🇺🇸 Juan O Savin
Putin is not working WITH Trump..
Putin’s gonna work for Putin..
NATO is essentially an extension of the U.S. & U.S. Policy
& they were PROMISED we would not encroach
on the Soviet Union & present a threat Militarily.
I should say Russia..
The West, led by America under Reagan, won WW3.
The Soviet Union-evil empire is no more..
The negotiations in that post-Cold War environment..
about NATO & how it would deploy forces..
those agreements gave Russia some level of protection
to not threaten the Russian people Militarily
& that goes all the way back to WW2 & BEFORE.
That Nazi mentality.
What did Putin refer to.. at 5:50 in the morning Moscow time?
5 number of ‘DEATH TO ENEMIES’
5 number of ‘DEFENSE’ to the occult
He sent a direct message to that occult power group
occupying control across Europe & into the United States..
‘You’re gonna threaten us? At 5:50 in the morning.
Only followers of this user (@Concerned_Aussie) can see their posts
putin is working with trump…
good job…
13 Bloodline families DEAD. ALL OF THEM. To be blunt GAME OVER........ Bless you DJT you Fooking LEGEND.......
Nazis never left
just changed team and name