mstang rene
3 years ago

mstang rene

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40 yr surgical cardiac RN & Social Work with microbiology science background. I just want to know WTF happened to my world.

40 yr surgical cardiac RN & Social Work with microbiology science background. I just want to know WTF happened to my world.

I wish you bots would learn to spell and then go rot in hell.

40 yr surgical cardiac RN & Social Work with microbiology science background. I just want to know WTF happened to my world.

In response Robert Travers to his Publication

I think I've lived too long and the turnip truck has a flat....LOL! Things used to be so simple. Your a goose or a gander.

You have a couple of sons. Then you have grandkids and you can't figure out if your GD's boyfriend is actually a boy cause he is taking estrogen which is making him too ill to work...and is "gay" it is ok for him to live with 2 girls, while my GD supports him (?)...then I get told he is now her boyfriend. She calls him her boyfriend so I am not just assuming it is so. I have no idea what is going on. LOL!

And my other GD told me she is gay when I asked her what she wanted for Xmas. She just wanted mens sweat pants. I had to ask why. OMG! But she is now dating a guy. I think.

I'm too old.

40 yr surgical cardiac RN & Social Work with microbiology science background. I just want to know WTF happened to my world.

In response Jimbo _66 to his Publication

Yeah...that's my thinking however as a nurse I've been surprised a few doubt now I'd be called to the head nurse for calling my pt a she when maybe or maybe she wasn't. Happy to have retired before it got too insane. I do think if rooms are shared...the other pt has a right to know the new pt in the bed next to yours ACTUALLY has female genitalia. Nothing like taking some little old lady to the bathroom and she keeps trying to stand in front of the toliet to pee and I keep trying to help her turn round to sit. LOL! BAD NURSE! It's even worse when you go to put in a foley catheter in a male...and surprise, you then have to figure out how to chart that. I really do think we should be given a heads up on those situations...cause it matters!

40 yr surgical cardiac RN & Social Work with microbiology science background. I just want to know WTF happened to my world.

In response Robert Travers to his Publication

From my neck of the is a bit strange to see 2 men sitting so close together with a full sofa there. Not saying there's anything wrong with that between brothers or cousins at Grandma's house visiting...but I only see such when there is a shortage of seating...and I have 6 brothers. They would just not sit like this if there was enough room to spread out. LOL! Maybe people raised in Texas are different.

40 yr surgical cardiac RN & Social Work with microbiology science background. I just want to know WTF happened to my world.

In response Robert Travers to his Publication

Who the hell is "Susan"?

40 yr surgical cardiac RN & Social Work with microbiology science background. I just want to know WTF happened to my world.

In response Mr. Deeds to his Publication

I'm a retired RN with 40 yrs experience. I am NOT anti vaccine...BUT I have followed the attempts since SARS1 to get a vaccine cause it's sort of an interest of mine having had a microbiology science/nursing degree...
What this Dr is saying is correct concerning the coronovirus. There are others that have tried to speak up. But they are rapidly silenced and cancelled. Their speech is scrubbed from easy access on the internet. MSM wouldn't dare allow them to speak. That should tell you EVERYTHING you need to know.

I have been required to take vaccinations for 40 years. I do not plan to take this vaccine since I am NOT working now, AND until I can get TRUE science papers and TRUE studies that address the issue of animal trials, then NO, I will not be getting any type of the Covid19 vaccine. They are lying about science with this virus...and possibly lying about this vaccine for CCP and political agendas.

40 yr surgical cardiac RN & Social Work with microbiology science background. I just want to know WTF happened to my world.

In response Jimbo _66 to his Publication

SAD to say I spent a few years working with psychiatric Dr's...and I don't think one of them were what I would call "normal". Not one of them would I feel comfortable referring a family member or friend to. Having said seems most "specialities" tend to have their little quirks...and I've never seen Dr's throw a pure hissy fit...except a psychiatrists coming to evaluate one of their existing pts receiving medical care...and needing transfer to inpt psych. TOTAL meltdowns were more common than not...with the Drs that is. LOL! Very much surprised me the first couple of times it happened for it seemed to me they would be more even keeled. NOT when they can't get their way...

40 yr surgical cardiac RN & Social Work with microbiology science background. I just want to know WTF happened to my world.

In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

I miss CatTurd and elDonaldotrump...
They made twitter fun. But sometimes one just has to refuse to delete a no Twitter for me I guess.

40 yr surgical cardiac RN & Social Work with microbiology science background. I just want to know WTF happened to my world.

In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

I'm going to give an opinion since I am retired and don't have to worry about my job. Ask yourselve WHY all of a sudden...medical and science has been silenced when they spoke out about repurposed meds...CHEAP meds...that have long been reported to be useful in previous SARS infections. EVEN FAUCI knew that Hydroxychloroquine would likely be HELPFUL per prior studies. But he LIED about it. ON TV...he lied about it. Lancet LIED as well as other publications. ALL of them with conflicts of interests. I read medical studies more than I do anything else. I started watching MSM in Jan 2020 due to the upcoming pandemic I knew was coming...I had already reviewed a lot of the data from China and in western sources. And I was shocked to see these DR's testifying in such a misleading way and to see "studies" set up to FAIL for Hydroxychloroquine.

I knew realitively fast...they push vaccine for $$$$$$$ reasons. NOT public health reasons. WHY silence DR's otherwise?? LIED to Trump to

40 yr surgical cardiac RN & Social Work with microbiology science background. I just want to know WTF happened to my world.

