ChrisAngel 1717
@ChrisAngel1717Notice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/ on line 273
We the people have the power!!!!

Some one special to some. @surdog007 (tw) @godrus on truth social telegr
You, me, and many reading this are sewn of the same cloth.
All the defining moments in my life were spent alone. I could not count on any other person to walk beside me during the many challenges I've had to face, and all of them I faced alone.
I was born alone and I will die alone. But I am not lonely. I just adjusted my self to see that reality clearly and lowered my expectations of everyone.
Expect nothing and you will never be disappointed.
Then, anything more than Nothing becomes a Gift.
A gift that is truly appreciated and respected.

Going to the doctor, to have a look at what appear to b two tumors. Glad to b part of this amazing anonup family and lik others have done frequently, would like to request for prayers.

🧑💻🥷 An Inspirator, splitting atoms and raising vibrations. Smart em' up instead of dumbing em' down. I like tea, spilling it mostly 🫡

Would you please say a prayer that my daughter not get the shot? She has held out all this time but now is going to be going to LPN school and they require it. I’m just a conspiracy theorist in her eyes, but with God, nothing is impossible. Thank you.

Work in IT. Trump republican Metallica fans - Searching seek & destroy - Metallica song.
Don't have a big following which never mattered to me until I need to ask for prayers for my daughter age 27 who is the one in red. She works full time and has been having trouble keeping food down for months and weighs 112 pounds. She went to the doctor Thursday because she's been sick with cough/cold symptoms, terrible fatigue, body aches etc. for 3 months, The Dr passed it off as she looks ok and it will pass until she started to cry and they did some blood work. So far she has an issue with the quality of her platelets and her blood sugar levels are extremely high. She also believes she has some kind of fungus issue due to a half dozen small bald spots on her head and skin issues she has researched and thinks it comes back to a fungus. She saw a dermatologist months ago who was no help at all. I have 5 autoimmune diseases one being a platelet issue so this could be a start of some autoimmune. I hope not.

Read between the lines people you are surrounded by goodness and brilliance.

Doing my part in helping restore freedom to America while kicking evil in the ass. Guided by God the Father, Jesus Christ & my ancestors!
Is there a class-action lawsuit forming for Anons and Patriots that were suspended for BLATANT defamation? Many untrue statements have been made that has harmed our reputation and character!
We’ve been falsely accused!

Proud military wife, mom and grand mother. Family first always, unapologetic patriot. DJT is my only POTUS GAB social: Gigi1217
anon family please send prayers. my brother in law is back in the hospital with multiple clots and metastasis of cancer. my family believes in this evil medical system. please overwhelm my family with prayer. thank you.🥹

Must suck to be someone who hates GOD never ends well....GOD BLESS ALL patriots.

(...)"Whom ever is navigating these storms and waters with us, we are aboard, and on deck, because alas~ WWG1WGA" ~R

Did the WEF just hint at scrubbing the internet to hide the crimes?

I won’t name names, but there are some nominal patriots out there who like to write scathing and discouraging comments about others who see things differently or are at an earlier stage of learning. It’s fine on the chans, all part of the rawness and anonymity means it isn’t self-important. I rarely say anything about such behaviour, but my respect for the speaker tanks, and I don’t seek out their message. The war is fundamentally about getting to a vibe above the enemy’s reach. Lowering the vibe is acting against your own side. Harsh accountability is not low vibe, destructive one-upmanship is.

Serving Jesus, minister of the Kingdom, pursuing the Greater Awakening, MAGA, WWG1WGA, 2nd A, Is 60 and Hab 2:14! I'LL FOLLOW BACK
We declare healing and recovery to your body and immune system and command all the poisons and parasites and disease to shrink shrivel die and leave this body in Jesus name. We speak peace and say ,be healed ,whole, restored and energized with the light of Jesus. Amen.

I need your prayers family. I’m very sick and no matter what I take doesnt seem to kick this. I’m getting desperate.

