The enemy has a lot of profitable addictions on offer… sugar, drugs, alcohol, prostitution, gambling. I doubt any of us are really emancipated as long as we feed them. I have been suffering because I keep waiting for something to happen in the outside world to reconcile relationships and ease making a living. But the primary battlefront is control over my own desires.
Everything I might have overcome in the world is easy in comparison. It is the movable line where real losses and gains happen, and lives do get lost, and it is a pervasive war. Not much point in the military saving the world from the bioweapon poison if we insist on killing ourselves with all the others pushed at us.
Am belatedly realising that my work on the Great Awakening amounts to little versus breaking my own addictions, bringing the hidden struggle to light. Cannot advocate for righteousness while being captive to the temptations that ease the pain of living in a psychotic disintegrating matrix world.
I feel your words are pertinent to over 99% of those reading them….possibly 100%. ALL of us have our own internal (and sometimes external) battles within ourselves which include our desires, thoughts, and actions. We must realize we are all imperfectly perfect. Many ask themselves “am I enough?” The answer to that question is “yes you are.” Try not to be so hard on ourselves and just begin to love every part of you….even the “imperfections”. I know, easier said than done, but until we can truly love the person staring back at us in the mirror, it will continue to be very difficult for us to make the best decisions regarding every aspect of our lives. Thank you for sharing, I appreciate you! 😘🙏🏻