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Dragged my Strawman out of the grave to be a part of the Great Awakening. It's now or never, folks. Artist/Free Spirit/Citizen of Earth

In response Awake Elf to her Publication

It's a sad commentary on society, seeing the Deep State go to such lengths to reinforce the brainwashing. But the silver lining in that cloud is that they are being forced to go to such lengths, because they can see people are waking up to their BS

🐸 💗 ☮️ 🇦🇺 🇺🇸

In response Darcy Bachand to her Publication

This is the hope I hold on to! I see our govt is talking about bribes like lotto when you get jabbed, our jab numbers are so low the govt is getting desperate!

Dragged my Strawman out of the grave to be a part of the Great Awakening. It's now or never, folks. Artist/Free Spirit/Citizen of Earth

In response Awake Elf to her Publication

Low numbers = awakening. It's not going to be long, I believe the heavy lifting already done. A bit more patience on our side.

🐸 💗 ☮️ 🇦🇺 🇺🇸

In response Darcy Bachand to her Publication

I am trying hard to be patient, it is getting harder as loved ones are booking in for the jab😭

I have lost friends over the last year and people think I am insane.... all that I can handle but knowing family and friends are lining up for this experiment is very hard to accept.

Dragged my Strawman out of the grave to be a part of the Great Awakening. It's now or never, folks. Artist/Free Spirit/Citizen of Earth

In response Awake Elf to her Publication

Yes, I understand. I don't have any living family, but I have friends who have signed up as well. All I can do is tell them my truth and hope they see. And it is very sad when people are presented with facts and yet still choose to believe the insanity/fear proffered by the MSM. I don't like it, but I have to respect their decisions as adults. We all make our choices, and we will all pay the consequences. This may not be a consolation for you, but the simple truth is that we are all just passing through, spiritual beings having a human experience. So things will get resolved, if not on this plane, then in the afterlife. At least that is my belief

🐸 💗 ☮️ 🇦🇺 🇺🇸

In response Darcy Bachand to her Publication

I have accepted it is their descision, it is just frustrating people believe the 6oclock news over the hours of research I have done.

Sad that many dont bother learning more for their own health.

Dragged my Strawman out of the grave to be a part of the Great Awakening. It's now or never, folks. Artist/Free Spirit/Citizen of Earth

In response Awake Elf to her Publication

Yes, indeed. I have a close friend who lives near by, we have talked a lot of late about what is going on. We have come to the conclusion that perhaps some of us were just born different, with inquisitive minds, asking questions instead of just blindly following. I have been this way all my life. As has he. I learned early, in school, that to get good grades you just parrot back what the teacher says. But that didn't answer any of my questions, so I became somewhat of an autodidact, to satisfy my curiosity. I was quiet and kept to myself, didn't foist my opinions on anyone. But my voice has gotten a whole lot louder lately, haha. Because this is the one that is for all the marbles. I went from ghosting, staying out of the system, to couldn't be more in it. I'm on various social media platforms now- which I avoided like the plague before, and I don't care if people disagree with me. I was born for this very moment in time, and I am here, I am not moving

🐸 💗 ☮️ 🇦🇺 🇺🇸

In response Darcy Bachand to her Publication

That is so true, we are all so different and many are just happy to accept what they are told while others want to know how what when and why lol

It is sad how bad school has become, I am so glad my kids question everything and do a lot of real life learning outside of school, even to unlearn some of what they are taught but it also gives them the ability to think for themselves and not just accept something because 'someone in power told them it is how it is'.

I hear you! I avoided twitter until last year and have lost 4 accounts since from posting information on the jab from doctors! Keeps getting me suspended lol

Dragged my Strawman out of the grave to be a part of the Great Awakening. It's now or never, folks. Artist/Free Spirit/Citizen of Earth

In response Awake Elf to her Publication

Haha, yes. My experience with school was that independent thought was not encouraged, but rather 'group think', which is not thinking at all, in IMHO, haha. Glad your kids are independent sorts. Problem solvers are all independent thinkers.
As for Twitter, I only joined to follow Trump, and got banned in the purge about a week after he got cancelled. I never went back.@Jack can bite me. Now I do Gab, Anon Up and Telegram. Telegram has actually become my favorite, It's where I get my 'news' these days, it works like a phone/messenger, but you can also follow channels, and people like Sidney Powell, Lin Wood, Gen Flynn are all on there. And il Donaldo Trumpo, who just might be the real deal, ha. They don't hold all our data on a bank of servers somewhere, it's stored on the users devices. Which is good for privacy, and perforce allows free speech. But you have to set your device to only store 3 days to one week, or else Telegram will gobble up all your memory, haha

🐸 💗 ☮️ 🇦🇺 🇺🇸

In response Darcy Bachand to her Publication

yup I am on those 3 as well, telegram has been great for getting real info.

lol I have often wondered if il Donaldo Trumpo was the real deal, he trolls so well haha

Also telegram has been great for fb groups to have as a back up, last week a jab reaction in Australia group was deleted with 40K+ members.... thankfully they have a telegram group.

