In the end you'll ask how did Trump and the Q team pull all of this off? It's actaully quiet easy to explain. Everyone was so deeply asleep. They were conditioned by Hollywood movies and special effects and fake news for decades. This made it a very doeable plan. Most of you thought Biden was really Biden up until last week. The majority of people still do. The prupose was to wake everyone up. Hopefully you are awake by now. Don't go back to sleep. The red pill in the end is much better.

May love, light, peace, hope, and the righteous shine through all else! 🕵🏻♂️Always discern for yourself #Savethechildren

#WWG1WGA #Trump #Kennedy's #Q #Anons #JFK Fans 🙏🐸
That Biden guy makes me laugh that face and his behavior 🤣
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wife/grandma/great-grandma, love God, my country, my family and 45 is my President! I am vocal about my opinions (I think for myself)
🙏👍🇺🇸Having some difficulty waking hubby up, he thinks I am nuts. Be glad when some of this is explained to the masses. Still holding the line.

I saw newsmax was really trying to making us look bad and that Q was nothing but a hoax.

DIgital Soldier known for causing a Social Disruption. Holding the line for President Trump and defending our freedoms everyday. Blessed.

DIgital Soldier known for causing a Social Disruption. Holding the line for President Trump and defending our freedoms everyday. Blessed.

20k sub Y/T channel removed June 3 2021. Visit our website for up to date uncensored content & to join our EMAIL LIST to be notified.

I have a picture of me and Biden from 2015, gotta up load it to here. I was so gloomy in the picture. Even told him don't run for President. The following year I remet Trump again and boy the picture of me and him huge smile.

💛Thank you. When I see the name, Ezra, I think of that '80's band, Better than Ezra.
I had to look them up on the net. I didn't know they were from the south, though I was there. lol
I like that song, 'Good'. lol. But thats '90's. 💛✨💫

That is a good break up song, for anyone to get, lol. No drama.

For whatever path led anyone of us here… that which is good likely had a hand in it. Trump taught me about the fake news, corrupt politicians and the path our country has been on. In hindsight we can see the evil projected upon us by the self-serving elites.
And yes, there are many good, innocent people caught up in the claws of this deception propaganda. We can help the innocent transition to our new, righteous paradigm. Gratitude to any and all for which has protected our 1st amendment rights here, with the ability to follow our hearts, our paradigm shift will be insulated. WWG1WGA

My take on the good innocent people caught up in the deception.
They are either willfully ignorant, low IQ, or are living in isolation in the woods. There is no rational defense at this point in time for continuing to listen to MSM, and for allowing onself to get caught in the deception. I have little sympathy for them.

I am a faithful follower of God, Jesus & The Holy Spirit! Patriot;Q & Trump supporter! Author of “Lady In Waiting For The Promises Of God”!
From the very start, President Trump said, Biden didnt look like himself! I could tell it was not him! The real Biden had blue eyes & a huge smile!

I got a lot to say! You can interact with my blog, see my books and art.
#GodWins I was raised in these endtimes Biblical stuff- and it is the most awesome thing to live it, watching this movie play out and none of the twists & turns were what I would have guessed beginning with Trump himself :)! - I wish my Pop was still here to see it- he was a God fearless warrior- I can hear him laughing all the way from heaven. Except, he would have wanted everyone to be saved! #SaveOurChildren In the end it is all that really matters.

Mad respect Ezra. i am newly realizing the truths. i follow the posts daily. i kinda hung on every word as i worked out what all was going on. Now i watch and chill knowing God is going to get all the glory because He is the God of all creation, a mighty and jealous God. i am so thankfuul for DJT & you & digital warriors, for the seal team lost but never forgotten.
God Bless THESE United States of America.
Let the hallmark of our future BE for us to look to Jesus as our King & provider, not man nor government.

Love God,myfamily&mycountry, pro-life,pro-2A,anti-vaxxer,#FamilyIsEverything,#digital soldier,anon,mom,grandma,Godalways wins,JFKjrlives❤
Amen to that Patriot

A registered nurse, a wife, a mother, and a patriot.
almost my patriots friends went back to sleep deeper after the fake inarguration. They told ne to accept and move on because the inarguration was real to them. They really make me depressed.

My family reacted to me as if I were crazy to insinuate the MSM was fake. My concern was that when it all comes out, they will be jolted awake instead of gradually gently awakened. I pray and stay kind and steady. When I find a picture or video that may help them understand, I offer it. They listen and now are starting to connect dots. It’s not about you. Stay encouraging and in prayer. I understand it’s difficult now, but it will be a lot better very soon.

Believe in something, or you'll fall for anything

I've been awake but there is plenty of sleepers out there. I can't seem to budge them. Help I'm surrounded by the wallking dead. lol

😁So I guess I shouldn't bother watching Who Killed Jeffrey Eptstein on Netflix right? jk
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LOVED TRUMP since day one and followed CUE since the start. All I can say Is THANK YOU GOD FOR YOUR MIRACLE! THE BEST IS YET TO COME!
We have a lot of work to do even after! We will need to come together in person to start to rebuild our country and world! How nice will it be to have Trump rallys with thousands of people to work 2-3 days to rehab homes/cities or teach those in poor areas how to find prosperity!

I really pray we aren’t forced to suffer through this bullshit Biden presidency for weeks or months. Everyone knows it was stolen and they are deep we are just expected to suffer? We did everything right...EVERYTHING. We followed the rules and stayed back WAITING. Won't the truth be enough to wake everyone else up? This us torture

Wait till they put a lid on him, declare him incompetent and put "Jezebel" Harris in...😳😟 Their plan all along😖

Deplorable, Lover of Jesus, Mother, Grandmother to 5. #MAGA #WWG1WGA #SaveOurChildren #DarktoLight #Godwins #GodBlessAmerica #Trump4EVER
I NEVER BELIEVED for one second that LYING HIDDEN BIDEN was up, HE NEVER had a chance, it's why they had to CHEAT & LIE!

Loves God and Country. God Wins! Patriot. #WWG1WGA
There are many ppl who don't look like themselves. Pence doesn't look like the real Pence. And Pelosi, Hillary, Bill & Melinda Gates. the Queen, just to name a few.

Married to a 🚒,mom of 3 and a grandma x 2 ! 🇺🇸🇺🇸
I woke up last year in March when we were locked down. It's amazing how asleep we are. No one notices how everyone looks different and when you try and point it out they just say plastic surgery. I am having such a hard time with this and how to approach others so I don't look crazy.

Always remember. You're not crazy, they're just stupid.
No point in trying to reason with stupid people.

Love God & Fighting for President Trump till the end!
I am so very grateful for all of you! You're dedication & Patriotism is outstanding! Thank you for the red pills. So many people, including myself, HAVE been so brainwashed by MSM, Hollywood, etc. I am grateful to be alive!

I am just a small account but one that loves our Country and our President, Donald J Trump! God bless America and God bless all the Patriots
Bozo Biden has been gone, along with most of those evil people! But one thing is for sure we now know just HOW EVIL they really were! God bless those poor children! My heart literally hurts for what has happened to them! God Bless Our President, FLOTUS and the entire family! A thank you seems so simple

Loving the Lord .. Creating my world with scissors...
It seems all the big anons are quiet?...Shall I worry?
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Easy to spot the ones full of shit. They are quieter than ever right now. The real ones are louder than ever. Most of them are selling books. I won't name names but they are easy to figure out. If they have a book in their profile they have an agenda.

#GodBlessAmerica #GodWins #GladToBeAlive #HistoryInTheMaking
Great to be alive and witness history in the making!!!!