Field of Light
3 months ago

Field of Light

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Earth Steward. Artist. Lightworker.

Earth Steward. Artist. Lightworker.

Scout Master: One of the largest sex abuse scandals in US history

Fault Lines investigates how sexual abuse by a Boy Scouts of America scoutmaster was a factor in an unthinkable family tragedy.

In 1997, the small town of Lonoke, Arkansas, in the United States was shaken by the news that a local family had been killed and son Heath Stocks was the prime suspect.

Twenty-five years later, Fault Lines travels to Lonoke to re-examine the case and its connection to one of the largest sex abuse scandals in American history.

EXCELLENT. Not to be missed. Full documentary free online:

Earth Steward. Artist. Lightworker.

Earth Steward. Artist. Lightworker.

🇺🇸 Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
saved MILLIONS & MILLIONS of lives 🕊️


🇺🇸 5-21 Juan O Savin
Robert Kennedy has done beautiful work
on the whole vaccine issue.
before a lot of people even had a concept
of the problems with the vaccines.
I hope over time he will be seen as
& PEOPLE AROUND THE WORLD from these Medical Cartels
running their Naziesque programs..
Even within the family he’s been ostracized
cuz he doesn’t speak politically correct on this subject
& it’s embarrassing to the brand & people have other agendas.
Well, I’m sorry,
sometimes you can’t pick your family members..
Children’s lives at stake, their future is at stake..
There's going to be a lot of respect
for those early pioneers who went to the boards to be clear
about what was going on
& who the players are that were involved 💥


Earth Steward. Artist. Lightworker.

At Least 6 BBC Buildings Across UK Covered with Photos of People Who Died from COVID Vaccine

Earth Steward. Artist. Lightworker.

Pfizer's History of Fraud, Corruption, & Using Nigerian Children as 'Human Guinea Pigs'

How did Pfizer manage to rebrand itself as the savior of humanity?

Earth Steward. Artist. Lightworker.

Earth Steward. Artist. Lightworker.

L👀K at this narrative!! Absolutely criminal.

Confirmation that children are being severely effected by spike protein exposure or C-19 💉 injury


Connecticut Children’s Medical Center and Yale New Haven Health have launched 👉long COVID treatment programs to help kids with the condition.

“We have a clinic at Connecticut Children’s, and we are getting non-stop referrals about all sorts of problems involving many different organs in the body, including neurological problems,” Michelow said. “I can’t overemphasize that this is a toll on children. And we don’t have a good handle on that, because it manifests in so many different ways. It could be neurologic, cardiac, respiratory, it could be diabetes it’s really a very mixed group of problems that we’re seeing in these children.

CT DPH is planning to send mobile vaccination units to Connecticut’s 36 lowest-performing school districts, known as Alliance Districts

Earth Steward. Artist. Lightworker.

Watch "Uninformed Consent", presented by and Vaccine Choice Canada. Great for friends and family who are just starting to question the narrative.

An in-depth look into the Covid 19 narrative, who's controlling it, and how it's being used to inject an untested, new technology into almost every person on the planet.

The film explores how the narrative is being used to strip us of our human rights while weaving in the impact of mandates in a deeply powerful story of one man's tragic loss.

Hear the truth from doctors and scientists not afraid to stand up against Big Pharma and the elite class who profit from mandates.

Written & Directed by Todd Harris, Matador Films.

Earth Steward. Artist. Lightworker.

BlueTRUTH Documentary

Bluetooth and Vaccines:
Self Assembling Nanoparticles
Nanosensor Wireless Network
Microsoft Biological Circuits

Earth Steward. Artist. Lightworker.

Elvis at Rushmore Civic Center in Rapid City, South Dakota, on June 21, 1977


John Kennedy Jr = 153
Save the Children = 153
Trump Wins = 153
Mohammed bin Salman = 153
The Golden Ratio = 153
The Kingdom of God = 153
Unlock the Code Q = 153
Divine Book of God = 153

elvis presley - unchained melody - undubbed original - 1977 - YouTube

this time the original undubbed version of unchained melody 1977 - Many people made coments on my other upload stating it was dubbed. I liked that version, b...

Earth Steward. Artist. Lightworker.

Earth Steward. Artist. Lightworker.

Get grounded

Earth Steward. Artist. Lightworker.

Earth Steward. Artist. Lightworker.

Earth Steward. Artist. Lightworker.

35 concerts and festivals that have been canceled or postponed so far for 2022

Earth Steward. Artist. Lightworker.

BIOMILQ, Inc. Secures $21M to Further Its Mission to Produce Sustainable Lab-Grown Breastmilk

North Carolina-based mammary biotechnology company BIOMILQ, Inc., proudly announces the successful close of $21 million in Series A financing, which will enable their acceleration of bringing cell-cultured human milk to market. Leading the fundraise are Danish life science investor Novo Holdings and..

