Darcy Bachand
2 years ago

Darcy Bachand

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Dragged my Strawman out of the grave to be a part of the Great Awakening. It's now or never, folks. Artist/Free Spirit/Citizen of Earth

Dragged my Strawman out of the grave to be a part of the Great Awakening. It's now or never, folks. Artist/Free Spirit/Citizen of Earth

In response Double Eagle to her Publication

Thank you so much for your kind words and prayers

Dragged my Strawman out of the grave to be a part of the Great Awakening. It's now or never, folks. Artist/Free Spirit/Citizen of Earth

In response Stephanie Foster to her Publication

Yes, we will never know the true toll. Thank you

Dragged my Strawman out of the grave to be a part of the Great Awakening. It's now or never, folks. Artist/Free Spirit/Citizen of Earth

In response Talaga Nightss to her Publication

Thank you

Dragged my Strawman out of the grave to be a part of the Great Awakening. It's now or never, folks. Artist/Free Spirit/Citizen of Earth

In response Sunny Star to her Publication

Whoops- Meant I'm not sure she is a she

Dragged my Strawman out of the grave to be a part of the Great Awakening. It's now or never, folks. Artist/Free Spirit/Citizen of Earth

In response Sunny Star to her Publication

I'm not she is a she. And that applies to all three

Dragged my Strawman out of the grave to be a part of the Great Awakening. It's now or never, folks. Artist/Free Spirit/Citizen of Earth

In response Lincoln Mom to her Publication

Kind of hits home, right?

Dragged my Strawman out of the grave to be a part of the Great Awakening. It's now or never, folks. Artist/Free Spirit/Citizen of Earth

In response George Edmiston to his Publication

I'm about the same on the TV matter. Also agree- we are VERY VERY close to the end of the BS. I felt a change in the aether about 3 weeks back, the balance of power shifted back to we the people. We are in the end game. God wins

Dragged my Strawman out of the grave to be a part of the Great Awakening. It's now or never, folks. Artist/Free Spirit/Citizen of Earth

In response George Edmiston to his Publication

You would think a blind man could see it, but still some are more truth resistent, haha- the 5 people left watching CNN. I don't have a TV, but I see clips online. Looks like Fox are the only legacy media that are actually reporting some real news. The MSM and dirty Deep Staters are desperate to control the narrative. But their web of lies is unravelling. It's a thing of beauty watching them implode

Dragged my Strawman out of the grave to be a part of the Great Awakening. It's now or never, folks. Artist/Free Spirit/Citizen of Earth

In response George Edmiston to his Publication

Sad but true.
The burden has been on our side carrying the weight of all that is going on and trying to wake as many people up as we can.
But the tide is changing and soon the truth will be coming out, there is no stopping it. And when it does, those that are still asleep will be rudely awakened. We will be freed from carrying the knowledge, and then the burden will shift to them. Gonna be a LOT of people hanging their heads in shame when they realize their idols and people they looked up to and trusted are revealed for who they truly are. They are going to need us to help them pick up the pieces and get through

Dragged my Strawman out of the grave to be a part of the Great Awakening. It's now or never, folks. Artist/Free Spirit/Citizen of Earth

In response Montana Ford to her Publication

We are all truly blessed to be here to witness this point in history. Actually I guess I should say to be here making history. The best is yet to come!!!!

Dragged my Strawman out of the grave to be a part of the Great Awakening. It's now or never, folks. Artist/Free Spirit/Citizen of Earth

In response Montana Ford to her Publication

Oh, He IS

Dragged my Strawman out of the grave to be a part of the Great Awakening. It's now or never, folks. Artist/Free Spirit/Citizen of Earth

In response Texas Cowgal to her Publication

Don't apologize, I'm a big girl, I much prefer an uncomfortable truth than a sugar coated lie, haha. It might take a little longer, but we will win this. Set backs just make us more determined. We are truly blessed to be alive at this most unique point in our collective history. Big changes coming

Dragged my Strawman out of the grave to be a part of the Great Awakening. It's now or never, folks. Artist/Free Spirit/Citizen of Earth

We out number 'them', and they know that. Why they have been working tirelessly for centuries trying to dis-empower us by poisoning our air, water, food and minds. But this movement is waking people up. United we are unstoppable. And the ball has started rolling, it can only gain speed from here. SOON

Dragged my Strawman out of the grave to be a part of the Great Awakening. It's now or never, folks. Artist/Free Spirit/Citizen of Earth

In response Texas Cowgal to her Publication

Well, that was a short lived Hoorah, haha. At SOME point in the VERY near future things have to change, the corruption has to be weeded out. Mid-terms coming and the Red Wave gonna be even bigger than last time, but it has GOT to count

Dragged my Strawman out of the grave to be a part of the Great Awakening. It's now or never, folks. Artist/Free Spirit/Citizen of Earth

In response Miss Wide Awake to her Publication

2 weeks to 'Flatten the Perve'

Dragged my Strawman out of the grave to be a part of the Great Awakening. It's now or never, folks. Artist/Free Spirit/Citizen of Earth

In response Miss Wide Awake to her Publication

The 'spin doctors' are running scared. They are losing control of the false narrative, trying desperately to get back in control, but the ship is sinking. I for one am enjoying watching the MSM implode

Dragged my Strawman out of the grave to be a part of the Great Awakening. It's now or never, folks. Artist/Free Spirit/Citizen of Earth

Yeah, adrenochrome guzzling little girl that he is. Pain is coming. I don't think it will be long now. Sensed a change in the tides a couple three weeks back- there was a 'ripple in the Force' so to speak. Dominoes are starting to fall

Dragged my Strawman out of the grave to be a part of the Great Awakening. It's now or never, folks. Artist/Free Spirit/Citizen of Earth

