Here is a rabbit hole im currently in.... who else thinks that the man with the white tshirt at the end of the Kennedy Kids TikToc couls be Ezra Cohen. i dug on him a bit. hes married to a Rebecca Miller. there is almost NOTHING to be found of her existence. if it is him... then that would make him married to a Kennedy.

#Shiloh_ZemahBenYishai son of Solomon -King David; RabbisForAnusim FB, GETTR; Torah Codes House of David: YT,Rum; ZemahBenYishai: GETTR, FB
Nepo 444
I do#BibleCode and ran the name Ezra Cohen & the words that come up: Husband, of Rebecca Miller, Married, Kennedy, Picture. I think you have a good nose.

That is clearly not him . This guy is younger and has a distinct lower lip thickness that Ezra doesnt have and real guys don’t get fillers .. This young guy is no older than 21 . He is probably the son of Jfkjr . Ezra is not .

Heres a tid bit on Rebecca.
Wife of key Trump aide worked to make Putin’s Russia look good in the West
New information suggests Cohen-Watnick’s wife worked on behalf of the Russian government as a D.C-based public relations specialist before they married.