Angel Plane17
@Angelplane17Notice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/ on line 273

Red Pilled For 30+ years.🐸 Exposing Govt Corruption, Fraud & The NWO. Truth Seeker✨USAF Veteran✈️ #GodWins🕊️ #SaveAmerica 🇺🇸 🦅#Agenda47

#WWG1WGA #JesusSaves #Truth #SaveTheChildren | Chemist, Retired Elberton, GA

I’ve been AWAKE since 1980, and have researched for 40 years. I’m a veteran of 4ch, 8ch and 8KUN. I now only have accounts here, WEGO & Gab.
Only followers of this user (@RedpilledRN) can see their posts

Patriot-father, Truth-seeker, WWG1WGA....Can we leave this world better than we found it, please?

Child of God, Farm girl, animal lover, Mom, Nana, Don't make me use my Mom voice! The righteous are as bold as a lion!
Lin Wood had this to say: Have you had the conversation below where you asked these questions to a work colleague or friend lately?
Q. Did you take the Covid vaccine?
A: Yes.
Q. Do you know that you can still get Covid?
A. Yes.
Q. Do you know that you can still spread Covid to others?
A. Yes.
Q. So you know that you still have to wear a mask (or two!) and social distance?
A. Yes.
Q. Then why did you take the vaccine?
A. [Silence]
Q. Did you take the vaccine because you knowingly wanted to modify your DNA?
A. I did not know that. I did not read up on the vaccine before I took it. Does it really do that???
Moral of the Story: When you are given the right to choose, educate yourself so that you can choose wisely.
ALL choices have consequences.

No Coincidences. "Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names." - John F. Kennedy #TheGreatAwakening
Looks like the U.S. Coast Guard is hiring ...
Recruiting you say .....
Ts 8:01CT9:01ET
Q Post 801
AG Sessions.
US Cyber Task Force.
Q Post 901 (3 Yr Delta on 3.9)
Do you believe in coincidences?
"You might want to take a seat for the great news..."
Good news on the way?
Q Post 1402
We have reached our cruising altitude of 40,000 ft. long ago.
As we prepare to land, please fasten your seatbelt and make sure your seat back and folding trays are in their full upright position.

Please JOIN me Gab:@benjamin1978 DM me so I RECOGNIZE you from twitter,FOLLOW you back and BUILDUP BETTER/STRONGER thén EVER BEFORE!👊😎🇺🇸
'Trump will be your president long before 2024,': MyPillow's Lindell amid Dominion defamation suit
"I have all the evidence," says MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell.

A New Creation, Conspiracy Realist, ICU/ER RN. Are U grafted in the Tree of Life or still part of the tree of the Knowledge of GOOD & evil?

"Last night, I was honored when Sidney Powell called me and asked me to serve as lead counsel for her in defending the frivolous defamation lawsuit filed against her by Dominion. I quickly accepted. Get ready to rumble, Dominion. You made a mistake suing Sidney. You are going to pay a heavy price. Sidney and I will not be intimidated. We will not go quietly in the night. Hey Dominion, I will see you and your employees and officers soon as truth is pursued and established. I will see you across the table where you will be subjected to a thorough and sifting cross-examination under oath. I know how to deal with legal bullies like you. Check my record.
- Lin "

I love President Trump and our Great Military. I was honored to be followed by Gen Flynn, Jack Flynn & many other Great Patriots on Twitter.
“There is enough evidence in the cases before them or enough evidence in the public now to more than reverse the election in at least five states.” - Sidney Powell
Gen. Flynn And Sidney Powell Drop Truth Bombs In New Podcast Video
Gen Flynn and super attorney Sidney Powell were recently invited to the Erskine Podcast. As always, they both didn’t disappoint. Within the first few minutes Powell came out and said “There is enough evidence in the cases before them or enough evidence in the public now to more than rev..
NCSWIC = just as quickly (in the blink of an eye) as you see an entire flock of birds or school of fish instantly change direction and switch course simultaneously in the same second - humanity will also experience a thorough counter shift in global consciousness to begin questioning the narcotic propaganda of relentlessly pushed hive-rhetoric and begin seeing the real truth behind all of the lies.
The more our movement grows the more momentum The Great Awakening will have and the quicker it will happen so keep your shovels sharp and keep digging Anons, the world is counting on us.
The cosmic flip will be switched, the ENTER button will be pushed and the hundredth monkey effect will instantaneously initiate even without any further inspiration because it has already started.
Look at the attention we are starting to get (just as Q predicted).
The dominoes have already started to fall and that’s what NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING means. God Bless, Good Luck & Godspeed!