DNA supercoiling refers to the amount of twist in a particular DNA strand, which determines the amount of strain on it. A given strand may be "positively supercoiled" or "negatively supercoiled" (more or less tightly wound). The amount of a strand’s supercoiling affects a number of biological processes, such as compacting DNA and regulating access to the genetic code (which strongly affects DNA metabolism and possibly gene expression). Certain enzymes, such as topoisomerases, change the amount of DNA supercoiling to facilitate functions such as DNA replication and transcription.[1] The amount of supercoiling in a given strand is described by a mathematical formula that compares it to a reference state known as "relaxed B-form" DNA.

The DNA of most organisms is usually negatively supercoiled. It becomes temporarily positively supercoiled when it is being replicated or transcribed.

#FamilyIsEverything #BlueGreenTeam Chef Photographer Colon Cancer Survivor Military Baker ✍🐉🦌🪶⚜⚓🌹💙💚

GOD is EVERYTHING, PEACE LOVE FORGIVENESS.... Veteran..... Married. SoN of RAY ....SOON. 1613161, AZ. √

Some little f is activating the viruses with dipole moments so who the f is it?

🛫WhistleBlowers🛩 All content: "Fair Use" USC Title 17 Cpt 1 Sec 107
🙏Prayer request:
We have an apt w/my daughters new hemoc/onc in about an hour. She has DS + very rare birth defect that was untreated for 9 yrs. Fixed on her death bed in a first time procedure. Last 9+ years her body has been correcting. She has suffered more than anyone we know. Happiest person we know😊Read her bloodwork last night. Prepared for bad news. Please pray for wisdom, discernment and a plan that will help her not put her through more suffering. Also, her dad, has a bad tooth this am. In severe pain. We got hs dental apt moved to this morning. Hoping doc will see us before he has to leave and they will have time to remove? his tooth today. God ALWAYS allows more than one thing to hit us at a time. Hope thats all for now. He provides our strength.🙏
Thank you all so much. God bless.🙏🎚️🕊️👑

the movie is going to show a woke to conservative flip
overall, it is good but the baddies will attempt to go far right and use that for control
there are no political solutions.
trust no politician. unless they are pushing the minimum following steps towards true freedom.
1. reduction of size of government in several steps to 2% of less of current size and at least 30% on first cut. this includes both spending and laws
2. elimination of lobbying. anybody not supporting elimination of lobby is corrupt
3. full audits for graft, conflict of interest and incoming revenue for all politicians
4. elimination of IRS
5. revised stronger constitution that clearly dictates that everything not specifically authorized by constitution is summarily banned for government and specifically allowing only the limited authority for politicians to perform specific authorized tasks in constitution and nothing else
6. eliminate all political immunity and ability to give self raise

Not Tom. Tom just reminds me of better times when MySpace was first started free from Deep State.
Keep Porn on the site people call me Jack. Remove porn from the site people call me Jack.
You all are a hard crowd to please.
ZERO porn policy will remain no matter how much you all think I am trying to censor free speech. When normies see stuff like that they don't come back to the site. The opportunity to wake them up gets lost. Not just Anons here.
[They] are looking for ANY excuse to get this site shut down.
The users (You) are in control here with the 'Fooked' feature.
I don't suspend accounts. I just unsuspend accounts.
I hope you all can understand better how this wor

it does not matter who is elected, i will never recognize the standing of any politician again, ever
i never did recognize any royalty, even as a child
they are just criminals no matter who holds the office

I have an update. I am ok. I had a big scare.
They saw a spot on my brachiocephalic artery that they thought was a dissection. It was not. It was where my graft meets ny native artery. I was not doing well mentally. At one point I was screaming. I thought I had a tear in my artery. I was preparing myself to rip and die. I kept telling my son to take care of his younger brother and sisters. They were putting in more IVs. The Chaplin was called in.
They came in and told me that there was absolutely no tear and that if there was even a fraction of a chance that there was that i would not be going home. Just got off the phone with my surgeons nurse and she said that he has reviewed my scan and its fine. I have had no change since my surgery in 2016.
I have received such an enormous amount of support. I want to thank everyone for their prayers, love and vibes.