Aicha Jahed
1 hour ago

Aicha Jahed

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Indigo starseed van Sirius. Onze missie op aarde als één enorme collectieve kracht is om eenheid te verspreiden! ❣wwg1wga❣

Indigo starseed van Sirius. Onze missie op aarde als één enorme collectieve kracht is om eenheid te verspreiden! ❣wwg1wga❣

In response ol_ cowboy to his Publication

I love and support that idea. A name to remember The Indigo Transmutter a new time traveler with zero karma and is that strong as Tesla and is living on Gaia and will come with big events to unite the planets. Have a nice evening ❤

Indigo starseed van Sirius. Onze missie op aarde als één enorme collectieve kracht is om eenheid te verspreiden! ❣wwg1wga❣

In response Aicha Jahed to her Publication

A run on this breed was hit by alien races. The energy was good here and the people very naïef. They have protected this planet for the other planets, but above from the fifth dimension has been the largest cleaning of all terrorist planets full of corruption, pedofilia, incest and child trafficking have all been removed. Entire planets have been removed and Q Gaia knows because when they came up with the Q Plan, many planets were selected to be monitored for many years to get all their corruption on video so that they can justify why so many races have been removed from this reality. None of Gaia can touch your abilities or isolate the world. All this will be revealed here on Gaia when Q comes back and the crafts can land here.

Indigo starseed van Sirius. Onze missie op aarde als één enorme collectieve kracht is om eenheid te verspreiden! ❣wwg1wga❣

In response ol_ cowboy to his Publication

That there are Starseeds within the Government Institutions that are already connected telepathically is true, but those are incarnated extrateraterials and Q has posted a drop about it (drop 1143) "My Dear Incarnated Extrateraterials". I am also a Starseed incarnated extrateraterial and I am known here in the Netherlands as the UFO woman because since 2021 when I woke up telepathically, there is a craft above my house here. I have many videos of that, but I can't post them here. I know from these ships that nobody except the angels and the arcturiers can turn off the human abilities. Arcturiers are closest to God's dimension and are from the 10th dimension til the 13th. Human abilities has been eliminated after Atlantis and all to protect Gaia. GAIA is progressing in intelligence and the women in Beauty.

Read more👇

Indigo starseed van Sirius. Onze missie op aarde als één enorme collectieve kracht is om eenheid te verspreiden! ❣wwg1wga❣

In response ol_ cowboy to his Publication

Astral projection is also a god given ability to humanity. That is traveling through different dimensions. You send your soul while sitting on your chair and then look through the eyes of your soul in other worlds. These capacities were eliminated because during Atlantis times humanity could not handle it so well and were very naif so that they let themselves be slaves by the Annunaki. These capacities are super cool because there is really so much that has not yet been seen by humanity. Starseed capacities are somewhat more extensive, especially those of the new time travelers who can completely move to another dimension with their entire body.

Indigo starseed van Sirius. Onze missie op aarde als één enorme collectieve kracht is om eenheid te verspreiden! ❣wwg1wga❣

In response Aicha Jahed to her Publication

"That is an organization that serves the Deep State operations. The project for the new American century was created by the Deep State HHM (also known as neocons) and gave the military deep state powers to create bioweapons, aimed at ethnic groups around the world

American neocons will like to sacrifice Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan in their search for global dominance

Former Congressman Tulsi Gabbard accused the 'military-industrial complex' of feeding the war between Russia and Ukraine for profit. "The Neocons/War Stokers have encouraged the new Cold War with Russia for years and have now brought us to the edge in Ukraine. This serves their own interests and fills the bag of the military-industrial complex with trillions of trillion. military-industrial complex. "
Confront with Russia very expensive for the American people, starting with increased inflation, making it more difficult for us to pay gas, food and other necessities. But Biden Admin and Warnongers,

Indigo starseed van Sirius. Onze missie op aarde als één enorme collectieve kracht is om eenheid te verspreiden! ❣wwg1wga❣

In response Harold Holman to his Publication

I have been able to find some more information on Qthestformridder. It appears to be an organization that maintains the wars and earns a lot from it. They call them neocons. Jeffrey Sachs had called them as those who want to maintain the wars.

Indigo starseed van Sirius. Onze missie op aarde als één enorme collectieve kracht is om eenheid te verspreiden! ❣wwg1wga❣

In response Harold Holman to his Publication

Thank you!