Dan Scavino’s Twitter pic has (at least) 6
common points of interest with Q-D 69
2/26/2021 = 2+26+20+21 = 69 = QD 69
Green pastures = Golf green
Table before me = Gazebo table
Right path = Foot path
Quiet waters = Still ocean
Title of Hero = Flag half mast
Psalm 23 - The Lord is my Shepard
= QD 23 = DT in CONTROL ⤵️

NoBody (G)nostic. Patriot. Student Always. Think 4 Yourself. Trusting Self = Trusting God. Family Is Everything. | ⳩ | The Standard.
Post #1 has always held my interest. There is no year included with the date.
If you MIRROR 10/30, it becomes 03/01
Durham/Huber resignations go into effect on 2/28, at 12:00 PM.
Could HRC's passport be flagged for extradition the following day, at 12:01 AM on 03/01?
Where is HRC?
How many country's militaries are working in coordination with the United States?
*not authorized Q Op commentary or prediction

Durham retirement statement directly relates to Q Drop mentioning DURHAM early retirement!!! WTF!!
Durham’s early resignation statement is a labyrinth of directly intertwined COMS that are all double interrelated & interlocked to corresponding Q Drops many of which actually mention Durham.
Calm before the Storm - Phase Complete
Deep Cleans - False Flags
DT + MI + Q-GROUP - In Control
Plan Proceeding Perfectly - Full Throttle
Declassification - US Leadership Change
“It is time to take back our country
(Plenty of GOLD left to dig
I could only fit 40% into this haul :)

NoBody (G)nostic. Patriot. Student Always. Think 4 Yourself. Trusting Self = Trusting God. Family Is Everything. | ⳩ | The Standard.

NoBody (G)nostic. Patriot. Student Always. Think 4 Yourself. Trusting Self = Trusting God. Family Is Everything. | ⳩ | The Standard.
I'm going to lose quite a few with this one, but that's okay.
Sullivan to step down March 2021 based on public info re: possible coordinated efforts w: OSC Mueller?
Which side is Mueller on?
Which side is [RR] on?
Which side are they REALLY on?
What is Mueller's background?
Former Marine.
Who appointed Mueller as special counsel?
Who appointed [RR]?
AG Jeff Sessions.
2 scenarios exist:
1) POTUS & Sessions knew by appointing [RR], that [they] would expose themselves and walk into a trap
2) POTUS & Sessions allowed secret deals that turned foes into loyal allies (Law 2 of the 48 Laws of Power)
"A man suddenly spared the guillotine is a grafeful man indeed, and will go to the ends of the earth for the man who has pardoned him."
-Robert Greene (48 Laws of Power)
"Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends?"
-Abraham Lincoln

NoBody (G)nostic. Patriot. Student Always. Think 4 Yourself. Trusting Self = Trusting God. Family Is Everything. | ⳩ | The Standard.
What was Sessions' Senate confirmation vote?
What was RR's Senate confirmation vote?
If RR is dirty, Mueller must also be dirty.
If Mueller is dirty, RR must also be dirty.
Common denominator.
Why did Sessions pick RR?
Everyone has an opinion.
Few have the facts.
Trust Sessions.

NoBody (G)nostic. Patriot. Student Always. Think 4 Yourself. Trusting Self = Trusting God. Family Is Everything. | ⳩ | The Standard.
Robert Swan Mueller.
Former Marine.
Which team?
THEY don't know.
Why did Mueller meet POTUS 1-day prior to FBI announcement if Mueller COULD NOT be offered director due to prev term limits rule?
Why is Pelosi begging for a new special counsel?

NoBody (G)nostic. Patriot. Student Always. Think 4 Yourself. Trusting Self = Trusting God. Family Is Everything. | ⳩ | The Standard.
FISA = Start
[1 of 22]

NoBody (G)nostic. Patriot. Student Always. Think 4 Yourself. Trusting Self = Trusting God. Family Is Everything. | ⳩ | The Standard.
I believe the stage is set.

NoBody (G)nostic. Patriot. Student Always. Think 4 Yourself. Trusting Self = Trusting God. Family Is Everything. | ⳩ | The Standard.
Durham leaving on the 28th.
Huber leaving on the 28th.
POTUS speaking on the 28th.
Things are going to get QUITE interdasting in March.

NoBody (G)nostic. Patriot. Student Always. Think 4 Yourself. Trusting Self = Trusting God. Family Is Everything. | ⳩ | The Standard.

NoBody (G)nostic. Patriot. Student Always. Think 4 Yourself. Trusting Self = Trusting God. Family Is Everything. | ⳩ | The Standard.
Juan 0 Savin made bets ending on April 1st that Trump will be President
Trump said COVID/The Invisible Enemy will be gone by April when things "heat up"
If you thought Feburary was crazy, we might be in for something bigger in March
"Let's see what happens!"

NoBody (G)nostic. Patriot. Student Always. Think 4 Yourself. Trusting Self = Trusting God. Family Is Everything. | ⳩ | The Standard.
Flood Feburary ---> March MADNESS