Evie LikeChevy
2 years ago

Evie LikeChevy

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Integrity, Honor, Truth, Justice, Christian, Patriot, #WWG1WGA #SaveTheChildren

Integrity, Honor, Truth, Justice, Christian, Patriot, #WWG1WGA #SaveTheChildren

In response Marti McFly to her Publication

Wow I haven't heard that name in a while. Whereis field? Whathappened to his Kim Pigkasio case in Florida? Where did Timothy Holmseth go?

Integrity, Honor, Truth, Justice, Christian, Patriot, #WWG1WGA #SaveTheChildren

In response AcuLight Patriot to her Publication

Keep fighting. We will win! it's the 1% who change the world.

Integrity, Honor, Truth, Justice, Christian, Patriot, #WWG1WGA #SaveTheChildren

In response Phantom Virus2020 to her Publication

It's a demonic portal. 2/22/22. Pray no evil comes through.

Integrity, Honor, Truth, Justice, Christian, Patriot, #WWG1WGA #SaveTheChildren

In response MeanRoad ___ to his Publication

So true. They will soon be forced to see the truth.

Integrity, Honor, Truth, Justice, Christian, Patriot, #WWG1WGA #SaveTheChildren

In response Julie Nicholls to her Publication

Where is this happening?

Integrity, Honor, Truth, Justice, Christian, Patriot, #WWG1WGA #SaveTheChildren

In response Law & Physics to his Publication

Kim PIGGY, Field McConnell, Timothy Hlomseth
Sainted Anon and Paula Blades have talked about the story. They are on Rumble and Bitchute unfortunately lots of evidence deleted.

Integrity, Honor, Truth, Justice, Christian, Patriot, #WWG1WGA #SaveTheChildren

In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

Seems lime the IRS is on vacation.

Integrity, Honor, Truth, Justice, Christian, Patriot, #WWG1WGA #SaveTheChildren

In response Ziebs 1111 to her Publication

I couldn"t find the post of ToreSays showing the evidence that Jordan was Ghost Ezra. it hard going weeks back through a chat. Sorry

Integrity, Honor, Truth, Justice, Christian, Patriot, #WWG1WGA #SaveTheChildren

In response Ziebs 1111 to her Publication

Hey, Brian, I was working with#FightBack to get Kyle out of jail. We were successful.

You really need to learn the facts before you report. Or maybe your reporting is not based on facts.

You also might want to learn the law on 501(c)(4) foundations.

I do not “control”#FightBack. The foundation is controlled by its Board of Directors. Two of the Board members are tax attorneys.

#FightBack adheres to the law.

I cannot say the same about you and your reporting(?).

But I forgive you, Brian. For you know not what you do and for whom you do it. Knowingly or unknowingly, you work for the enemy.

That is why I pray for you, Brian.

And I also wish you good luck, Brian.

Integrity, Honor, Truth, Justice, Christian, Patriot, #WWG1WGA #SaveTheChildren

In response Ziebs 1111 to her Publication

Brian Cates is a Deep State shill.

Brian Cates is also a liar. He has NEVER spoken with me to learn the TRUTH.

I have NO clients rotting in jail. I do not practice criminal law. And I do not barnstorm the country seeking donations.

#FightBack tried to help Kyle Rittenhouse. What did Brian do? Nothing.

Do the research.
Connect the dots.
Draw your own conclusions.

I pray for Brian Cates.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸

Integrity, Honor, Truth, Justice, Christian, Patriot, #WWG1WGA #SaveTheChildren

In response Ziebs 1111 to her Publication

After#FightBack ceased its efforts for Kyle as requested by John Pierce, it appears that certain individuals formed an entity, FreeKyleUSA, to raise money allegedly for Kyle’s criminal defense fees and expenses.

#FightBack has NO affiliation with FreeKyleUSA.

#FightBack learned that an individual connected with FreeKyleUSA illegally obtained the#FightBack list of donor email addresses and then solicited donations for FreeKyleUSA from the#FightBack email list. These unlawful acts have been documented.

This person is David Hancock.

Hancock is a Deep State shill and a documented conman who has been obsessed (likely in return for considerable compensation) with falsely attacking me and#FightBack with social media posts and websites under a variety of pseudo-names.

Hancock has also been linked to Nicole J. Wade, Jonathan D. Grunberg, and G. Taylor Wilson, the lawyers who filed a frivolous legal claim against me containing allegations clearly intended to smear me. You

Integrity, Honor, Truth, Justice, Christian, Patriot, #WWG1WGA #SaveTheChildren

In response Ziebs 1111 to her Publication

i will look for all of it tomorrow

Integrity, Honor, Truth, Justice, Christian, Patriot, #WWG1WGA #SaveTheChildren

In response Ziebs 1111 to her Publication

FYI Ghost Ezra is Jordan Sather. ToreSays showed the proof on her Telegram channel. Lin Wood Is a Patriot.

