The enemy has a lot of profitable addictions on offer… sugar, drugs, alcohol, prostitution, gambling. I doubt any of us are really emancipated as long as we feed them. I have been suffering because I keep waiting for something to happen in the outside world to reconcile relationships and ease making a living. But the primary battlefront is control over my own desires.
Everything I might have overcome in the world is easy in comparison. It is the movable line where real losses and gains happen, and lives do get lost, and it is a pervasive war. Not much point in the military saving the world from the bioweapon poison if we insist on killing ourselves with all the others pushed at us.
Am belatedly realising that my work on the Great Awakening amounts to little versus breaking my own addictions, bringing the hidden struggle to light. Cannot advocate for righteousness while being captive to the temptations that ease the pain of living in a psychotic disintegrating matrix world.
Dear Martin, you are not alone. The hardest thing in this whole awakening process is the war within ourselves, the contending with and eventual reconciling of all our past mistakes and current failings, as we progressively gain new and more enlightened perspectives with each lesson that is finally learned. For me, I am dealing with feelings of unworthiness, loneliness, shame and guilt daily, and much regret, and I must do this primarily on my own.
Our biggest job right now is to survive this transition, so that we may then help others as they go through the same process, in order for us all to rise above the swamp of this physical existence together. Because to be human is to be grossly imperfect. I have realized that no one living gets away from this experience unscathed. However, we must put our trust and faith in God that all will be well in the end. There is nothing better we can do. 💜🙏