Connie Fox
@ConnieFox50Notice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/ on line 273
Digital soldier for God and family. Original Baby Boomer, Trump supporter. Followed by JUAN O SAVIN, General Michael Flynn, Mark Levin.

Digital soldier for God and family. Original Baby Boomer, Trump supporter. Followed by JUAN O SAVIN, General Michael Flynn, Mark Levin.
These heart events as reported in this JAMA article do not seem to be that big a deal in terms of overall numbers (unless, of course, it happens to someone you love). The body has other organs that could be adversely affected as well. And why did these symptoms show up, in nearly all cases, after the second injection? There's so much we don't know. Why take a chance by experimenting with our military personnel? With ANYBODY, and especially our children! Let's say your grown child has an implantable heart device to monitor a congenital condition, discovered only recently. Then he took a non-MRNA vaccine two months ago, contrary to your advice but after doing lots of research on his own. He had been doing fine. But now, all of a sudden, he must see a valve specialist at the age of only 50, and is facing surgery to correct what had been fully controlled. Coincidence? This mom doesn't think so.

Digital soldier for God and family. Original Baby Boomer, Trump supporter. Followed by JUAN O SAVIN, General Michael Flynn, Mark Levin.
How tragically uninformed! "Iatrogenesis: Needless harm caused to a patient by a member of the medical or dental profession." I remember that clearly from Dental Hygiene School at The University of Texas! We, too, had to take an oath to "do no harm." As a Registered Dental Hygienist I took that very seriously.

Digital soldier for God and family. Original Baby Boomer, Trump supporter. Followed by JUAN O SAVIN, General Michael Flynn, Mark Levin.
Beirie, your point is valid. This is a confusing situation for many. Somewhere in my archives I have a lengthy explanation from MJTruth on how and why this happened. Basically he likened it to war, which is the situation in which we find ourselves. In war, leaders often have to choose the lesser to two bad situations. Remember: Trump inherited this from a previous administration and went into this pandemic with no real knowledge of medicine--knowing full well that there were many around him he could not trust. That proved to be true. So I give President Trump a lot of credit for doing as well as he did. In the end, it remains the choice of each individual. I stay healthy on certain supplements and recently learned that one can make HCQ by boiling the skins of grapefruit and lemons for two hours, then straining the liquid and placing it in Ball canning jars, refrigerated. Two tbsp twice a day recommended. Haven't had a chance to run this by my doctor, but food is a miracle medicine.

Digital soldier for God and family. Original Baby Boomer, Trump supporter. Followed by JUAN O SAVIN, General Michael Flynn, Mark Levin.
Bob Joyce already had my allegiance and respect before this came out. I'll add kudos to your hat-tip to Bob--a good man and a hard-working patriot. Interesting that I recently read that Meghan Kelly is the highest-paid female at FoxNews. Wonder whether this situation has anything to do with it. I did not recall the salary figures that were compared, but I'm sure this info would be searchable.

Digital soldier for God and family. Original Baby Boomer, Trump supporter. Followed by JUAN O SAVIN, General Michael Flynn, Mark Levin.
In BestNewsHere, I read the details of the HRC execution by hanging at GITMO on Monday night, April 26, just after 9 p.m. Comey was forced to watch, they reported. He had bragged that he could withstand any form of torture, but upon seeing HRC's lifeless nude body, he "sang like a canary." Comey's spill would then lead to the full details of Obama and Biden's roles. Perhaps that's exactly what happened.

Digital soldier for God and family. Original Baby Boomer, Trump supporter. Followed by JUAN O SAVIN, General Michael Flynn, Mark Levin.
Registered Dental Hygienist, now retired, doing my part too.

Digital soldier for God and family. Original Baby Boomer, Trump supporter. Followed by JUAN O SAVIN, General Michael Flynn, Mark Levin.
Re Fauci about to be exposed: After four decades of harming humanity in vast numbers, it's about time this charade ended.

Digital soldier for God and family. Original Baby Boomer, Trump supporter. Followed by JUAN O SAVIN, General Michael Flynn, Mark Levin.
We were TOLD that Patrick only lived two days. But we don't know the other circumstances. I have long thought that perhaps he had a health condition or was placed in foster care for his safety. In other words, there are reasons beyond our understanding. I prefer to believe that Patrick is alive and well, and is serving in this great cause. I have read posts by him and had no reason to question the truth of what he said. I'm thrilled that he's back.

