
Know what else is interesting?

HCQ = antiparisitic
Ivermectin = antiparisitic
zinc = antiparisitic
D3 = antiparisitic
quercetin = antiparisitic

See a pattern?

What if the cure for ALL viruses is to treat them like parasites?🤔🧐😲🤯

In response Awakened TruthSeeker to her Publication

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Starseed, Converted: 17 Sivan 5730 Humanitarian, Save & Protect Our Children, World Peace, WWG1WGA

In response Matoozie Matoozie to her Publication

EVIL are all parasites! Hydroxychloro*Q*uin is the solution!!!😍💥💥💥 Don't you just love it? Let's not forget B*17* is cancer killer!

Tenacious Wisconsinite fighting government and medical tyranny. Redpilling for many years before I knew it was redpilling.Where is my origin

In response Matoozie Matoozie to her Publication

Yes... most of our illnesses are caused by parasites... and now we have nanotechnology... which, I believe is NOT used for our good and instead used to track us or create illness or kill us. Controlling our bodies pH (7.5 or higher) will kill most of them. The shit in the covid tests is metallic and anyone buying into nanobots getting into our cells would be better off with hemp/CBD/tHc products or any other natural healing treatments. Very scary!!!!!!


In response Matoozie Matoozie to her Publication

I have treated almost everything with colloidal silver with great success. Its my#1 go to.

In response Matoozie Matoozie to her Publication

body snatchers...

Retired ER nurse & RAF officer. Lived & worked UK, Singapore, Ireland, USA &Canada. Critical thinker.

In response Matoozie Matoozie to her Publication

Biology An organism that lives and feeds on or in an organism of a different species and causes harm to its host.

A virus is a strand of genetic material wrapped in a protein coat. It cannot sexually reproduce it does not have life, it behaves like a molecule.
If outside a living cell ( plant or animal) it is inert and will disintergrate.
It is truely parasitic.
Virus in latin means "Poison".
A virus does not attack; Your immune system reacts to a foreign protien.
It is more like an allergic response than an infection.
Your body's reaction is what kills not the virus.

Starseed, Converted: 17 Sivan 5730 Humanitarian, Save & Protect Our Children, World Peace, WWG1WGA

In response Anne Peters to her Publication

Exactly, I'd just like to add; A cold or flu is the immune response to DETOXIFY. Caughing up is healthy (as long as your lungs can cough, it is healthy as it coughs up what does NOT belong there, after surgery coughing up is important to restore lung function), vomitting is the body's response to rid of a toxin, a fever is a sign of infection trying to sweat it out, excretion is detoxifying. Drink lots of clean filtered water, ionized if possible. Urine should be clear for good health and poop at least once/day! "over'n out" God Bless💗

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In response Matoozie Matoozie to her Publication

Does that include Congress? They are the biggest parasites of all.

“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others." George Orwell, Animal Farm

In response Matoozie Matoozie to her Publication

Parasites = Politicians, Liberals, RINOs, MSM, Hollywood.... 🤔
I think you're on to something! ❤️

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Red Pilled after an Oct 28 event. Christian and imperfect. Still learning, question EVERYTHING. What I know I know always willing to help.

In response Matoozie Matoozie to her Publication

ok another brain cell jist kicked in. Back when I had a career, before I was smoked by a socialiat college elite (yes I am still bitter!), I was involved with COVID roundtables... and “ivermectin” came up. somerhing about Australia having to pull it off the shelves because people were taking it. seem...maybe some in the US too.... all COVID related...look up what ivermectin is....

🇨🇦‘s For Trump 🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿 Kindred Spirits✨ #The Great Awakening #WWG1WGAWW #TheBestIsYetToCome #GodWins #JfkJrLives

In response Matoozie Matoozie to her Publication

Food grade diatomaceous earth also has the ability to clear the body of over 200 parasites, including candida.

A cheeky cotton candy on a stick with 16 direct lines to the Mayflower, so yeah, I'm invested.

In response Kindred Spirit to her Publication

Food grade is KEY.

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Proud Trump supporting, country loving, mama bear! WWG1WGA!

In response Matoozie Matoozie to her Publication

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In response Matoozie Matoozie to her Publication

think you can add bicarbonate to that list too.

QSI Telegram, learning about Quantum Stellar Financial System, Medbeds, Liberty/Freedom, Checks and Balances, disclosure, Ascension,💜♾️

In response Matoozie Matoozie to her Publication
In response Matoozie Matoozie to her Publication

same approach for politicians - treat them like paracites.

A cheeky cotton candy on a stick with 16 direct lines to the Mayflower, so yeah, I'm invested.

In response Irish Whiskey to his Publication


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Red Pilled after an Oct 28 event. Christian and imperfect. Still learning, question EVERYTHING. What I know I know always willing to help.

In response Matoozie Matoozie to her Publication

maybe Im simple....but what if they are “parasites”....

Red Pilled after an Oct 28 event. Christian and imperfect. Still learning, question EVERYTHING. What I know I know always willing to help.

In response Jeffro Bodean to his Publication

if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, flies like a duck, and quacks like a duck.....

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In response Matoozie Matoozie to her Publication

i haven't done exhaustive research on this and I'm not a doctor, but...i think the common link between these is that the antiparasitics suppress the oppotunistics pathogens that gain control while your body is fighting off the primary SARS viral load. if you look back at research papers dating back to SARS and the conclusions about HCQ back then, i believe this was basically the conclusion about why it was effective against that variant and would logically be effective against SARS-Cov-2. except the media suppressed it, resulting in hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths and lockdowns

President Trump is still my president.

