In the end you'll ask how did Trump and the Q team pull all of this off? It's actaully quiet easy to explain. Everyone was so deeply asleep. They were conditioned by Hollywood movies and special effects and fake news for decades. This made it a very doeable plan. Most of you thought Biden was really Biden up until last week. The majority of people still do. The prupose was to wake everyone up. Hopefully you are awake by now. Don't go back to sleep. The red pill in the end is much better.
Mad respect Ezra. i am newly realizing the truths. i follow the posts daily. i kinda hung on every word as i worked out what all was going on. Now i watch and chill knowing God is going to get all the glory because He is the God of all creation, a mighty and jealous God. i am so thankfuul for DJT & you & digital warriors, for the seal team lost but never forgotten.
God Bless THESE United States of America.
Let the hallmark of our future BE for us to look to Jesus as our King & provider, not man nor government.