I am a Patriot who loves God, Country and Family and I will stand against any who would pose a threat to any of them.
Why was President Trump telling people to get the vaccine in his speach last night/ Thonght getting the vaccine was a bad thing.
Perhaps it is been switched to HCQ. With America's Frontline Doctors on his team, I can't imagine Trump advocating a harmful vaccine. Originally he was misled, I believe, by Fauci and team. But as information came out (and it's hard to know the timeline), he made a low-dose HCQ available in the vaccine--or intended to.

that would be deceitful I don't think President Trump is deceiving anybody. he is giving you a choice

Digital soldier for God and family. Original Baby Boomer, Trump supporter. Followed by JUAN O SAVIN, General Michael Flynn, Mark Levin.
Beirie, your point is valid. This is a confusing situation for many. Somewhere in my archives I have a lengthy explanation from MJTruth on how and why this happened. Basically he likened it to war, which is the situation in which we find ourselves. In war, leaders often have to choose the lesser to two bad situations. Remember: Trump inherited this from a previous administration and went into this pandemic with no real knowledge of medicine--knowing full well that there were many around him he could not trust. That proved to be true. So I give President Trump a lot of credit for doing as well as he did. In the end, it remains the choice of each individual. I stay healthy on certain supplements and recently learned that one can make HCQ by boiling the skins of grapefruit and lemons for two hours, then straining the liquid and placing it in Ball canning jars, refrigerated. Two tbsp twice a day recommended. Haven't had a chance to run this by my doctor, but food is a miracle medicine.