I'm a patriot. I am here to learn & share the truth. I am looking forward to President Trumps return & the Great Awakening.
I even heard from a fire fighter that he heard bombs go off.

Independent Patriot*@PeacockStarry on Twitter*also on Gab*Reiki Master*Starbeing*Vegetarian*#SaveOurChildren #Arkansas #greatawakening
I've seen this make the rounds
The way I understand it that was a news helicopter on site
There was mention it was the CBS local affiliate but I couldn't say for sure
One thing is for sure, no plane hit the tower

Happily married for 30+ years. I'm the ONLY one in my circle remotely awake. No DM 🚫
look mummy, there's no plans up in the sky.

Not a scientist, nor do I claim to be one...T-shirts, blue jeans, baseball hats and beer...Stealer of fine memes...Frequent F-bombs 😬🤣
No evidence at all of a plane hitting either tower, no evidence of a plane crashing in Shanksville, and certainly no evidence of a plane hitting the Pentagon.
It's all lies.

Scary part is still.... where are the people from the planes?? Antartica? A Crazy Similation on a remote land outside of the Ice Wall? Where?
Baffling! 😢

During the September 11, 2001 attacks, 2,977 people were killed,
To date, the bioweapons Vaccine terror attacks have killed over 27,000 Americans so far and that is just what has been recorded not including the injured.
Remember the horror and shock and the need to get revenge on the "evil doers" after the 9/11 attacks? Remember how many were afraid to travel and fly in planes for fear of being killed in a terror attack?
Now they line up to be killed by one. SMH
They have gotten much better at making the public apathetic to being attacked, terrorized, murdered for profit and genocided for control. We even have radio and TV commercials encouraging it.
They also did a fairly impressive job of making healthy people the enemy. Wow
Sick upside world. Where is the public outrage over the genocide jab?
All I can say is that anyone still using fluoridated toothpaste should throw it in the trash. I don't how else to understand this other than through subtle forms of mind c

Still holding the line. Proud to be one of VK's first followers! Glad I listened to my gut! #Trump2021 #[they]fooked
This is the best one I've seen yet. I've been telling friends and family for years....NO PLANES.

9/11 Dr Judy Wood Where did the Towers go

Be with GOD and trust his plan... Q TEAM and the 1111 thing too, Looking for the truth dark to LIGHT . #WWG1WGA Took My Oath.
Just for you - Larry Silverstein - Pull It. He is talking about WTC 7.
I have no clue why I can still find this on YT????

Maybe if we had “magic glasses,” we could even see a plane!
Oh wait… 😉

Been here since 2021, Dad, 24yr Marine! Grandmother, love President Trump! May God Bless Us All, WWG1WGA! Virginia is home! Love Sewing!
The person speaking doesn't even sound like it bothers her that the buildings were hit (exploded). She speaks as though it's just another day in the city!!!!! SICK!
Only followers of this user (@HopeAlways888) can see their posts

blue beam technology ...lots of these on you tube & explanation on how tech works - cell towers
theres also a video that only aired once of "missle" hitting pentagon.
the night before 911 Donald Rumsfeld announced...
so many pieces to that HUGE CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY (false flag)
Only followers of this user (@Gramma52Lovey) can see their posts

Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou
Because there were no planes!


this kills my soul to the core

🇮🇹/🇬🇧/🇺🇸 ✝️ WWG1WGA 🌏Kindness is Free 💖✨Family is Everything✨💖
just want to know the irrefutable truth!

Justice = Just Us Honored to be followed by Vincent Kennedy.
Where’s the plane?

MAGA - Harm NONE - Treat others the way you want to be treated - SAVE THE CHILDREN - We are ALL ONE - WWG1WGA/NCSWIC/TBIYTC
Bush Jr and Sr, Cheney and Rumsfeld and others are responsible for 9/11. Sickening!!! 9/11 is the true birthday of Jesus which is the reason they chose that date. May Almighty God bring justice to all who were involved in that heinous act against America and humanity!!! 🇺🇸 ❤️ 🙏

Happy with Life...Faith in Our Lord God...Love being outside...Enjoy
Israel has been behind the destruction pf America, killing our people many times, starting wars & wanting us to come to their defense, Russia came to our aid.

American patriot living on a rock in the middle of the Atlantic
On Sept. 10, 2001, then-Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld announced that $2.3 trillion had gone missing at the Pentagon. He made a statement blaming the corrupt and inefficient bureaucracy for these funds vanishing essentially into thin air.
9/11/01 a vanishing plane went into the Budget Office of the Pentagon and guess what, the records were destroyed. No plane found, no plane parts recovered. The plane made a small hole half the size of a planes nose into that office.
Its like a well planned records heist.
Trillions vanished, then the records vanished ✅incredulous. Talk about diversionary smoke screens!!!!! No investigation was ever conducted. The clowns🤡 of Deep State are bad actors, bad videographers and bad liars.

🍰 Baker of Qakes, Truth-seeker 🔍, Proud deplorable🇺🇸, Jesus is King 🌟 Q !..🐸 God Bless us all 🙏🏻
No Plane(s)... that should say all we need to know..😠
Only followers of this user (@Gramma52Lovey) can see their posts

So heartbreaking, I have wondered if the 'official' truth coming out about this would be the first big thing to wake the masses.

'Controled demolition', that is what Danny (explosive expert) from Holland told us, but he died in a mysterious car accident in the Netherlands, (Zeeland)... some weeks afterwards.

Ťʀᴜᴛʜᴇʀ & ŦʀᴇᴇᴅᴏᴍŦɪɢʜᴛᴇʀ | We are in a fight to the death with Illuminati Freemasons. 1776 All Over! | 𝕍𝕀𝕊𝕀𝕋 ⇶ 🍀 #QFlagPin 🍀
You are right. I haven't seen this footage either. My guess, it's from a news copter - probably zoomed in and several miles to the north.

https://gab.com/boxoffrogs https://www.bitchute.com/channel/6Slcf1bDEBd8/ https://rumble.com/c/c-2352810 https://odysee.com/@HNiCC:1
Super alloy jet engines do not "evaporate".

13 Bloodline families DEAD. ALL OF THEM. To be blunt GAME OVER........ Bless you DJT you Fooking LEGEND.......
Everything we see on TV is a lie.....
Mind fooked.

The Truth - Justice - Transparency - A Better World
makes you wonder how many people seen what actually happened and then saw the media footage and were totally confused

TV/news is brilliant at hypnotising people - I am not surprised if many saw it with their own eyes only to believe the news was factual.

So many lives lost. No plane! We were all duped..