talking about...w the amount of unpredictable reaction/consequence, r not leaking & 62%?? really?? why not a number?? can i get a head count please?? 62% Sir!! who talks like that lol ..but 4 real we all have to stick together right now...and I'm mainly posting to remind us all, including myself, the importance of discernment right now. After 11/3, 1/6 & 1/20 I think we can safely say we have no idea whats going on, all we have is a ton of clues, comms, strange video and events pointing in our favor

we can ask ourselves this did 45 leave Fla yesterday on a C130, have the flight restriction lifted surrounding Mar-a-lago....hit D.C for 56 mins...then land at a Military base too now have found his way nowhere on this continent that isnt military....if he were out as a private citizen the flight restriction over his home would be there...that shit vanished soon as that bird went in the air yesterday....nothing can stop what is coming!!!

some of the flight anomolies ive seen regarding 45 that day and the 21st are def signs something is up....he left Fla yeaterday on a C130 no more air restriction over Mar-a-lago....he landed at a Mil base than gone....yet bidens bum ass got denied mil flight inauguration day...this shit aint over