The enemy has a lot of profitable addictions on offer… sugar, drugs, alcohol, prostitution, gambling. I doubt any of us are really emancipated as long as we feed them. I have been suffering because I keep waiting for something to happen in the outside world to reconcile relationships and ease making a living. But the primary battlefront is control over my own desires.

Everything I might have overcome in the world is easy in comparison. It is the movable line where real losses and gains happen, and lives do get lost, and it is a pervasive war. Not much point in the military saving the world from the bioweapon poison if we insist on killing ourselves with all the others pushed at us.

Am belatedly realising that my work on the Great Awakening amounts to little versus breaking my own addictions, bringing the hidden struggle to light. Cannot advocate for righteousness while being captive to the temptations that ease the pain of living in a psychotic disintegrating matrix world.

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Awaken to the presence of God. Love truth, and my dog. #Trump2020. I write Heroic Decepticons fan fiction. #IFBAP. Are you ready?

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication

Dear Martin, you are not alone. The hardest thing in this whole awakening process is the war within ourselves, the contending with and eventual reconciling of all our past mistakes and current failings, as we progressively gain new and more enlightened perspectives with each lesson that is finally learned. For me, I am dealing with feelings of unworthiness, loneliness, shame and guilt daily, and much regret, and I must do this primarily on my own.

Our biggest job right now is to survive this transition, so that we may then help others as they go through the same process, in order for us all to rise above the swamp of this physical existence together. Because to be human is to be grossly imperfect. I have realized that no one living gets away from this experience unscathed. However, we must put our trust and faith in God that all will be well in the end. There is nothing better we can do. 💜🙏

Ultra MAGA, outspoken, insubordinate nurse, with bags packed for reeducation camp.

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication
Zach Williams - Fear is a Liar (Live From Harding Prison) (Official Audio Video) - YouTube

Listen to “Fear is a Liar (Live From Harding Prison)” from the new EP - Survivor: Live from Harding Prison.The EP is available everywhere you consume music: ...

Older & wiser. Have the scars to prove it.

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication

Call it deprograming or as the Bible puts it “renewing of the mind” Romans 12:2.

Then exist in Phillipians 4:8, which by your pictures & words Martin prove your appreciation of this verse.

Being weary does not mean we are defeated…
just human.

You have lots of hugs to endure on Anon Mountain Island.

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication


In response Martin Geddes to his Publication

It's a cliche i know but, "Nobody's perfect"!

Canadian. I consider President Trump our world President. An artist, have many interests and who believes we are all precious in God's eyes.

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication

"Am belatedly realizing"... you are not late Martin; you are simply gaining in clarity. Martin, you are right where you are supposed to be. It took me a long time to accept those truths about myself but I now know them to be true. Awakening is not for the faint of heart as many of us know from our imperfect past.
My hope and prayer for you is that you love, see and know yourself as you are known, seen and loved by the One True Creator. Be kind and do not judge yourself so. When I need relief from it all an afternoon spent looking at funny videos is just the right medicine for me. I appreciate your posts. They help us more than you may realize. We must learn to lighten up. It is said that our laughter reaches the heavens and those that abide there love it!

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication

I feel your words are pertinent to over 99% of those reading them….possibly 100%. ALL of us have our own internal (and sometimes external) battles within ourselves which include our desires, thoughts, and actions. We must realize we are all imperfectly perfect. Many ask themselves “am I enough?” The answer to that question is “yes you are.” Try not to be so hard on ourselves and just begin to love every part of you….even the “imperfections”. I know, easier said than done, but until we can truly love the person staring back at us in the mirror, it will continue to be very difficult for us to make the best decisions regarding every aspect of our lives. Thank you for sharing, I appreciate you! 😘🙏🏻

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication

Regarding the last line:
Yes in fact we must. And ur words will touch someone who struggles too and it helps us all to raise our level of purifying our bodies, minds, and souls. None of us have reached 100% on any level yet, but we grow each day in those efforts. Keep advocating for rightiousness Martin...ur words inspire me...u neednt be perfect to do so to inspire me. I am Blessed to be able to communicate with an imperfect man like me and my favorite President who inspires my own growth and who knows my travails as deeply as i do. I believe this family of anons quite agree. We must continue to advocate for rightiousness in our imperfection. Jesus understands what we are fighting to free ourselves from...if it was easy, He neednt have come. Love, Hugs, and Respect for u Martin...u are the perfect ally to have in ur foxhole in a battle such as this. Love u brother! 🤍🏁👊🤝🏁🤍

I am a faithful daughter of God, Proud American and still have my DNA intact. Don't lie to me and we'll get along just fine. FAFO.

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication

I stand next to you. I've committed to loving myself the way i do others. I wouldn't give my child a cigarette, a line, a pill or a drink, I wouldn't break a promise to a loved one. Why did i allow myself to do these things to myself? Never more. I have moved into a loving space where my promises and accomplishments will be kept and celebrated.
I know you're struggling but you will pull yourself out of this Martin. For the good of Martin.

#WWG1WGA #digitalsoldier #GodWins #KAG #Qarmy #TheBestisYettoCome #1776 #Theearthisa HORIZONTALplane,ishallNOTbeMOVED No DM replies!

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication

Thank you for your beautiful honesty... you speak for us all... as we all experience similar battles.🙏💗

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication

😃👍✝️💥🙏❤️...I believe that this is what this has been changing from our old ways to the new way...Paul continues in Ephesians 4:23-24: “… and be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness.” Putting on the new man is the decision to start serving God and His will. It’s not a long process, but it’s the same act of faith as putting off the old man. It’s the work of a moment, and it’s permanent.