Digital soldier for God and family. Original Baby Boomer, Trump supporter. Followed by JUAN O SAVIN, General Michael Flynn, Mark Levin.
Proud to be an American, a Texan, and a Trump supporter. Number One, of course, I'm blessed to be God's little girl, a daughter of the King. Someone once thought that meant I'm the daughter of Elvis Presley. No, but I'm definitely a fan. You've put together a great team, and I'm proud to be one of President Trump's original supporters. I knew he could very well be God's man for the job, and he is! So very grateful.

Digital soldier for God and family. Original Baby Boomer, Trump supporter. Followed by JUAN O SAVIN, General Michael Flynn, Mark Levin.
Good medicine!

Digital soldier for God and family. Original Baby Boomer, Trump supporter. Followed by JUAN O SAVIN, General Michael Flynn, Mark Levin.
Seeing is believing! I've heard of entire cities underground, and speculations about Antarctica. For a visual learner, this is gold.

Digital soldier for God and family. Original Baby Boomer, Trump supporter. Followed by JUAN O SAVIN, General Michael Flynn, Mark Levin.
Glad this made you laugh, Unfortunately I'm unable to share names of businesses. The most friendly are locally owned, and I don't want to cyber-bully the larger companies and get banned. My hope is that people will find a way in their own communities to share their experiences, whether it's over the backyard fence or in a private group. I've started keeping my own list too. Generally the small businesses will be more lenient with masks, whereas large entities will pride themselves on sticking with CDC guidelines.

Digital soldier for God and family. Original Baby Boomer, Trump supporter. Followed by JUAN O SAVIN, General Michael Flynn, Mark Levin.
Perhaps it is been switched to HCQ. With America's Frontline Doctors on his team, I can't imagine Trump advocating a harmful vaccine. Originally he was misled, I believe, by Fauci and team. But as information came out (and it's hard to know the timeline), he made a low-dose HCQ available in the vaccine--or intended to.

Digital soldier for God and family. Original Baby Boomer, Trump supporter. Followed by JUAN O SAVIN, General Michael Flynn, Mark Levin.
Update to this morning's post, received early this afternoon from a friend, who reported: "Aircraft carrier Eisenhower is in the Suez Canal. Evergreen Content have been discovered. Get ready. . . . We are unloading EverGiven. Not pretty." Please pray for everyone involved, especially for strength, wisdom, and protection.

Digital soldier for God and family. Original Baby Boomer, Trump supporter. Followed by JUAN O SAVIN, General Michael Flynn, Mark Levin.
Tell Fauci what's actually happening in Texas: We're out working hard in our yards and gardens, restoring what we lost in the Great Freeze. We're showing up to help one another, as always. We're getting plenty of Vitamin D, eating right, and taking our supplements. We have groups through which we notify one another which busineses are not insisting on masks (some, not even for staff, which is wonderful). We call managers or corporate to report rude personnel. We share tips, like saying, "I can't wear a mask. I have CS." Response: Oh, okay. BTW: CS stands for Common Sense.

Digital soldier for God and family. Original Baby Boomer, Trump supporter. Followed by JUAN O SAVIN, General Michael Flynn, Mark Levin.

Digital soldier for God and family. Original Baby Boomer, Trump supporter. Followed by JUAN O SAVIN, General Michael Flynn, Mark Levin.
Interesting. Very similar, if not identical, findings as those of the Italian Ministry For Health. They did autopsies, too, despite the fact that they were not allowed, and found the same cause: a bacterium leading to embolisms that then shut off vital oxygen supply.

Digital soldier for God and family. Original Baby Boomer, Trump supporter. Followed by JUAN O SAVIN, General Michael Flynn, Mark Levin.
All alive and working hard on behalf of our nation, President Trump, and the entire world--along with many others we thought we had lost. May God bless each and every one!

Digital soldier for God and family. Original Baby Boomer, Trump supporter. Followed by JUAN O SAVIN, General Michael Flynn, Mark Levin.
Masks also upset the normal oxygen/carbon dioxide ratio, which is a very delicate system in the body. On two occasions, both at medical facilities that required masks, my normal BP skyrocketed when my ratio was thrown off by breathing too much carbon dioxide. In both cases, medical personnel were alarmed, and I felt myself getting into trouble fast. I have medical documentation to prove that my CO2 went out of normal range, and chart info that should show the beginning of a medical crisis in both cases. I also have previous documentation of these test results without a mask (CO2 within normal range and no resulting BP spike).