Dragged my Strawman out of the grave to be a part of the Great Awakening. It's now or never, folks. Artist/Free Spirit/Citizen of Earth

In response Awake Elf to her Publication

Yeah, unless the internet goes down- which I actually AM expecting to happen at some point, but most likely by the white hats, Telegram is, IMO, the most reliable refuge. I expect that block of internet that was sold by Pentagon just moments before Trump 'left office' to be put to use by Space Force sometime soon, haha

🐸 💗 ☮️ 🇦🇺 🇺🇸

In response Darcy Bachand to her Publication

lol I was just thinking about that bit of net that was sold, certainly some interesting times ahead!

Dragged my Strawman out of the grave to be a part of the Great Awakening. It's now or never, folks. Artist/Free Spirit/Citizen of Earth

In response Awake Elf to her Publication

Yes, we are truly blessed to be living in these, the most exciting of times. Here to witness the rebirth of Earth, as it was meant to be- not the perverted version the Illuminati/Deep State/Global Cabal(whatever you want to call them) has been foisting on us all along.
I have been waiting for this for almost 50 years, since I was 4 or 5. I envisioned a post apocalyptic scenario- Mad Max, haha. And I saw myself as a warrior, helping people through, assumed I would most likely die at the end of a blade in the doing, at some point. Had it not been for the intervention of the Patriots and their Allies worldwide, I truly believe that is what would have happened, and that it would have happened 20 years ago, when I was in my prime and ready for 'battle'.
But it seems that the timeline has been altered, to mitigate unnecessary blood letting and casualties. This past year has not been great, in so many ways- but it could have been SO much worse.God bless them for doing the dirty work for u

🐸 💗 ☮️ 🇦🇺 🇺🇸

In response Darcy Bachand to her Publication

I have to keep on reminding myself it could have been a lot worse, especially when I hear loved ones going for the jab, living in such fear, it is heartbreaking.

I do worry our govts are going to make it harder for us, I just hope we have changed timelines and massive war, famine and destruction (of good) can be avoided.

For years I have dreamed of a better world, every human having access to food, shelter and clean water, that the evil be extinguished and only love remains, hopefully it will arrive for us all soon.

Dragged my Strawman out of the grave to be a part of the Great Awakening. It's now or never, folks. Artist/Free Spirit/Citizen of Earth

In response Awake Elf to her Publication

I believe that the heavy lifting is already done. That most of the self imposed 'rulers' have been unseated already, or neutered. What remains is clean up and waking the sheeple up, showing them what has been going on for centuries. The majority of the population has to see before the military- worldwide, as this is like the biggest RICO sting ever- can move in to start rolling in the new system (Nesara/Gesara). If enough people are not at least somewhat aware of the scale of corruption- for want of a better word- there could be panic and possibly uprisings, thinking the military is pulling off a coup- instead of the exact opposite- protecting us from the biggest coup ever attempted on the face of Earth.
I think we are almost there. I think by the end of summer, things are going to be looking a whole lot different.

🐸 💗 ☮️ 🇦🇺 🇺🇸

In response Darcy Bachand to her Publication

I have seen a fair few red pill main stream news articles lately that I hope will wake up more, I understand the need to go slow but I do worry too many are far too brainwashed to change.

Dragged my Strawman out of the grave to be a part of the Great Awakening. It's now or never, folks. Artist/Free Spirit/Citizen of Earth

In response Awake Elf to her Publication

Well, sadly, I agree with you, that there is a certain sector of the populace, that even when shown the truth, will not be able to digest it. It will just be too much for some, the truly indoctrinated, too big of a cognitive dissonance, that they will just shut down, preferring the accustomed bed of lies to the harsh truth. Those people, sadly, will be lost forever. Q said 4-6%. And there is nothing we can do to help them on this plane. It simply is what it is. Spiritual triage.

🐸 💗 ☮️ 🇦🇺 🇺🇸

In response Darcy Bachand to her Publication

There certainly will be a number who wont believe it and a number who wont cope.

I have always doubted so much since I was a kid so I kind of grew up feeling the world wasnt how it should be and well I have never trusted govt or big pharma either lol

Yeah, I hear you. Was the only child raised by inexplicably (for the time) older parents- old enough to be my grandparents. Got a healthy dose of old fashioned values. Could count on the fingers of one hand how many times I have been to the 'doctor', raised in Canada- where it is 'free', and I am 52 leaning on 53. I don't believe Western medicine is the answer. I pretty much only go if something is broken or needs to sewn back on, haha. If I have got any real problems, I do my own 'doctoring', don't take pills for anything save the occasional pain killer. And I never trusted the Govt either. Been aware of my strawman for nigh on a couple decades now. I just dropped out and ghosted. Almost zero digital footprint. Until recently

In response Awake Elf to her Publication

Only people mentioned by @Darcy_Bachand in this post can reply

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In response Darcy Bachand to her Publication

I agree, Western Medicine is great for some things but so much we can do to help ourselves! My daughter who is months off being an adult has gone to the doctors only twice in her life!

The ONLY thing on my bucket list is to meet + HUG all involved in #THEGREATAWAKENING (Q know who Q are). God bless every one. Exodus 8

In response Awake Elf to her Publication

I have a sibling who works in Infectious Control .. you should see her daughter after years of vaccines .... so sad and she has a heart of gold. She's always sick😔

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Love God, my country, our military and FREEDOM which isn't free.

In response Darcy Bachand to her Publication