Marla DuBois
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A passionate seeker of the TRUTH who definitely was not created 2 fit In I definitely was created 2 stand out"
It's never been about health or a cure...its about big pharma and hospitals scheming for profit.
This doctor calls it "politics."
If a hospital admits a COVID-19 patient, they get paid $13k.
If that COVID-19 patient goes on a ventilator, the hospital gets paid $39k---three times as much.
While HCQ is better known, has fewer side-effects, and costs about $20 a dose for out-patients, Remdesivir is a therapeutic course that costs $2,340/patient that has been proven to cause liver damage. Being intravenous, remdesivir requires expensive hospital care (hospital receives an addl $13k from Medicare.)
There have been many accounts of hospitals placing non covid patients on covid floors...increasing exposure and the hospital's chance of cashing in more. This is why some hospitals refuse to allow family in. It's not a "safety" protocol.

#FamilyIsEverything MAGA Proud Navy Dad They are all Fooked
all i want for Christmas is a vacation on anon island . truly . god bless us all

so the person who made the cover of Time Magazine is Vladimir Zalinsky! What a crappy show this is!
What are the people of this country suppossed to do? Another stolen election in Georgia, MSM lying, etc, etc, etc
So we as a country start protesting in the streets to get our voices heard? Where is our military? I am beyond livid!!!!

why did fake Biden have a wedding for a granddaughter on the grounds of the white house? i have heard he has never stepped foot in the white house! was this a mivie set? can someone explain?

Think you're bang on, WIP 💯
I know people are worried about President Trump's SAFETY
but there is no need to worry.
When you think of the 100's of assassination attempts
on our President & his family
& on the White Hat Global Leadership — Putin, Xi, Modi, etc.
& they're STILL HERE
it's a miracle
& a testament to the brilliant White Hat Military Operations
& Soldiers ⚔️🎖️⚔️
This is just my personal opinion, but I believe
President & Commander-in-Chief Trump's Guardians
are from all frequencies, dimensions & densities:
Earthly, Galactic & Celestial.
This is God's plan. His chosen agents have got this.
11-20 🇺🇸 Juan O Savin
“We got a great President
wonderful guy
the biggest problem at the White House for the President
He’s got a hard time
to get all those angels to move around freely
cuz there are so many of ‘em” 😇🕊️🛸💥

1st QtheGathering was 2023! Supporter of Q& Q+,Vets, Family& Soul Tribe Vibes! Gratitude & Love for God, Jesus, Mother Mary

1st QtheGathering was 2023! Supporter of Q& Q+,Vets, Family& Soul Tribe Vibes! Gratitude & Love for God, Jesus, Mother Mary

Is the pope next and how soon can we expect this news?

"It" has Fallen[.]🐸🇺🇸🇺🇳🐸🔔

Good riddance to bad rubbish.

can anyone comment when the FDA and CDC will be exposed for their lies? please someone comment!!!!!!!

Need prayers that family and friends will not be swayed to get a dangerous booster shot that could possibly be released without any human clinical trials. I keep hearing maybe this weekend.. Can anyone comment about a release date. I thought I read Supreme Court had stopped them due to them being so dangerous.

several questions from occurrances yesterday
1. Hoover Dam damage?
2. Fire at Stonehenge?
So ready for the ending and all ds exposed!
my patience is wearing thin and know many of you as well want this to end!

Can anyone answer these questions?
Who approves money being sent to Ukraine? Biden sending 400 million more! Where is it coming drom and who signed off on this approval?
Secondly since Biden is illegitimate how can any executive order be effective on abortion? The Supreme Court stated it goes back to the states to make the laws on abortions.
Third is When is this movie nightmare going to end and we get our country back?. I am one fed up American!

Guess I just need to vent. So much in the news seems to all be going Deep States ways as they continue to destoy this country. I know things are going on behind the scenes, but when are some big breaking things going to occur? People are getting very weary! How much longer must we endure?

Sussman found not guilty! Ugh! Not happy with this verdict! How much longer do we have to wait on indictments?

Energy Shifter helping the World Transform their lives into the New Earth! Host of Soul Talk Soul Life Media Patriot to the Core...

I want this s - - - t show presidency of Biden to end!!!!!

Highly disappointed no indictments this week!!!!

Anyone know for certain if this is a BIG BOOM week? Hope so!!!!!

MSM is sure going overboard with their lies about Russia attacking a maternity hospital! When is MSM going to be found out and people turn on them for the bogus stories? please comment!

Anyone have updates if FDA released 10,000 pages regarding the Pfizer Covid vaccines info today?

Any comments on Hillary accepting foreign donations from Ukraine?

i just read a very disturbing article and feel i need to get this word out. John Hopkins University is training “ambassadors” to talk parents into getting their young children vaccinated against covid. Pfizer is a major donor to John Hopkins. Pass this along to all you know. Children 6 months to 5 do not need to be vaccinated! Sick

I just spoke to a very close friend. Her daughter js a pharmicist and her son and her son and daughter are getting their 2nd covid shots today. I am so worried and also appauled with her decision. I want to speak up but know I could lose a great friend. Heartbroken!

So now that more people are awake to the fraud of these covid vaccines, what can people do to remove or reduce the damage to their bodies as a result of these dangerous vaccines? Read a report from whistleblowers with the militaryand it is so worrisome as the health issues increase with the military.

Fake MSM NBC just gave the fakest number of chikdren in tge hospital! They did not even mention the report from the CDC on 75% of covid deaths had at least 4 comorbidities! Such blatant lying media!