JFK Jr Fan
@JFKJrFan🇺🇸 All posts are in service to The Republic, not the corporation, of the United States of America.

Q++++ Q++++
@SparkledocawakeHusband,father, carpenter,plumber,electrician,physicists,chemist,family physician.telegram-t.me/Sparkledocmad gab.com/sp...

Scooby85 ***
@mrsb2005“And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:32 NLT Fight for Freedom!! 🇺🇸 Love our POTU...

Pmtp Emp
@P_E17Mom, Patriot, Truthseeker, WWG1WGA USA MAGA rebel, love my family, loyal friend, gardening, photography

Shane Browning
@ShaneBrowningTravel * Music Sk8Boarding 🛹 ** Baseball⚾️ Family Is Everything LO VE *+*

Kobayashi ADMIN
@administratorNot Tom. Tom just reminds me of better times when MySpace was first started free from Deep State.

Digital Marine
@CueTheMarines20k sub Y/T channel removed June 3 2021. Visit our website for up to date uncensored content & to join our EMAIL L...

Evie LikeChevy
@EvieLikeChevyIntegrity, Honor, Truth, Justice, Christian, Patriot, #WWG1WGA #SaveTheChildren

Tank Patriot
@TankPatriotFather, Brother, Son…Freedom lover non conformist since Day 1. Friend till the end. #FamilyIsEverything.

John Reese
@TrumperWavinI love every one of you, and all of you have a God-given purpose. Do not bend, do not break, and do not bend the knee. F...

Laura9 IAM
@IAM_Laura9Patriot 🙏 Christian🙏 Number 9 🌟 wego.social/Laura9 🌟TruthSeeker🌟 #WeWillNeverForget MidnightRider 🐎

Quantum Active
@QuantumActiveTrue Patriot 👍🏻 Stand Strong ⭐️ Hold Your Head High & Be Proud 💪🏻Take No Crap 👊🏻 Fight For Your Rights 👏🏻 FREEDO...

Doq Holliday
@doqhollidayDoing my part in helping restore freedom to America while kicking evil in the ass. Guided by God the Father, Jesus Chris...

P.J. 777
@HiiiPow3rPJ is the name given to me at birth & it stands for Praise Jesus. It is written. What’s done in the dark will come t...

Veronica Wolski
@ThePeoplesBridgeStanding on a Bridge. Speaking Truths. Being God's messenger. Hopefully changing a narrative or two.
Who to follow
Vincent Ke..
@VincentKennedy -
Ghost Ezra
@GhostEzra -
Jimbo 66 ✓..
@Jimbo0566 -
Santa Surf..
@SantaSurfing -
Doq Hollid..
@doqholliday -
Kim Runner
@kimrunner - Show more