Aicha Jahed
@AichaNotice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/ on line 273
Indigo starseed van Sirius. Onze missie op aarde als één enorme collectieve kracht is om eenheid te verspreiden! ❣wwg1wga❣

For Humanity's Liberation & 'till every Child is rescued & out of harm's way. 2 ancestors fought under General Washington. Trump! MAGA!

For Humanity's Liberation & 'till every Child is rescued & out of harm's way. 2 ancestors fought under General Washington. Trump! MAGA!

For Humanity's Liberation & 'till every Child is rescued & out of harm's way. 2 ancestors fought under General Washington. Trump! MAGA!
I totally agree Nadia. 💯
I think as part of our enslavement we were absolutely "downgraded" in our God-Given Abilities.
I think our 5D Sun is helping correct that, all the light incoming & measurable goodness on the Schumann Resonance scale.
I think we are actually getting an "upgrade" slowly (so we don't break 😂) as part of our and our Earth's ascension process - just restoring us as God Created Us.
We are powerful beings, so powerful, and those who created this Matrix Prison couldn't have that. I can't wait to see what Humans & Humanity is capable of with our powers restored.
(Bet we're entirely dangerous to Evil 😃😉)
Astral Projection is so real our Military(s) & Intelligence Agencies have been using people with those skills for decades to penetrate secret & secure facilities via Remote Viewing & other methods. It's documented, proven science, not science-fiction!
The Dude simply read my mind. Simple as that.
Imagining a world where it's impossible to lie.
😃 👍

US Navy veteran, live in caregiver for my 99 yo Mother, Nana and Great Nana
In my mind, QTSR is an amazing resource for information and you dear Kat are so great. Without you two, I would be struggling for the truth. Instead, each day I start with AU and eagerly look for your posts. If you can, please let QTSR know how much he is appreciated.

You know my posts were at 40,000 Ft with the q posts and such
Now were switching to 70,000 Ft with Time Shifts and AI , Satan and so on
Any Anon trying too make sense of any of it is becomming bizarre
I will keep posting the truth as I find it but things are happening Stranger than Fiction
I do not have the Anwsers and I can only ask the Questions
So if youre confused you are not alone
But if we keep fighting for Good !
I believe we will Prevail !
Thanks Anon Up my last refuge for putting up with me so nicely

Red Pilled For 30+ years.🐸 Exposing Govt Corruption, Fraud & The NWO. Truth Seeker✨USAF Veteran✈️ #GodWins🕊️ #SaveAmerica 🇺🇸 🦅#Agenda47
* Puppet & Puppet Master.
* Truth v Lies - the propaganda war for your mind.
* [INTERNAL CIVIL WAR] All-out assault against the duly elected POTUS.
* Treason & sedition at the highest levels of office throughout many departments [F + D].
* Fear of prosecution? Fear of the public learning the TRUTH? Fear of losing POWER?
* Bribes, blackmail, threats, etc. all being deployed. WE ARE AT WAR.
* It's going to be HISTORIC! Planned long ago. [-21]
* Within the next 21 days BIG BIG BIG HAPPENINGS are going to take place.
* Love and Light, Patriot. Have faith and trust in yourself. WWG1WGA!!!

13 Bloodline families DEAD. ALL OF THEM. To be blunt GAME OVER........ Bless you DJT you Fooking LEGEND.......
I’ve got 816 pages of notes on my iPhone
Yep the plan.
Flicking through them I’ve come along way since the beginning.
Bet most are the same
Still got much to learn.
As long as our mind is open to the possibilities
Learn we will

Red Pilled For 30+ years.🐸 Exposing Govt Corruption, Fraud & The NWO. Truth Seeker✨USAF Veteran✈️ #GodWins🕊️ #SaveAmerica 🇺🇸 🦅#Agenda47
*@Snowden, Thank you for showing the world how Clowns pass the narrative to journalists @ 4am.
* This board has more power than you can imagine. , They are ALWAYS watching.
* Watch the water.
* Be the autists we know you are. You were chosen for a specific reason.
* Be alert next 10 days. , See something > Say something.
* FF attempts may be carried out in attempt to change narrative (neg optics).
* High possibility of ‘multiple day’ coverage event forcing pause on news.
* Be prepared for more FAKE NEWS disinfo claiming we stated ‘death’.
* Be careful who you follow.

For Humanity's Liberation & 'till every Child is rescued & out of harm's way. 2 ancestors fought under General Washington. Trump! MAGA!

😻 I have a friend I call the “Dog Whisperer.”
Years ago he told me his Vet APOLOGIZED to him
for over-vaxing his pups.
For giving them “too many shots” for WHATEVER reason.
Because of that, I NEVER gave my pups shots
& I know it added years to their lives ❤️
Humans don’t need Big Pharma
Animals don’t need Big Pharma
Earth doesn’t need Big Pharma 💪💥
#MakeAnimalsHealthyAgain 🐄🐾
#MakeEarthHealthyAgain ❤️🌎

Professional Free Spirit ✨ On a Mission for Mother Hearth💚 #KennedyVision Ambassador 🕊️ #FamilyIsEverything💖

♥️God, Family & Love Animals, Trump Q & Anon Fan, Hoping & Praying for a Better World🙏Here to Learn, Share and Help Wake Up Others💖WWG1WGA
According to Decision Desk HQ, Donald Trump has OFFICIALLY WON the swing states of Arizona & Nevada securing an ABSOLUTE LANDSLIDE total of 312 Electoral Votes to Kamala with 226!
Trump has won ALL SEVEN swing states in this election, FLIPPING all but one from 2020, that being North Carolina.

