AIB Anon
@AIBNotice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/ on line 273
Every day we get another shot at it, thank god! Full moon energy probably making it worse, good point!
Needed to hear that today.
Ngl, I’m on the struggle bus right now. I’m not sure what it is, but I am super agitated. Had to leave Thanksgiving holiday early because I was getting hyper aggravated and didn’t want to lash out at anyone.
It’s like a switch flipped sometime within the last week and nothing is helping to calm my nerves.
This too shall pass, hopefully before I become so toxic I burn it all down to the ground, lol.
Blessings to you on the next leg of your journey, VK! Though I’m still banned on X, I do check in every day to get my fill of anons like me. You will be sorely missed.
Well stated Mo.
I hate that I’m still banned on X and cannot join the farewells.
VK has been a beacon of hope for us for 5 years now, I can only hope that this departure means the plan is wrapping up and the real party is just beginning.
@vincentkennedy, you will be sorely missed but certainly not forgotten, not by a long shot.
Absolutely agree. It’s expending energy on matters that aren’t worth your time, for an audience who isn’t go to listen regardless.
I was permanently suspended from twitter last week for some random really old benign tweet, no backup account, so I guess I’m off the bird for good.
Goodness gracious, that was a pleasant surprise.
thank you. i find myself torn between heartbreak snd enraged someone would do such a thing, snd not even say he was sorry.
Happy Fathers Day, VK.
two months ago my neighbor trapped and dumped my kitten Tonto miles from home. still looking for him where he was reportedly dumped. glad you found Classified. sorry about Milo, that is heartbreaking.
that slate roof was likely bought through the company i work for, it probably cost close to $100k just for the slate alone, if not more.
i voted yes, but id be hard pressed to figure out what to use it for. i dont think id be comfortable having that kind of power. im unqualified to operate this equipment.
if God wanted us to have that he would’ve made us that way, imo.
sounds great in theory, but 200yr is a long time on this prison planet as things are today. thats a long haul.
Petunia or Penelope
from what ive researched of the name Sota in the altcoin market, they dont seem to have a very good reputation. seeing how VK made that post on 12/23 and the Sota discord post was made on 12/25, I’d be willing to bet they are just ripping others altcoin advise. all just my opinion, of course.
we are in the middle of an information war, to be sure. we must all be diligent in our verification, across the board.
I see the WEF has released a new commercial.
Notice Impeachment is listed after 2020 election interference. He's talking about this impeachment fiasco, not the first one, IMO.