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Danny James
Danny James
9 months ago

Danny James

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In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

Can I trade my bit(shit)coins for XRP?

In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

I miss Field and hope he is well. Well said about him, absolute fearless gangster!
I feel humbly proud that I emailed John B Wells on Caravan to Midnight way back in the day, saying he had to get Field on his show. John responded to me and had Field on that week! I felt like I did a good thing connecting those 2 legends as a simple fan and follower.

In response Serah Oceane ♡ to her Publication

Coral should be hence forth known as Quarrel 😂

In response Chris David Bell to his Publication

Always felt it deep down to be true, especially when everything “clicked” in Oct 28 2017 and on. I never thought I’d be going through cancer (for a 2nd time)! now during the SHTF flip, while being what I thought was an extremely energetic healthy 41 year old just about to have another quantum leap in my music career, all while being weirdly psychicly tapped into this movement, the future, angelic realm etc. it’s all so surreal I have trouble comprehending it all mentally, but my spirit is doing all kinds of work and connection beyond my conscious mind, I can just feel it.

In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

Feel incredibly blessed to be alive to witness these times and massive shifts!!🙏🙏🙏

In response Joe Qanada UM to his Publication

What city? This should be rinsed and repeated on every city with this crazy demonic schoolboard issue!

In response Joey DarktoLight to his Publication

Anons are badass they covered everything I was going to mention! I did not see CBD on there though which to my experience has the most dramatic (can drop it too low for some people) dropping of blood pressure!

In response Marla DuBois to his Publication

I wait an hour or 2 to take it after I eat so it’s a semi empty stomach haha. I’m also taking Albendazole. No Mendendazole though.
Yes, this is why I sought out an integrative clinic. I had testicular cancer 18 years ago when I was 22 and now have colon cancer at age 41 my guess is the chemo years ago which was absolutely awful left me exposed to DNA damage from heavy metal and toxins which led to this 2nd cancer. I could not bare the thought of conventional chemo again so I’m spending my life savings doing all these treatments including IPT low dose chemo (so gentle and humane!) at an integrative clinic, who thank God know about Ivermectin and are anti-vax etc. and that’s even in CA! But there’s so much you can do at home. Check out the holy hydrogen water and all the studies. Also look for a high dose vitamin C IV (75-100grams) clinic near you if you have one. It’s not too expensive and is a great cancer killer and immune system protector. I do 2 high dose vit C IVs a week.

In response Marla DuBois to his Publication

I take all my meds about an hour after dinner. I haven’t noticed any issues or upset stomach on anything except for Metformin which is another old repurposed drug being used for cancer. But Ivermectin and fenben I’ve had zero issues. I get my Ivermectin at the clinic yes. And the fenden from the link I sent you. Yes lots of good studies on Ivermectin for cancer and fenben (less on that one but plenty of anecdotal testimonies on it!) I wouldn’t consider any of it a “cure all” per say but more about hitting the cancer from every possible angle. Which these things all do something to flip genes on/off or block pathways that cancer feeds or kill parasites that are actually causing the cancer. The deeper I go into research the more it really seems cancer is more of an infection, related to bacteria/parasites than anything! And I treat it mentally like I’m just treating an infection. Makes it less scary of a scenario.

In response Marla DuBois to his Publication

Yep I’m taking all of that! (And more haha). This is the fenden I take. My cancer center recommended it. I’ve had no issues taking it!
Fenben LAB Fenbendazol 222mg, 30 Caps, Purity >99%, Certified Third-Party Laboratory Tested, Analysis Report Included

In response Marla DuBois to his Publication

Also vitamin C, D (10,000-15,000 IU) Vitamin E (helps ivermectin work!) and Black Cumin Seed Oil, Barley Grass powder, manuka honey, raw unfiltered olive oil, natto K, garlic and broccoli sprouts in high dose capsule, green tea capsule as well. Turkey Tail mushrooms (10-20grams) and Cats Claw is a great DNA repair for chemo damage. All these little things together help to limit cancer’s pathways and activate our own immune system.