Indigo starseed van Sirius. Onze missie op aarde als één enorme collectieve kracht is om eenheid te verspreiden! ❣wwg1wga❣

In response Harold Holman to his Publication

Hi Harold, can you explain to me wich organization HMM is linked to. Qthestormridder mentioned this organisation. I need this information for my work.

Indigo starseed van Sirius. Onze missie op aarde als één enorme collectieve kracht is om eenheid te verspreiden! ❣wwg1wga❣

In response USCG VET to his Publication

Ok thank you!

Indigo starseed van Sirius. Onze missie op aarde als één enorme collectieve kracht is om eenheid te verspreiden! ❣wwg1wga❣

In response USCG VET to his Publication

Hi, the link is not working. And thanks for all your information. Greetings from The Netherlands.

Indigo starseed van Sirius. Onze missie op aarde als één enorme collectieve kracht is om eenheid te verspreiden! ❣wwg1wga❣

In response Robert Wakefield to his Publication

We have seen some prove of that. Tesla incarnation.

Indigo starseed van Sirius. Onze missie op aarde als één enorme collectieve kracht is om eenheid te verspreiden! ❣wwg1wga❣

In response Shin Riimo to his Publication

Hi Shino, are you a starseed? Incarnated extrateraterial. Are you telepatic activated? Thanks for your topics. I love to read them! Greetings from Aicha a Sirian Starseed telepatic activated.

Indigo starseed van Sirius. Onze missie op aarde als één enorme collectieve kracht is om eenheid te verspreiden! ❣wwg1wga❣

In response ol_ cowboy to his Publication

I also believe that Tesla is an incarnated alien soul that had been sent here to help this world move forward with technologies, but was opposed by the CIA. I think this is really a super interesting subject. We wait quietly until they all come to the fore Q Gaia, Starseeds/Time travelers and Q aliens. Like Tesla live here several who will soon come forward with beautiful images of our neighboring planets and races that we have never seen before, they will show us and they come forward as the most creative people because they merge their creativity from above with what they do Learning here on Gaia have learned so their consciousness, soul and power are different from those of the terrains so I think it will all be much better than we think the end of this film. Have a nice day and greetings from the Netherlands

Indigo starseed van Sirius. Onze missie op aarde als één enorme collectieve kracht is om eenheid te verspreiden! ❣wwg1wga❣

In response COMMANDER VALIANTTHOR to his Publication

Where is doqholiday cant find him on this platform. Is het on TG or FB?

Indigo starseed van Sirius. Onze missie op aarde als één enorme collectieve kracht is om eenheid te verspreiden! ❣wwg1wga❣

In response ol_ cowboy to his Publication

Time travel is very nice and very simple just a capacity to open portals with the help of angels to travel through timeline and what is a matter of a second to travel from one planet to another planet through astral projection, But I don't think such people go into politics here, so don't think they will get those power because those are extrateraterials assets. That meens that extrateraterial incarnations would come to the top here. Doesn't seem wise to me. That they exist is 100% sure they call them starseeds, not all Starseeds only the top diplomats and talented world builders who are good at design of structures get these power.

Indigo starseed van Sirius. Onze missie op aarde als één enorme collectieve kracht is om eenheid te verspreiden! ❣wwg1wga❣

In response Gayle Storm to her Publication

Graag gedaan!

Indigo starseed van Sirius. Onze missie op aarde als één enorme collectieve kracht is om eenheid te verspreiden! ❣wwg1wga❣

In response Blu Mason to her Publication


Indigo starseed van Sirius. Onze missie op aarde als één enorme collectieve kracht is om eenheid te verspreiden! ❣wwg1wga❣

In response Gayle Storm to her Publication

Indigo starseed van Sirius. Onze missie op aarde als één enorme collectieve kracht is om eenheid te verspreiden! ❣wwg1wga❣

In response Gayle Storm to her Publication

Ellon is a starseed. Incarnated from other planet to help whit the awakening. There are a lot of them here doing them job whithout knowing they are starseeds. Q has talked about them to in a drop. "My dear incarnated extrateraterials". It is a big mission and it goes so far that al the planets are been investigated by Q Galactic en Q Gaia is working with this galactic organization. The biggest cleaning is up and not here. Greetings from the netherlands 😘

Indigo starseed van Sirius. Onze missie op aarde als één enorme collectieve kracht is om eenheid te verspreiden! ❣wwg1wga❣