Digital soldier for God and family. Original Baby Boomer, Trump supporter. Followed by JUAN O SAVIN, General Michael Flynn, Mark Levin.
Just saw an image on Facebook that showed a jack-knifed Evergreen truck blocking a busy highway in China. The accompanying blurb said it just happened. Same shade of green and same logo that I saw on the ship stuck in the Suez Canal.

Digital soldier for God and family. Original Baby Boomer, Trump supporter. Followed by JUAN O SAVIN, General Michael Flynn, Mark Levin.
Expect this to be HUGE!

Digital soldier for God and family. Original Baby Boomer, Trump supporter. Followed by JUAN O SAVIN, General Michael Flynn, Mark Levin.
President John F. Kennedy, January 20, 2021, at the age of 103, of a stroke. This is what I've been told by a close source.

Digital soldier for God and family. Original Baby Boomer, Trump supporter. Followed by JUAN O SAVIN, General Michael Flynn, Mark Levin.
It's my understanding that Kayleigh is the first child of JFK and Carolyn. Apparently their first date went very well. After that came two sons, though not the sons of Carolyn--Ezra Cohen-Watnick, and Austin (with a different last name that I don't have in front of me at the moment). I believe their first child after they were married was JFK III, called Tripp. There were several more children, perhaps two, but I do not know their names.

Digital soldier for God and family. Original Baby Boomer, Trump supporter. Followed by JUAN O SAVIN, General Michael Flynn, Mark Levin.
I heard that today was Barron's birthday, and they would be celebrating in Britain. President Trump would be going with Diana. I didn't hear about a situation that needed to be quelled, though come to think of it I saw a video of a gentleman pushed by a gang of thugs and knocked unconscious by the fall (assuming I understood this correctly). As of yesterday, no one I know in UK knew anything about Diana being queen, though they would be delighted.

Digital soldier for God and family. Original Baby Boomer, Trump supporter. Followed by JUAN O SAVIN, General Michael Flynn, Mark Levin.
I used to be 60, but that was 14 years ago. I have seen people age quite differently, depending on many factors. I have long believed Diana is alive, and so are many others. Looking forward to more!

Digital soldier for God and family. Original Baby Boomer, Trump supporter. Followed by JUAN O SAVIN, General Michael Flynn, Mark Levin.
Beautiful. I had a stray cat show up long ago, and I sent her away because I had just given my dog away during the OIl Crunch, early 80s. It seemed like a mean trick, but God doesn't play mean tricks. She returned the next day and had the nerve to rub against my leg, as if to say "Please." Again, I sent her away. (Not a proud moment.) I told my husband, who explained, "That's the cat I've been feeding. I think she's pregnant." True. And, with love, she became the most beautiful white cat with blue eyes! Her son, an orange tabby whom we kept, was a hoot. Funniest pet we've ever owned. Kept us in stitches, while she brought grace and beauty. Your beautiful dog reminds me of our own story. It still warms my heart to remember what God taught me about the power of love--through a mangy stray cat who simply needed a loving home to become what God intended.

Digital soldier for God and family. Original Baby Boomer, Trump supporter. Followed by JUAN O SAVIN, General Michael Flynn, Mark Levin.
Never in history has a patent been needed for a virus. Think about it!

Digital soldier for God and family. Original Baby Boomer, Trump supporter. Followed by JUAN O SAVIN, General Michael Flynn, Mark Levin.
You are quite right. My reliable source said it was a private Presidential Inauguration with only President Trump (who actually ran uncontested), the new VP, and their wives. I have confirmation that "107" is VP, aka Juan and JFK (Jr), though he has dropped the Jr, especially with the passing of his father on January 20 due to a stroke. No, President Kennedy did not die in Dallas. He lived to be 103. So we had reports of military planes flying into Washington, JFK flying in, and a military escort from there to Florida, where the current WH is located. From there, Texas. Some people think nothing is happening.

Digital soldier for God and family. Original Baby Boomer, Trump supporter. Followed by JUAN O SAVIN, General Michael Flynn, Mark Levin.
LOVE seeing "luck" in quotes. Nice touch.

Digital soldier for God and family. Original Baby Boomer, Trump supporter. Followed by JUAN O SAVIN, General Michael Flynn, Mark Levin.
What a great and creative idea! I'd actually like him back today though!