In response Rae of Sunshine to her Publication

Didn't even notice that until you mentioned it,, but yes, it appears to be a wedjat eye

Dragged my Strawman out of the grave to be a part of the Great Awakening. It's now or never, folks. Artist/Free Spirit/Citizen of Earth

In response Patriot AztekJade to her Publication

I think the melting of the ice scenario has to do with the true procession of the equinoxes, the great year, as our known realm is a wheel within a wheel, so the ice is melting on the one side of our realm and being refrozen on the other side as we slowly rotate around the bigger realm. I've taken this snapshot from a documentary I just watched. In it, the narrator presents the most cogent description of how our systems might actually work. The link to the video is here: https://beforeitsnews.com/paranormal/2022/01/lost-history-of-flat-earth-1-7-by-ewaranon-2555991.html Around hour 4 is when he gets into this part

Dragged my Strawman out of the grave to be a part of the Great Awakening. It's now or never, folks. Artist/Free Spirit/Citizen of Earth

In response BRANDON CLAY to his Publication

I will say this, I had to struggle through the first little bit, cause it starts off a bit crazier than even I am (which says a lot, cause I have been firmly lodged down the rabbit hole for decades, haha), but I am SO glad I did. This guy, whoever he is, touches on a lot of issues, and offers new ideas that I had never considered. Very eye opening

Dragged my Strawman out of the grave to be a part of the Great Awakening. It's now or never, folks. Artist/Free Spirit/Citizen of Earth

In response Law & Physics to his Publication

No problem. Have a great day!!!

Dragged my Strawman out of the grave to be a part of the Great Awakening. It's now or never, folks. Artist/Free Spirit/Citizen of Earth

In response Law & Physics to his Publication

Well, that's what 'de facto' means- that the military was in control and he was just a figure head for the people

Dragged my Strawman out of the grave to be a part of the Great Awakening. It's now or never, folks. Artist/Free Spirit/Citizen of Earth

In response Law & Physics to his Publication

I would say he was the de facto president

Dragged my Strawman out of the grave to be a part of the Great Awakening. It's now or never, folks. Artist/Free Spirit/Citizen of Earth

In response Bratty ONE to her Publication

I will agree, the style does seem similar. Ended up watching a short video about John Titor. Hadn't heard that name in a while, haha. I remember him from Coast to Coast, back when it was Art Bell, haha

Dragged my Strawman out of the grave to be a part of the Great Awakening. It's now or never, folks. Artist/Free Spirit/Citizen of Earth

In response Wethe People-UltraMAGA to his Publication

If it is Telegram that is gobbling up your storage- which I'm thinking it is- you will have to manually clear the cache this time, then set it to keep only 3 days or a week max on the app. Don't worry about losing anything. All the channels you follow will still be there, as with anything you put in the saved folder. Since I set mine to 3 days,I have only once had to reclear the cache, but the 'smart' phone I was using crashed, and I am using a loaner from a friend until I get a new one, and this what I'm using now is old and doesn't have much room

Dragged my Strawman out of the grave to be a part of the Great Awakening. It's now or never, folks. Artist/Free Spirit/Citizen of Earth

In response Wethe People-UltraMAGA to his Publication

Do you by any chance use the Telegram App? I like them because they don't store info on a central server, the data is stored on user devices. Which is good, and bad. Because Telegram will consume your free space quickly if you do not change the default settings

Dragged my Strawman out of the grave to be a part of the Great Awakening. It's now or never, folks. Artist/Free Spirit/Citizen of Earth

In response Darcy Bachand to her Publication

I am commenting on my own post, but I don't know how else to do this. Shortly after posting about the weird quake here, I ran across this post, which kind of dovetails into my thoughts on the matter. The map inset includes Mexico. Looking at it, the top line coming across from east to west comes out pretty much at Punta de Mita on the west coast here. Maybe I am not crazy after all

Dragged my Strawman out of the grave to be a part of the Great Awakening. It's now or never, folks. Artist/Free Spirit/Citizen of Earth

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

Just posted moments ago about the odd quake we just felt in Mexico, epicenter off the coast of Punta de Mita, strange. Been here a lot of years and have felt a couple small quakes, there are 3 plates that come together off the coast of PV, but my spidey senses were going off this time- Punta de Mita is sort of a Mecca for the ultra rich. Now looking at this post, the line coming across the middle of the map pretty much goes straight there, and it says that active operations going on. God bless the Patriots!!

Dragged my Strawman out of the grave to be a part of the Great Awakening. It's now or never, folks. Artist/Free Spirit/Citizen of Earth

In response Awake Elf to her Publication

Yeah, I hear you. Was the only child raised by inexplicably (for the time) older parents- old enough to be my grandparents. Got a healthy dose of old fashioned values. Could count on the fingers of one hand how many times I have been to the 'doctor', raised in Canada- where it is 'free', and I am 52 leaning on 53. I don't believe Western medicine is the answer. I pretty much only go if something is broken or needs to sewn back on, haha. If I have got any real problems, I do my own 'doctoring', don't take pills for anything save the occasional pain killer. And I never trusted the Govt either. Been aware of my strawman for nigh on a couple decades now. I just dropped out and ghosted. Almost zero digital footprint. Until recently

Dragged my Strawman out of the grave to be a part of the Great Awakening. It's now or never, folks. Artist/Free Spirit/Citizen of Earth

In response Awake Elf to her Publication

Well, sadly, I agree with you, that there is a certain sector of the populace, that even when shown the truth, will not be able to digest it. It will just be too much for some, the truly indoctrinated, too big of a cognitive dissonance, that they will just shut down, preferring the accustomed bed of lies to the harsh truth. Those people, sadly, will be lost forever. Q said 4-6%. And there is nothing we can do to help them on this plane. It simply is what it is. Spiritual triage.