😻 On 11-2-24 in Greensboro, NC, President/CiC Trump said
he was very proud of the fact that he destroyed the MSM.
But he didn’t do it alone 🐸
🦅🇺🇸🪖 POTUS
“The fake news back there, they were at 92% approval rating
when we started this journey in 2015
& now they’re less than congress, which is in the low 12’s.
I’m very proud of that..."
🥳 I believe millions of us around the world
can take a little credit for President Trump’s victory tonight.
He & his family have taken all the slings & arrows
the deep state could level at them
but so have we.
We’ve kept talking, posting, living, digging & unearthing the TRUTH
about this diabolic matrix
& have been called crazy conspiracy theorists & worse.
Most have lost family, friends & colleagues along the way.
But for all the losses we’ve gained millions of invisible frens
& tonight, thanks to all of us, the Golden Age has finally begun 🪽
#TyQTeamandQPlus 🦅🇺🇸🪖

#USA #1776 #WWG1WGAWorldwide #SaveTheChildren #ForTrumpFlynnKennedy #TheGreatAwakening #TheBestIsYetToCome 🇺🇸🇧🇷✨🌪🌊🙏💞🚀🛸✨
"Today marks the day that the MSM died.
They just spent the last 8 years calling Trump and all his supporters Nazis and racists.
The American People just confirmed they don’t believe these lies.
The MSM is dead. They’ve lost control.
Patriots… we did it! 🇺🇸 "
From Bio Clandestine


Were at the Precipice the Battle for our Lives
The time of being a silent observer is over
get involved even if you retweet every posts
likes are good but retweeting important facts is more important
lets get good info shared on other platforms
were at War for real --- I coming up to 80,000 Posts on here so not if I am not trying
Expose them -- Bring them to the light and like Vampires they dissolve !
As Truth is awesome and powerful

☢️ KABOOM! 💣💣🔥🔥
So Tucker Carlson went to Moscow and an Interview with Putin is Scheduled to Drop at some point in the near future.
How is this not a White Hat Op? Watch the Video and Follow Along👇
1. Under the Trump administration, Elon Musk became the DoD’s biggest contractor.
2. Elon Musk purchased Twitter with essentially the very same DoD money, & almost immediately starts to release the Twitter files.
3. Elon Musk happened to be with Rupert Murdoch at the Super Bowl. I’m sure no deals were discussed. 😉
4. Tucker Carlson is released from Fox News.
5. Tucker Carlson Launches new unfiltered show on Twitter… the same Twitter Elon Musk purchased.
6. Tucker Carlson is launching a media company in America & Canada
7. Tucker Carlson is Interviewing Putin
Enjoy the Show!

Be with GOD and trust his plan... Q TEAM and the 1111 thing too, Looking for the truth dark to LIGHT . #WWG1WGA Took My Oath.

Oera Linda | Fyodor Dostoevsky | Lao Tse | Mehran Keshe | Q
If you come across a moron who doesn’t believe chemtrails are real, share this video with them.
The 2006 U.N council chemtrail presentation!
This is one of the hardest videos to find. Been scrubbed from everywhere! From a u.n council assembly meeting in 2006 on chemtrails and what they’re doing!

Thank you!
Missing your amazing contribution
to this platform.
I know we saved lives with
all the incredible information
shared here,
the last two years.
You are one of
God’s Best Teachers.
Perhaps some day
we could discuss
Jesus’s real birthday and
The Lost Book about him.
Hope you are doing well Roger.
We keep you in
our prayers and
cherish the knowledge you
kindly shared with us.
God Bless you Patriot.✨

QSI Telegram, learning about Quantum Stellar Financial System, Medbeds, Liberty/Freedom, Checks and Balances, disclosure, Ascension,💜♾️
Trump decodes, Military information, power returning to the people.
Military War sting operation happening.
Kirk and teams are realizing their power to use Due Process, to get arrests going, filing their Own criminal complaints and warrants for arrest through Due Process.
No one else is teaching this.
Things are simplifying, have been set up to use the power the People where suppose to have.
Remember Trump says he is transferring the Power from DC to the people.
THAT IS WHAT A CONFEDERATE REPUBLIC. IS, All political power belongs to the people.
Use this process Patriots and take things to corruption.
Bills of Rights.
Law of Nations.
Bills of Rights day.

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28
You do see that it is already over, yes ?
This is not to mean stop, but simply walk it out, as you have.
Faith and Trust complete as this is happening and no thing can stop it.

A passionate seeker of the TRUTH who definitely was not created 2 fit In I definitely was created 2 stand out"
"It's incredible to see people say all ET life in the universe is evil, especially if they believe in a loving God.
Try looking in the mirror. How could anyone think Earth is morally superior?
Dark forces influenced Earth, but humans have always had free will to choose morality."
It's because humans have been conditioned to believe anything which they don't understand must be evil.
Then evil withholds the information which would lead to anyone learning truths they want to remain hidden.
Once you're on the awakened path you quickly learn that black cannot exist without white and dark without light and good without evil therefor if there are evil aliens then in probability there should be benevolents.
Which there are!
They hide the truth about all aliens because it leads back to humans being the aliens!

Served my country in the 80s-90s. Proud husband and father. Always asking questions. Looking for the truth.

🛡⚔️TRUMP | KAG | [Z] Citizen Journalist | 1Q49 God Crew | FightBack **🥊** 🇺🇲🦅 []