Wasn't Trump supposed to be announced to be back in office yesterday? 🤔
There sure is a lot of false information out there. I wonder who is starting these rumors?

After the 2020 election everything has gone down the drain. I'm not sure if q is real or a hoax. I felt certain that Trump won and the election was stolen but that has faded away. I have lost my livelihood because of covid mandates and now my wife has been told she will lose her job if she doesn't get the vaccine shot. We will never comply with tyranny. Many posts speak of massive winning behind the scenes and that's real special. Hard to be happy about it though when you can't pay bills, buy food and gas and we just got our property tax bill which we really can't afford to pay. It's probably exciting times for those younger and well off but we are older and with winter coming life has taken a very dark turn. Our family is all about when times are tough the tough get going. So we will continue to push on but definitely against the wind.


It's hard hearing stories like yours. I feel like it's going to take people to stand up and start protesting to really make things happen that they demand their Governors out of office, the ones that are corrupt. I feel like enough people need to protest in demand that Biden step down out of office because this is complete BS. I know this is extremely difficult for so many people and so many people have lost so much back in 08 I lost for commercial buildings and four houses along with three businesses, I was basically homeless but was able to manage getting a mixed-use building and turning it into a thrift store which I used to liquidate my stuff and people began to donate so that may be an option that if you get fired for not doing the mandates start up your own business it may be very successful.

Sounds there is way more to tell than that . It will not be back to usual. First. ebs and media takeover. Then many things told.

I Really look forward to the EBS 😁👍

Retired Lifelong LEO - American Patriot - Conservative - #Trump2020 - #WeThePeople #2A #1A #MAGA #DrainTheSwamp #America1st #BackTheBlue
Yes I agree.. I lot gets said, talked about, announced, predicted and published on these sites but nothing ever really seems to happen, at least we never see or hear of anything actually happening. Just talk.. talk.. talk.. and the DemoRats keep right on destroying America..

If you do not know that I am crazy; then you do not know me at all! I am a Christian & Patriot!
i have decided to not rely on anyone's date. i feel lile we get our hopes up & dashed. we don't know what goes on behind the scenes & do not know what happened to delay the event. however, i am going to research, prepare, pray & trust God.

I agree, and I understand misinformation is being put out there along with truth as this is a psychological War. if you live in an area that still mandates masks you will see how psychologically messed up the majority of people are pretty sad I'm one of the very few that do not wear masks.