In response Matoozie Matoozie to her Publication

if you google the late hulda clarke she believed that all diseases are caused by 2 things....parasites and/or pollution. I believe that since we are polluted with chemicals and bacteria laden gmo's in our foods... our bodies are made to heal themselves if we get rid of the parasites, etc to give our bodies the freedom to heal. natural is the key....ever wonder why they tried to take herbal products off the shelves???

QSI Telegram, learning about Quantum Stellar Financial System, Medbeds, Liberty/Freedom, Checks and Balances, disclosure, Ascension,💜♾️

In response Matoozie Matoozie to her Publication

All issues are an elctrical issue.

Dr. Jerry Tennant: Viruses & Voltage - YouTube

Dr. Jerry Tennant explains how voltage keeps viruses at bay.Cells are designed to run at -25 mv of electron "donor". If the cell gets worn out or injured, t...

Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior! Casualty of the twatter purge (7 accounts gone) WWG1WGA ❤️✝️❤️🇺🇸🙏🍊

In response Law & Physics to his Publication

Thank you for sharing this!!!

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Jesus is my Savior. Love my husband & America. Dog lover. RN. Constitutional conservative. Love Trump. Followed by Flynn on Twitter.

In response Matoozie Matoozie to her Publication

Yes these work because they remove the offending parasite, ( the parasite is removed that causes malaria for instance, that is what HCQ is used for originally) zinc slows the replication of the virus. Quercetin promotes immune health which helps boost the body's natural ability to fight off illness. Natural Vit.D from the sun & fresh air&exercise also promotes the immune response. Anxiety interferes with the immune response.The whole mask & isolation nonsense interferes with the immune response by increasing fear & Anxiety. [They] want to make people MORE susceptible to disease.

Truth seeker. Run everything through a BS filter - looking for the agenda. All media is manipulated - waiting for that to change.

In response Carol Roberts to her Publication

Adequate Zinc within a cell prevents viral replication. Just taking Zinc doesn't work + you can OD (less than 50mg) and have side effects.
Zinc in body is Ion. Quercetin acts as an Ionophore - neutrailzes the charge allowing Zinc to penetrate the cell. HCQ does the same thing plus other benefits. Problem is Quercetin (a flavinoid) requires a heavy dose (maybe 1/2 to 1 Gram daily in the research) which might damage kidneys.
Be careful and research before you use these things.

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In response Matoozie Matoozie to her Publication

I listened to this about 9 months ago, it's exactly what you're talking about with parasites



Teile deine Videos mit Freunden, Verwandten oder der ganzen Welt

In response Gabrielle Sharrit to her Publication

Thank you for sharing . That is an awesome video.

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Empath. BA in ministry. Mental Health Advocate. Don't tread. Libertarian. Conservative where it counts. Pics-mine. MTN time, USA.

In response Matoozie Matoozie to her Publication

We had goats before God moved us across country (and hopefully will have again, soon.) Ivermectic is a common treatment that most goat owners have on hand, When I saw that last March, I joked with my goat owner friend to make sure she had some available. At the same time, I thought, how weird. Ivermectin for Covid?

All For Family, God, Country and Humankind! We the People, We Are One! #MAGA #SaveOurChildren

In response Matoozie Matoozie to her Publication

Wow! You probably have something here! Can't wait for our medical system to be released from its greedy, mindless, textbook bonds and starts producing healers!

Been digging since 9/11. Suspended by Osama Dorsey in the great purge. Here for the finale... NCSWIC

In response Matoozie Matoozie to her Publication

I also read about the Korean Dr that treated cancer with some success using a dog worming product (Fenbendazole) & this was backed up by testimonials on twatter before I got suspended...

A cheeky cotton candy on a stick with 16 direct lines to the Mayflower, so yeah, I'm invested.

In response Crows Nest to his Publication

Very interesting 🤔

In response Crows Nest to his Publication

❤️I remember a lady on twitt, that said her husband was told to go home because they could do nothing to help his cancer. So thats what they did and started to use dog wormer. And it started shrinking it. I do not know how much they were useing .

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In response Matoozie Matoozie to her Publication

Read an article 1 year ago..Covid actually is a bacterial not virus.... of course that's not allowed to be talked about

I Love this Country. We need our country back. Law & Order is Over Due. Justice has failed us. Trusting the Plan will take care of [them].

In response Matoozie Matoozie to her Publication

Its been said that most of the problems in our bodies whether it be disease, immune system issues, colds, etc... Usually caused by gut related issues.. Disease usually starts in the gut.. Especially when times are so uncertain we should be finding ways for Prevention and Healing our bodie,s our minds, gaining strength mentally and physically, pushing our limitations.. Now is the time to get on track. If we need to move at a moments notice our bodies and minds need to be ready for that. We need to be alert and on the ready! Just a PSA from JC.. 😎

In response Matoozie Matoozie to her Publication

Yup....all a virus is = parasite! Easy one! :)

A cheeky cotton candy on a stick with 16 direct lines to the Mayflower, so yeah, I'm invested.

In response not new to his Publication

Yes. So simple it's easily missed. Once it's seen, it's obvious. I hope this info helps people stay/get healthy.

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A cheeky cotton candy on a stick with 16 direct lines to the Mayflower, so yeah, I'm invested.

In response Matoozie Matoozie to her Publication

Like pumpkin seeds?
Grab a bag and snack on them.
They're also antiparisitic.

Deeply committed Trump Patriot. Trusting the Plan. Seeker of truth and spiritual guidance.

In response Matoozie Matoozie to her Publication

I remember (many) years ago a client brought her dog in to the vet clinic I worked out and proclaimed "Everybody knows that pumpkin seeds cure worms". At the time we thought she was nuts. Later on, when I researched it I found out it is true. Go figure.

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In response Matoozie Matoozie to her Publication

wow! yes!!