Integrity, Honor, Truth, Justice, Christian, Patriot, #WWG1WGA #SaveTheChildren

In response CSPOA JAMES to his Publication


Integrity, Honor, Truth, Justice, Christian, Patriot, #WWG1WGA #SaveTheChildren

In response Duncan Dunn to his Publication

They just did.

Integrity, Honor, Truth, Justice, Christian, Patriot, #WWG1WGA #SaveTheChildren

In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

Wait people think they are real? They think the accounts are real? I have a bridge to sell!

Integrity, Honor, Truth, Justice, Christian, Patriot, #WWG1WGA #SaveTheChildren

In response reaper myer to his Publication

Tom is badass. love his music.

Integrity, Honor, Truth, Justice, Christian, Patriot, #WWG1WGA #SaveTheChildren

In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

I was kicked off August 7th 2020. I never looked back

Integrity, Honor, Truth, Justice, Christian, Patriot, #WWG1WGA #SaveTheChildren

toresays.com telegram and twitch. she is the one of the few showing us the truth. Polly is still good she is on bithchute or rumble. Most of the Q peeps are paytriots that are in bed sharing the same old regurgitated hopium lies. Be careful who you follow.

Integrity, Honor, Truth, Justice, Christian, Patriot, #WWG1WGA #SaveTheChildren

In response THE Godfather to his Publication

It might all be BS. i lost my father and my mother in law this year. There are paytriots trying to sell us hopium to make money. They are sellouts. I believe that there are many cures out there and hidden technologies but a bed that fixes everything in a few hours seems like a tall tale. I find peace in knowing God has a greater plan and the goal for me is to go to heaven and bring as many people with me for the glory of God.

Integrity, Honor, Truth, Justice, Christian, Patriot, #WWG1WGA #SaveTheChildren

In response Evie LikeChevy to her Publication

Thx for all the prayers. Keep them coming. Veronica is still in ICU but she is looking like she is over the hump.

Integrity, Honor, Truth, Justice, Christian, Patriot, #WWG1WGA #SaveTheChildren

In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

More to ponder.

Integrity, Honor, Truth, Justice, Christian, Patriot, #WWG1WGA #SaveTheChildren

In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

He bailed on Trump. He also cast doubt on the symposium today with his backtaracking. It was almost as if his lawyer was his handler.

Integrity, Honor, Truth, Justice, Christian, Patriot, #WWG1WGA #SaveTheChildren

In response reaper myer to his Publication


Integrity, Honor, Truth, Justice, Christian, Patriot, #WWG1WGA #SaveTheChildren

In response sharon pasvant to her Publication


Integrity, Honor, Truth, Justice, Christian, Patriot, #WWG1WGA #SaveTheChildren

In response Made In America to her Publication

private contractor, worked under Brennan, now a whistleblower. She has been dropping truth bombs for years

Integrity, Honor, Truth, Justice, Christian, Patriot, #WWG1WGA #SaveTheChildren

In response Patriotic Realtor to her Publication

ToreSaid.com (searchable transcripts of her show, but not perfect)
Telegram (hundreds by state and some countries, these are the main ones all searchable)
Tore Says + Chat

Integrity, Honor, Truth, Justice, Christian, Patriot, #WWG1WGA #SaveTheChildren

In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

Doq is 100% right. They have sold us out. It's not the t-shirt here and their (they do have expenses) it's much bigger than that. They are all working together to distract us from the truth. They were paid off. Tore Mares of ToreSays caught them in Private Messaging and a Zoom call. She posted some of the transcript redacted names and told them to tell their followers the truth. Instead they banned anyone and everyone that follows her, says her name or even asks a question. Redpill78 banned me and I never posted a single comment. They all work together. Charlie Ward, Simon Parkes, MelK, MelQ on and on. Go research for yourself. You will see. We were played.

Integrity, Honor, Truth, Justice, Christian, Patriot, #WWG1WGA #SaveTheChildren

In response Christina Garner to her Publication

Moron. Look who their friends are. They all hang together and push the same BS. Mel K, Charlie Ward, Simon Parkes. The list is very long.

Integrity, Honor, Truth, Justice, Christian, Patriot, #WWG1WGA #SaveTheChildren

In response 2ne FruAa to her Publication

Their pupose is to trigger fear and panic. Don't answer the door. We all need to stay calm and in control.