A cheeky cotton candy on a stick with 16 direct lines to the Mayflower, so yeah, I'm invested.
Know what else is interesting?
HCQ = antiparisitic
Ivermectin = antiparisitic
zinc = antiparisitic
D3 = antiparisitic
quercetin = antiparisitic
See a pattern?
What if the cure for ALL viruses is to treat them like parasites?🤔🧐😲🤯
if you google the late hulda clarke she believed that all diseases are caused by 2 things....parasites and/or pollution. I believe that since we are polluted with chemicals and bacteria laden gmo's in our foods... our bodies are made to heal themselves if we get rid of the parasites, etc to give our bodies the freedom to heal. natural is the key....ever wonder why they tried to take herbal products off the shelves???