In response Marla DuBois to his Publication

Not nosy at all! I’m happy to help!
Yes, I’m seeing an integrative cancer clinic in Irvine CA, Cancer Center For Healing it’s called. I get the Ivermectin and Albendazole in capsule form from them. I’m also doing low dose fractionated chemo there. Expensive but it does the job without quite the carpet bombing effect of the whole body that conventional chemo has.
Re: fenben, I’m taking the ones on amazon but I order from the actual manufacturer’s site and not amazon. I’ve tried both brands that say they lab verify. Fenben Labs and I forget the other one but it’s the only other brand with capsules you can find. A guy I follow called “Greg the Hydrogen Man” recommends Fendben paste from chewy but I prefer capsules so hoping the ones I got are ok! 🤷‍♂️
Also look into Hydrogen Water from (only legit Hydrogen Water machine on the market) but has massive benefits for cancer and protecting against chemo!

In response Marla DuBois to his Publication

12mg of Ivermectin daily for last 2 months and probably on it for another 6 months or more. Fenben at same time but only for 3 days then off for 4 days each week. Also on Albendezole and I get an IV of Artisinate twice a week which is an anti-malarial that also has strong anti-cancer effects. Also getting 125grams of Vitamin C IV twice a week which is insane amount of Vitamin C. It’s pretty tough on my body but it does wonders!

In response Marla DuBois to his Publication

I get my Ivermectin at the Integrative cancer clinic I’m doing my treatments at. Fenbendazole I’m getting online in capsule, I didn’t want to deal with paste or powders. I think it’s all working, I feel amazing! And feel like I’m cancer free! We’ll know soon!

In response America First to her Publication

Thank you, I’m doing all of those and much more for it!🙏

In response Carole Parnell to her Publication

Omg I used to looooove watching all those older UFO TV documentaries. So many of those soccer ball sized white orbs flying around South America and UK. Man I would really love to know the TRUE HUMAN/EARTH STORY ONE DAY!!!!

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

You’ve got me inspired to compose a piece of music with these sacred ratios and geometries!

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

Just FYI, it takes 72 hours for apoptosis to really kick in, it jumps from 20% to 350% at 72 hours and up to 750% at 7-9 days fasting. I’m about to embark on this for my cancer. Should be fun.. not! 🤣 but should be quite effective and flushing cancer/zombie cells. Also coupled with Hydrogen Water and Ozone Water!

In response Hyssop Cedar to her Publication

Woah! Interesting!
Thanks for sharing!!

In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

They can’t be the same if Elon voted for Biden, unless he was kidding😂
Elon responding to VK is a bonk you over the head confirmation of awesomeness any way you slice it!!

In response Kim Runner to her Publication

Now that is about as slap you in the face over the top boom of a boom of epic boomportions as you could ask for!!

In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

Ever since Juan has been talking about the moon being an ancient spaceship, and my monthly full moon emotional funk; I’ve been saying “F the Moon!!”🤣

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

So sorry for your loss VK. For some reason losing a pet is harder for me than a human. My cat who was my soul familiar passed away from cancer last summer, then a month later I was diagnosed with the same cancer he had. Little dude was trying to take it from me energetically it felt like. I cried hard for months over his passing. He visits in dreams quite often. I know I’ll see him again in the life between death and birth.

In response Tree Tone to her Publication

out of all the herbs I’ve tried CBD (real good quality, there’s a lot of cheap fake stuff out there) makes a massive impact on blood pressure. It can go too LOW too if anyone has a condition with that, be careful. Also square/box breathing. When mine is too high at the Dr.s we recheck while I do slow box breathing (in for 4, hold for 4, out for 4, hold out for 4) and my BP will drop significantly.

In response 17Commentary 17C to his Publication

so true!!! biggest thing I’ve noticed within myself and my family (also anons) with this is watching out for unchecked anger. after I was diagnosed with cancer again in 2022 I realized I had let a large but under the surface ocean of anger build, IMHO is one of the main causes of anger. so all this build up of anger watching the deep state getaway and sorta disappointment as thus far ar lack of action (until now finally!) was like frog boiling slowly in anger soup. keep an eye out for that wound patriots! don’t STAY in anger!

In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

massive! I’ve been likening what Elon is doing to preparing the soil, we’re getting the weeds out, turning the soil with fresh compost and set to fertilize the info with Anons soon here!

In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

massive! I’ve been likening what Elon is doing to preparing the soil, we’re getting the weeds out, turning the soil with fresh compost and set to fertilize the info with Anons soon here!

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

Best thing to happen to Government since 1776!

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication

a well organized tax rebellion would certainly send a crushing blow!

In response LightHeartAnon • LHA to her Publication

dang that’s crazy!!!! and exciting!!! glad they got that fire put out!!! ol’ Zues was on one!!