Ashley TruthSeeker
5 months ago

Ashley TruthSeeker

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Save your soul....because you're running out of time.

Define narcissist.
You should already know if you followed the 💧
Mirror right?
If someone exposes evil, they become evil. 🤔Sounds like a tactic of the devil.
Test the spirit as God commanded you.
Follow God....not anons that treat people like scum and take money.
You're welcome by the way. You never once said thank you. Manners matter to me.

Wicked hearts don't like getting blasted. Some people you have to force into the that they can become better. You cannot drive out evil with love and acceptance. Has no one learned that yet?'s been a shit few years, but I have no regrets. I won't back down. I will never play a victim to my own circumstance.
Thanks for answering not a single question for your followers to see. Maybe that can be used as a red flag so that they might open their eyes.
All for a 🦌 right?
I hope the money was worth it.

I have nothing to hide from anyone.
Here's my public facebook....if anyone wants to see who they follow.
Those you trust the most.

This is Biblical, right?
Test the spirit as GOD commanded.
Would you know if you were speaking to Jesus or the Devil?
It's sad to see how many are lost and not putting the pieces together.
It's in your face yet you refuse to see it.
Those you trust the most.

The people you trust the most.
Until people start telling their own experiences from this movement...the truth will stay hidden. These people have manipulated so many with their lies and blasphemous bullshit, telling people they're reincarnated from the Bible.
Remote viewing. Mk ultra. CIA weaponization.
If you were a victim you need to speak out.
It feels good to feel important, but YOU are important. As YOU!!!!! Not some fairytale lie. They have screwed up too many great people, anons, my FAMILY over the years and I was blind to it. I didn't want to believe it. Truth hurts. I fucking see you now. The more people I speak to, the more I remember shit I was's all connecting.
You downplay what Shane did. were the one pushing his account. Things people forget. You and VK were the hardest to figure out because you seemed so genuine and vk brought the vibes.
I will not back down. You have RUINED people's lives. I am livid. But you already know that. I follo

I don't get on here...but fuck it. I see you CIA lying scumbags. Fuck ya'll!!!! All of ya'll!
It started with Shane but you'll all be exposed. Go ahead and kick me off if you want. It won't stop the truth from getting out on who ya'll really are.
You've fucked with the WRONG family!!!



Just a guy trying to connect the dots.

VK on Twitter, “ If they can control Chicken from having eggs by tainting the feed imagine what they could do with...”

Did you know that the company that makes questionable chicken feed (Purina) is owned by the same food conglomerate {Nestle) that makes human baby food (Gerber).

Most of the food human’s consume is made by companies owned by only 10 giant food conglomerates.

Twitter files part 6:

We already knew the FBI and other 3 letters were conspiring with the families and the democrats to shut us down.

This account was one of the few Matt and Elon showcased as being purged. And one of the only actual photos of a "tweet" example in the files. Interestingly one knows this account.

Is Elon hinting at exposing sex trafficking soon?
The laptop?
Just throwing this one out here.


Account name?
(Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right)
When do you attack the King?
Queen protects King.
Worth remembering.
Think chess.

All still connected though.

You awake, and thinking for yourself, is their greatest fear.

2023 is going to be LIT

The jFK files were just released! 11k...

Deal Room?

Uh oh....Ashley's doing that thing again where she just makes stuff up.
Think on the "highlight" for just a few seconds.

Timeline of Hitler👇👇👇

Soros interview👇👇👇

How old is Soros in the photo?


I'm not suicidal

You will know them by their fruits.
Fake Joooo.

Are you not entertained?

Have a fantastic day frens. Remember to find the humor in it all and keep going.

Maybe we are being tested to see if we blindly follow... but loyalty is never a bad quality.

It's good to consider all possibilities/scenarios. The scenario is like the hub of a wheel and the possibilities are all the spokes that stick out of that hub...there are many!

We've been taught to question everything, do our own research, and use discernment, but sometimes in the fog of war, it's difficult to do.
Plus, there is always information put out to confuse or make us/you question things....try not to give in. When things seem slow or if you've been 'awake' for a long time now, it's easy to overthink it. None of us know the full truth yet, but I do hope (and believe) we get it in the end/beginning.

All we/you can do is trust our/your gut, and not let others influence what we/you FEEL and know to be true. As hard as it may be, step at a time with hope and faith.

Think for yourself.
Trust yourself.

Bring the Lion out 🔥

Threatening the president of the United States is a felony under 18 U.S.C. § 871, punishable by up to 5 years of imprisonment, that is investigated by the United States Secret Service.
This sure sounds like Terroristic threatening to me.

what is happening??? 😂

Apparently I'm also CIA/FBI
Where's my fooking paycheck???

The World is changing and I'm on the Transition Team! Trump Won and even better God Wins ~ Once In A Lifetime

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

10:10 Wins

Kanye and the Pope
Definitely more to all of always.

Kanye is wearing a 2023 hat during his interview with Tucker....

🍰 Baker of Qakes, Truth-seeker 🔍, Proud deplorable🇺🇸, Jesus is King 🌟 Q !..🐸 God Bless us all 🙏🏻

dangit....I'm gonna miss the show