Anyone know this individual?
Tyler G-S
The INTEL I have is that 62% of Congress, Biden, Harris, etc. HAVE BEEN ARRESTED! Do NOT believe what the mainstream media is reporting! The inauguration for Biden was FAKED at Castle Rock Entertainment Production!! DC is undr seige by our militar! President Trump will be back! For now, the military & FEMA are in control!

firmly agreeing with@lovethedonald on this 1..military ops..especially on the scale we're talking about...w the amount of unpredictable reaction/consequence, r not leaking & 62%?? really?? why not a number?? can i get a head count please?? 62% Sir!! who talks like that lol ..but 4 real we all have to stick together right now...and I'm mainly posting to remind us all, including myself, the importance of discernment right now. After 11/3, 1/6 & 1/20 I think we can safely say we have no idea whats going on, all we have is a ton of clues, comms, strange video and events pointing in our favor

I'd like to see MSM taken out so they stop feeding all the bs to the sheep!

They have torn millions of families apart with all the lies.