malynda mcneely
@starryskylolNotice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/ on line 273


I believe in God, country, & stengthening our frequency and inner light. Unwaivering in faith, love my fellow Patriots I'M ALL IN! #wwg1wga

PJ is the name given to me at birth & it stands for Praise Jesus. It is written. What’s done in the dark will come to light. #GodWins
POTUS is now openly Retruthing anons.@doqholliday called it. 😎

True patriot fighting for God and country! Give me Liberty or give me death!

🇺🇸 Juan O Savin
Putin is not working WITH Trump..
Putin’s gonna work for Putin..
NATO is essentially an extension of the U.S. & U.S. Policy
& they were PROMISED we would not encroach
on the Soviet Union & present a threat Militarily.
I should say Russia..
The West, led by America under Reagan, won WW3.
The Soviet Union-evil empire is no more..
The negotiations in that post-Cold War environment..
about NATO & how it would deploy forces..
those agreements gave Russia some level of protection
to not threaten the Russian people Militarily
& that goes all the way back to WW2 & BEFORE.
That Nazi mentality.
What did Putin refer to.. at 5:50 in the morning Moscow time?
5 number of ‘DEATH TO ENEMIES’
5 number of ‘DEFENSE’ to the occult
He sent a direct message to that occult power group
occupying control across Europe & into the United States..
‘You’re gonna threaten us? At 5:50 in the morning.

😼 It's been said for many years
that a MAJOR part of defeating the deep state demons
was wresting financial control away from the
bloodline bankers who are the root cause
of most of the sorrows in this demon prison,
& ending usury once & forever.
The battleground as I understand it, has been:
1. Reclaiming the stolen gold, precious metals, diamonds
& endless assets from the hoarding demons
who stashed everything inside their 1000s of D.U.M.B.S
& repatriating that googolplex of wealth
to the countries, states, provinces, families & people
from whom it was stolen.
2. Ending the corrupt SWIFT system
where the central demon bankers stole our money
over & over & over & over
& switching to an un-hackable Quantum Financial System.
If the word "SWIFT" is being tossed about lately
I pray this means Q Team, those geniuses, have done it.
💞 Truly, The Best Is Yet To Come
Praise God & Praise Q Team 🙏💥🇺🇸🦅

😹 I admit it.
In the past year I’ve enjoyed 2 things immensely:
1. When Juan O Savin swears like a sailor.
2. When President Trump takes a horrible person down, like Liz Cheney,
& when HE swears like a President!
🇺🇸🦅 President Trump, CPAC video clip
“They use Big Tech to censor you.
They use the Deep State to spy on you.
They use the intelligence agencies to frame you.
They use the media to slander you.
They use the legal system to persecute you.
They rig elections to disenfranchise you
& destroy you & ruin your lives.
I’ve seen the anger & the hatred & the horror at the 2020 Election.
All the while they claim as THEY are the ones
defending Democracy.
They say THEY are the ones that are going to defend
your Democracy & your justice
It’s a lotta bullshit, that’s what it is.” 💥💪🤩

Because (GOD), (COUNTRY) no further explanation needed!

Red Pilled For 30+ years.🐸 Exposing Govt Corruption, Fraud & The NWO. Truth Seeker✨USAF Veteran✈️ #GodWins🕊️ #SaveAmerica 🇺🇸 🦅#Agenda47

Red Pilled For 30+ years.🐸 Exposing Govt Corruption, Fraud & The NWO. Truth Seeker✨USAF Veteran✈️ #GodWins🕊️ #SaveAmerica 🇺🇸 🦅#Agenda47
Only followers of this user (@Truefighter) can see their posts
Only followers of this user (@Truefighter) can see their posts
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Only followers of this user (@Trumpsara45) can see their posts

Down with the bird. Twitter refugee. MAGA🇺🇸Forever. WWG1WGA 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸



If Poland can do it....

Juan O Savin 🔥 3-25-21
“One of the guys that’s done some of the best work
on the whole vaccine thing
& he really should get a lot of attention
🌟 is Robert Kennedy
He’s done a fantastic job of explaining
what’s going on here in the country with this vaccine
& in the world & the risks to people
with this vaccine & other vaccines for years.
Even within the family he’s been ostracized
cuz he doesn’t speak politically correct on this subject
& it’s embarrassing to the brand
& people have other agendas.
Well I’m sorry,
sometimes you can’t pick your family members
& that’s the way it is.
If you’re just going to do the wrong thing
or allow it to be pushed & it’s got people’s lives at stake
children’s lives at stake
their future at stake
& then you don’t say anything when you know there’s a problem?
Then you’re the bad guy.
So being counted is very important here.”
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. 🇺🇸 Hero. 🙏💞🔥

🛡⚔️TRUMP | KAG | [Z] Citizen Journalist | 1Q49 God Crew | FightBack **🥊** 🇺🇲🦅 []

Sometimes what you think of someone else is a reflection of yourself! @StBernard on TS

Retired 12x Twitter Censored Champion!🏆 A Patriot 🦅🇺🇸 Leader in #5D 🌎☮️ 🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺#NeverSurrender #LoveOverFear #17 🦁❤️👼🤍👼❤️🦁
2020 Election Results:
Actual Electoral College Vote Count: 418-120
After Voter Fraud: 538-0
TheNewRepublic 🦅🇺🇸
wwg1wga ♒️

Truther, Patriot! Seeking Justice for All!🐸 🇺🇸#WWG1WGA #SaveTheChildren All the links to the missing books of the Bible @stormisuponus posted on Twitter before the Purge & Juan O Savin
In 1955, a standard was enacted that said all music must be made in the frequency of 440hz, the frequency of chaos! It creates stress, and anxiety, and discomfort - because your cells are LITERALLY vibrating constantly in distress - trying to find 'source' but cannot!
You can't 'hear' it, but you can DEFINITELY feel the difference! Remember, we are 80% water, and water is a GREAT amplifier, even if it is constantly amplifying CHAOS!
There used to be 'earthly amplifiers' in place - to help all of us maintain that sacred vibration state - but they need water to keep active - so the government built dams above those locations - to keep control of not only your land, and your freedom, and your children, and your money - but also your SPIRIT! Your source connection!! All the links to the missing books of the Bible @stormisuponus posted on Twitter before the Purge & Juan O Savin
So what can you do??
Turn off your TV - it constantly transmits frequency - for no reason. Don't give up the music you love, just sing it - instead of listening to it! Look for re-makes of the songs you love on YouTube in 432hz. They are out there. Go for a walk. Trees, nature, especially water, help to 're-charge' your vibration to the level of sacred geometry! Fall in love, dance, sing - and try not to be stressed out by all the little things! I will post the link to all this in comments!
FALL IN LOVE, and sing, and dance - and save the world!!
Dr David Hawkins Power vs Force

Heck yeah!! That's my governor!!#NoMasks