Nepo 444
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Election Integrity Activist Ali Alexander will have a major statement released later today.
He tells Culttture “I have the proof the 45th president did nothing wrong. I’ve been sitting on it for legal reasons but it’s time the public knows.”

#Shiloh_ZemahBenYishai son of Solomon -King David; RabbisForAnusim FB, GETTR; Torah Codes House of David: YT,Rum; ZemahBenYishai: GETTR, FB
#China coming down! Soon Hong Kong will be runned by patriots! Will China become the united States of China or part of the the New u.s. of America [White hats]?

All jokes aside good chance variants we're hearin about & other deadlier versions of the Corona Virus may be the next real deadlier man made viruses elite releases billions die. We will stop them.
Thankfully NCSWIC. Humanity has awoken. TGA is a ww movement. The Cabal can't stop us. Pls Remember Patriots it's darkest b4 the dawn & after this storm there's going to be a rainbow. The rainbow & dove are the covenant bw God & humanity goes back to Noah. GOD WINS ALWAYS!
When all is said and done...
We Will Prevail_liaverP lliW eW
LiaverP lliW eW_We

Awakening isn't rising up to some superior level of understanding and being better than others. It is a groaning passage of pain as you become ever more humbled by growing awareness of how totally clueless you are about the world.

Maybe i should start cleanng. when my Chixaho Cubs won in 16 i would clean during the game. when i wasnt cleaning, they lost. So superstitiously I would clean and listen to rhe game. So yeah, im ganna start some cleaning.

Ive been off line most of the afternoon. what did i ‘miss?? are we still full steam ahead???

As much as I hope we get the EBS this weekend, im not holding my breath. i see a lot of people sticking to Sat or Sunday. there are going to be a lot of pissed off people when it does not happen. We were never told dates. i am guilty of if also. Then when the day came and went i was disapointed. So dont focus on dates. Try to focus on the intel coming out.

I am done trying to wake people up. there are some that are in a deep sleep and will not wake up. Some have to be show. so from now until then... im not saying a damn word to anyone else. GodSpeed sheep!!! NCSWIC

Well i hot kicked off twitter again. Now my FB twitter and google apps are acting funny!!! anyone else?

Well i hot kicked off twitter again. Now my FB twitter and google apps are acting funny!!! anyone else?

Earth Steward. Artist. Lightworker.
EXCELLENT collection of info to share with folks new to this version of events.
"The Titanic was Sunk Deliberately to Create the Federal Reserve"

Proud widow of Navy Vet 12-15-2020. RIP my Luv!❤ Let his service not be in vain! Health & Life Coach Redpilled since 9/11! #wwg1wga 🇺🇸

Here is a rabbit hole im currently in.... who else thinks that the man with the white tshirt at the end of the Kennedy Kids TikToc couls be Ezra Cohen. i dug on him a bit. hes married to a Rebecca Miller. there is almost NOTHING to be found of her existence. if it is him... then that would make him married to a Kennedy.