Henry Specter
4 years ago

Henry Specter

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In response CM_ Patriot to his Publication

'about to happen" is really getting on my nerves.

In response Vee Wallace to her Publication

Are you sure its not a before/after pic of no make up?

In response Lets Fly to his Publication

haha shiet. i almost didnt catch that

In response Manda Yeah that one to her Publication

haha coin made in china

In response Curly Q+99 to her Publication

WTF. How long has this been going on for?

Roger that!

Hey Pain, what's your thoughts on Trump CPAC speech?

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

Itching for some justice! How about you Vincent?

In response 17Commentary 17C to his Publication

Awesome schedule. Thanks for sharing!

So will March 4th have any significan impact for march? Or is that in April?

In response Mare Qay - WWG1WGA! to her Publication

Why March 4th?

In response Amy Randy to his Publication

Very compassionate of you. Thank you again for your kindness and efforts. God bless you and God bless everyone here going thru the same thing as we all are.

I feel your Pain, I really do. I honestly don't think it shoud be much longer because the military soilders can't stand around for months and months. Faith is getting harder by the day. Everything doesn't make sense, which is probably what they us to feel since this is a very strict military operation. The only thing is keeping my head up is the White House still very dark, military presence still active, and the election fraud has been proven 100 times by now. No way Trump going to let that chill out for 4 years. haha...Shows gotta end sooner or later. I hope this is right

In response Amy Randy to his Publication

You're amazing, thanks Amy. I will only comment postivity from here on out =)

Man i hope its not all about 2024 talk. How can everyone except that when they know he won by a landslide. Heads will explosde forsure

In response Amy Randy to his Publication

Sweet thanks! I hope your not being sarcastic haha

In response Amy Randy to his Publication

busted lol! Honestly tho, i had no idea about the children suffering back then. Now this is much bigger then anything I have wittnessed in my life. The only that matters is justice brought to all those evil scumbags who had a hand in the suffering of those children. SO DAMN SICK.

I got blocked by Ghost now =( I think we gotta tone it down, and just wait it out like everyone else. I got censored without a warning even.

In response Amy Randy to his Publication

can you tell Ghost i am sorry and wont bring that up again. Doesn't patriots deserve a 2nd chance =(

In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

ghost cmon man, how may more weeks are we going to hear actors and so on? Just put some of us out our misery please.

In response Joe Jay to his Publication

You couldn't have said it any better. Were not thorwing FLynn under the bus, were calling out his statements. He said "DONE IN 30", 35 days have passed since the inauguration. He said "hold the wine"...til when?, he said no doubt in his mind that Trump will be President in the next 4 years. Doesn't look that way does it. But all aside, I know they have this master plan proably behind the scenes.

But for ppl like us, all we really know is that the elction fraud was the mos treasouns crime in history...yet we see the ppl who orchestrated the fraud (Biden even admitting it on live tv)..still flapping their mouths and attacking Trump like its nothing. So how do you expect us to sit back and relax and get excited over nothing when its been nothing but let downs month after month. This speech he will deliver will be prob just a pumped up speech for the GOP party. He will say we will not give up, and then speech will be over.

In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

So when will this gong show end lol?

In response Cowboy w2b to his Publication

Does this clock tell us when President Trump is coming back? Probably not

In response Michael American to his Publication

Ive seen so many posts that 30 days are supposed to be epic. I remember i saw somewhere that Feb 1 was delta or something. The dates are all over the place, I cant recall at this moment.

In response d a n n y d A r k Ω to his Publication

How is this interesting? Are you saying that Trump snuck back in DC today and will be inaugurated March 4th? Trying to get our hopes up again, then we get sqaushed.

Love everybody =) and not here to offend anyone, just insanely frustrated at this point.

Yeah man, after March 4th im done with this. I will always support Trump but were getting played like a beautiful violin. None of these dates makes sense anymore. Not one piece of proof or credible source that indicates any of these bad actors are arrested/executed.

Doesn't anyone find it exhausting to get very excited over a Q drop that supposed to mean a significant day/time, but then never pans out...Next, more Q drops pop up indicating more dates further away from us. At what point do we ask, just be straight up with us and tell us WTF is going on. When does this movie end? When will the world know of all these evil actors running the country? This year, next year? 2024?

In response Daryl Trask to his Publication

Worst then pulling teeth to ask someone to produce any credible source or proof that somone high lvl is arrested. I think i've asked for 1000 patirots at this point and the best answer is "do your research". Ive been researching like you wouldn't believe for the last year.

Nothing makes sense, how much longer are going to have to watch this charade? Is the military deployed to stand around for months? March 4th is right around the corner, who wants to take a guess whats going to happen on that day? Next were gonna hear that April 1st is the next big epic day...but in order to confuse the enemies, maybe its June, July, or August. Everyone is an actor, everyone is dead....truth will be revealed, we are wittnessing the great awakening...I would be bitching like this if I saw one BIG name get arrested.

Now we are hearing Sidney Powell quoting "massive evidence coming?" ALL OF THIS HAPPENED IN DEC ALREADY. BY the time they finally get everyone to agree that this election was a scam

In response Sabrina Gal to her Publication

Why is this happening all over again lol? How many times does Sidney Powell have to show proof? This is rediculous. Now were back to Election fraud all over again....

In response WWG1 WGA to his Publication

Bidens have a big swamp bbq! Invite only, and mask mandatory

is 2090 the new Supreme Court date haha? I think its just to review it at that date, year 2100, they will make a final decision on the Nov 3rd election results.

In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

Anyone know where to buy tickets to the swamp tours?