Earth Steward. Artist. Lightworker.

coming soon with integrated digital id filtration . . .

Earth Steward. Artist. Lightworker.

Currently 🔥 3,541,451🔥 reported "Covid-19 Vaccine" Adverse Drug Reactions on WHO's

🔥 16,348 🔥 ADRs for age 2 - 11 years
🔥 73,465 🔥 ADRs for age 12 - 17 years

Earth Steward. Artist. Lightworker.

Latest CDC Data Shows That Vaccinated Children Aged 5-11 Are Now MORE Likely to Catch Covid Than Their Unvaccinated Peers

Earth Steward. Artist. Lightworker.

Cardiac MRI Findings in Teens post COVID-19 mRNA vaccine

Case review of patients, with median age of 15 yrs (range 12-17), presented to Seattle Children’s Hospital with chest pain and elevated serum troponin level from April 1, 2021 to January 7, 2022 within ONE week of receiving the 2nd dose of Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA vaccine.

A total of 35 patients with the diagnosis of myopericarditis, 👉62.5% of this group showed abnormal electrocardiogram post Pfizer vaccination

Earth Steward. Artist. Lightworker.

Bina meets Bina

BINA48 is one of the worlds most advanced social robots based on a composite of information from several people including, Bina Aspen, co-founder of the Terasem Movement. She was created using video interview transcripts, laser scanning life mask technology, face recognition, artificial intelligence and voice recognition technologies.

As an “ambassador” for the LifeNaut project, Bina48 is designed to be a social robot that can interact based on information, memories, values, and beliefs collected about an actual person.

"A conscious analog of a person may be created by combining sufficiently detailed data about the person (a mindfile) using future consciousness software (mindware)."

Bina 48 Meets Bina Rothblatt - Part One - YouTube

More on Bina48: 48 (Breakthrough Intelligence via Neural Architecture, 48 exaflops per second processing speed and 48 ex...

Earth Steward. Artist. Lightworker.

What is a Mindclone? is a web based research project that allows anyone to create a digital back-up of their mind and genetic code. The ultimate goal of our research project is to explore the transfer of human consciousness to computers/robots and beyond.

The Terasem Mind Uploading Experiment informs the Lifenaut Project and is a multi-decade experiment designed to test for the comparability of a person’s uploaded digital reflections (mannerisms, attitudes, beliefs, values and behaviors) or “personal consciousness”mindfile.

mindware; A.I.; Turing Test; cyber-psychology; bioethics; medical ethics.

Earth Steward. Artist. Lightworker.

What’s it like to be a Transbeman?

TRANSitional Bio Electric HuMAN


To offer educational programs about the value and practical benefits of geo-ethically applied cyber, nano and biotechnologies, conduct scientific research and support accelerated development goals in the areas of cyber consciousness, biotechnology, and cryogenics.

In 2006 we created where anyone can create their own mindfile and a photo-based Avatar of yourself that will speak to you and will be able to learn from the conversations that you have with him / her.

Spacecast offers the option of choosing to Spacecast individual “Mindfile” data into deep space at the speed of light. The purpose of Spacecasting your personal auto-biographical information or “bemes” is to ensure that some aspect of you can survive any catastrophe that might befall earth.

Transbeman 101 on Vimeo

Based on excerpts from the Sci Fi feature 2B (2009) Terasem Media and Films, one of the film's producing partners is posting this 13 minute…

Earth Steward. Artist. Lightworker.

Rice University Video From 2018 Shows How Graphene Is Embedded In Products

Earth Steward. Artist. Lightworker.

Earth Steward. Artist. Lightworker.

pfizer's vaccine side effects... obviously, this is why they chose to keep their vaccine inserts blank.... and they dared call it informed consent...

Earth Steward. Artist. Lightworker.

Earth Steward. Artist. Lightworker.

Alex Collier - Oct 1994

MUST WATCH!!! BRILLIANT message relevant NOW to our planet's future.
He's been disclosing this information for 30+ years.

024:20 🔥 "We did this no less than 200 years ago. Many of the souls that were there then have incarnated again. And they're here. Jefferson is alive. Their soul. Franklin's alive. Kennedy's back. Bobby Kennedy's back. Martin Luther King. Andrew Jackson. Lincoln. They're all back in physical form. They've all incarnated. They're all here in the United States. Because right now, this is where the battle is. Between light and dark. You've got the greys over us. You've the reptilians underneath us. Between us, you've got humanity sandwiched in the middle wondering what the hell is going on." 🔥

Watch the whole interview. Absolutely worth it. 👇👇👇

Alex Collier Oct 1994. - YouTube

Alex Collier has been disclosing this information for 30 plus years.We are now finally being given the chance to make our own minds up.

Earth Steward. Artist. Lightworker.