Lin Wood (Telegram 8:55) - Why did I do it? Am I crazy? No I am not. Do I want something from President Trump? No I do not. Do I want any recognition in life or death for my efforts. No I do not. I did it for my God. I did it as part of my desire to see a better humanity. I did it for you. I did it for truth. I will keep speaking truth. Please join me in doing so. I am fearless. Please be fearless too. I will keep the faith and continue sharing mine with you. Please keep the faith too. I know in time all will be well. Thanks for listening. God bless you. And God bless America. - Lin
This man is sacrificing EVERYTHING for the cause of truth....in an effort to save our country....45 also put it all on the line to save our country.....General Flynn put it all on the line to save our country....sems to be a theme.....perhaps even an example