In response Jason Webber to his Publication

Q has said that we are in a spiritual war. That means this planet is full of negative entities and beings who are teaming up with the draco reptilians to take control of humanity. Queen Elizabeth was a Draco Reptilian and the Pope an Archon. Q is a plan that came from above from God who deploys the Galactic Federation of over 200 races of different planets to liberate Gaia from the dark. These light forces work behind the scenes with Q's military to clear the tunnels and remove the negative entities. They also make behind the scenes arrests and replace them with holograms and masks. The Light Forces indicate that they are in the final stages of clearing the dark and removing mind control implants from humanity. When that is done they will surface for the final arrests and EBS event. Everything is under control, just there was much more darkness than they had imagined

Indigo starseed van Sirius. Onze missie op aarde als één enorme collectieve kracht is om eenheid te verspreiden! ❣wwg1wga❣

In response Mike Anon to his Publication

Amen 🙏

Indigo starseed van Sirius. Onze missie op aarde als één enorme collectieve kracht is om eenheid te verspreiden! ❣wwg1wga❣

In response judi jones to her Publication

There will be no nuclear war, the Galactic Federation will stop it and come forward as those who have stopped this and started EBS.

Indigo starseed van Sirius. Onze missie op aarde als één enorme collectieve kracht is om eenheid te verspreiden! ❣wwg1wga❣

In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

War is on the horizon or so it seems. We remind you that the entire planet is surrounded by an armada of Motherships and there will be no nuclear war, but there could be a great revelation of these light forces to everyone on the planet. We've secured the timelines and the success is ours. It's just a matter of tuning in to this success. Connecting to the third, fourth and fifth dimensional grids will help in this regard.

Indigo starseed van Sirius. Onze missie op aarde als één enorme collectieve kracht is om eenheid te verspreiden! ❣wwg1wga❣

In response Free Thinker to her Publication

I get a lot of information from Sharon Stewart a starseed channeler deployed by the Galactic Federation to channel information about what is going on behind and in front of the scenes, as well as from Cobra a Pleiadian organization engaged in freeing children in tunnels and they have connections to the Alliance/Q. There is a lot of information on their page. also read the links under their messages and interviews with cobra.

Cobra's website:

Sharon Stewart:

Indigo starseed van Sirius. Onze missie op aarde als één enorme collectieve kracht is om eenheid te verspreiden! ❣wwg1wga❣

In response Free Thinker to her Publication

We are in a spiritual war and timelines are constantly changing. We have to expose and clean up all the darkness, so a lot is going on in the astral and in the tunnels too. Q had planned to end this in 2021, but then whistleblowers came forward with more tunnels filled with children and found out that the Cabal had put bombs everywhere, so the military is now on it to defuse all those bombs. and clear tunnels where humans and positive aliens are held. Humanity has also been slow to awaken and are now getting help from the Galactic Federation who are taking mind control implants away from the masses so that they can no longer be manipulated, resulting in an uprising in Iran. There will soon be a great mass awakening manifest, we are almost there.

Indigo starseed van Sirius. Onze missie op aarde als één enorme collectieve kracht is om eenheid te verspreiden! ❣wwg1wga❣

In response Julie Casey to her Publication

ok, thank you ❤

Indigo starseed van Sirius. Onze missie op aarde als één enorme collectieve kracht is om eenheid te verspreiden! ❣wwg1wga❣

Look to the sky for crafts in the sky above your house following you wherever you go. Families of starseeds are in ships above our houses and would like to get in touch with us. I have been in telepathic and energetic contact with my family from Sirius and my twin flame who sit here above my home in a mothership for over a year now. The energetic contact is so beautiful I feel them grab me and hug me and I am also intimate with my twin flame even though I can only see him with my third eye. They can hold my hand, crack my back, pull or push and shift me. I feel the healing energy when they give me a healing. I've never been so happy in my life. They have beautiful energies

Indigo starseed van Sirius. Onze missie op aarde als één enorme collectieve kracht is om eenheid te verspreiden! ❣wwg1wga❣

In response Julie Casey to her Publication

I've been looking for this Q drop for a while now. Do you know the number of it

Indigo starseed van Sirius. Onze missie op aarde als één enorme collectieve kracht is om eenheid te verspreiden! ❣wwg1wga❣

In response Bennastix Anon to her Publication

So sorry for your family’s tragic loss of his son for you and your family 🙏

Indigo starseed van Sirius. Onze missie op aarde als één enorme collectieve kracht is om eenheid te verspreiden! ❣wwg1wga❣

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
