A cheeky cotton candy on a stick with 16 direct lines to the Mayflower, so yeah, I'm invested.
Know what else is interesting?
HCQ = antiparisitic
Ivermectin = antiparisitic
zinc = antiparisitic
D3 = antiparisitic
quercetin = antiparisitic
See a pattern?
What if the cure for ALL viruses is to treat them like parasites?🤔🧐😲🤯
Jesus is my Savior. Love my husband & America. Dog lover. RN. Constitutional conservative. Love Trump. Followed by Flynn on Twitter.
Yes these work because they remove the offending parasite, ( the parasite is removed that causes malaria for instance, that is what HCQ is used for originally) zinc slows the replication of the virus. Quercetin promotes immune health which helps boost the body's natural ability to fight off illness. Natural Vit.D from the sun & fresh air&exercise also promotes the immune response. Anxiety interferes with the immune response.The whole mask & isolation nonsense interferes with the immune response by increasing fear & Anxiety. [They] want to make people MORE susceptible to disease.
Adequate Zinc within a cell prevents viral replication. Just taking Zinc doesn't work + you can OD (less than 50mg) and have side effects.
Zinc in body is Ion. Quercetin acts as an Ionophore - neutrailzes the charge allowing Zinc to penetrate the cell. HCQ does the same thing plus other benefits. Problem is Quercetin (a flavinoid) requires a heavy dose (maybe 1/2 to 1 Gram daily in the research) which might damage kidneys.
Be careful and research before you use these things.
Truth seeker. Run everything through a BS filter - looking for the agenda. All media is manipulated - waiting for that to change.
This series has so much information. The MEDCRAM Doctor also is 1st line pulmanary doc. He always references "studies" proving why things work as they do.