In response Bee Bee to her Publication

It is unlikely that there is something that would REVERSE any vax damage. However...there might be something that could help prevent the damage BEFORE it occurs...IF there was such an expectation to occur. Issue in my mind is the issue of ADE...and what your immune system might do in response to another challenge by means of another coronovirus infection.

I do feel it is quite possible that USAMRID and our military may have opted to use a specific vaccine producer and type.... OR simply used a flu vaccine as a "placebo" without letting us know. Optics are important...especially in war time.

40 yr surgical cardiac RN & Social Work with microbiology science background. I just want to know WTF happened to my world.

In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

I am retired 40+ yrs RN. I have NOT heard of any issues PERSONALLY with my community...However I remember what happened in the 70's when I had a very bad reaction to the Swine Flu vaccine...and another nurse developed Guianne Barre syndrome. I was close to dying myself. As a result...I refused vaccinations for years till it became MANDATORY when I took a surgical residency on the west coast. And had to take a lot of immunizations over and over due to my work. I no longer am required to take immunizations for I choose not for this virus. There is a reason they never got a vaccine for SARS1 and MERS before 2020. I am not convinced they have solved that problem with this newer version of the virus. 20% of people MAY have adverse reactions post vaccination per some scientists that have been silenced.

40 yr surgical cardiac RN & Social Work with microbiology science background. I just want to know WTF happened to my world.

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

WOW...this is a great video clip but I sure hope it was with a long range camera. I remember when the EMT's came in with pt in my ER with diagnosis of Buffalo VS Pedistrian....poor guy decided to go get acquainted with some local buffalo that were "domesticated".
I've seen people come out of vehicle VS pedistrian sits looking better.

40 yr surgical cardiac RN & Social Work with microbiology science background. I just want to know WTF happened to my world.

In response Pam neal to her Publication

I recently saw some clips where it is said they like "hot sauce" made from "foreskins" of infants...or perhaps it was blood from infants. I don't know...I've helped with a lot of circumcisions in hospital as a RN...and we did NOT save them for anyone. I personally don't think that is what they are really using. Sick sick people...that get some sort of thrill out of marketing bull semen for hair and skin, face cream with foreskins and probably using all sort of bodily fluids in place of what they say is being used. I imagine some sick demon thinking why use bull semon or infant foreskins...lets use XYZ and put a spell recipe on these stupid people.

40 yr surgical cardiac RN & Social Work with microbiology science background. I just want to know WTF happened to my world.

In response Phyllis Diller to her Publication

The strap is basically made like a belt would be made...only different is the studs and placement of buckles. I used to make a lot of belts in the 70's. They are easy enough for kids to do and very useful since clothes were usually needing some help back then. Raised in Texas back then...leatherwork was common skill taught in 4H and in jr high shop if you were a boy. I had Papa to teach me cause girls were not allowed to do such things as shop back then.

40 yr surgical cardiac RN & Social Work with microbiology science background. I just want to know WTF happened to my world.

In response Phyllis Diller to her Publication

This is reminding me of a tool caddy type bag one would take into a barn or stable to work on like animals. Strong enough to carry chisels, knives, hammers, chains, etc. My grandpa had several of differing sizes...he taught us all basic leatherwork...and as a result he got handy tool pouches and tool bags for Xmas. We had them all over the place...always full of odd tools and such. Notice it looks as if designed to be able to sit solidly flat on a table or ground with items in it. Would be a safe way to carry butcher knives/sharperners for pig slaughtering. I know cause that is what we used one of ours for the the harvesting. MUCH safer than walking on uneven ground with a large knife in hand. It was kids job to tote the tools for the Papa's.

40 yr surgical cardiac RN & Social Work with microbiology science background. I just want to know WTF happened to my world.

In response Pam neal to her Publication

😟You certainly wouldn't want anything but a nice heavy leather bag/satchel to carry your cooking tools in now would you?

40 yr surgical cardiac RN & Social Work with microbiology science background. I just want to know WTF happened to my world.

In response Phyllis Diller to her Publication

I beleive she is holding a leather bad/shachel for that looks like a classic strap that I've made doing leather work in the past. Very similar to what one would make to put on even a tool caddy for the stable back before we had to make our own items before cheap rubber/plastic products from overseas. My Grandpa raised me rural...and he was really good at I grew up with the tools and learned some of his methods for handy items around the farm.

40 yr surgical cardiac RN & Social Work with microbiology science background. I just want to know WTF happened to my world.

In response Lili MoM to her Publication

Pretty sure this is a leather bag or shachel. I used to do leather work as a teen...and the strap is classic. NOT a knife or a sheath from this view. No telling what she might have in that sort of bag dressed as she is.

40 yr surgical cardiac RN & Social Work with microbiology science background. I just want to know WTF happened to my world.

In response Farmer’s Daughter to her Publication

I used to love snagglepuss...till I made the mistake of playing with my GD and calling her my little snagglepuss when she was showing me her missing teeth. would think a grandma could reference a fav cartoon character...but NOOOOOO. I got accused of calling her names. My DIL is extremely WOKE leftist. It's been hell. Can't pray. Can teach right and wrong bible stories. Can't joke around. Can't tell the kid to stop doing something. I tried to explain the reference and show clips of the cartoon...but I was an EVIL Christian that my DIL says...she was taught to NEVER trust. WTF?? I'm thinking of accusing her of being hurtful to cat feelings for calling her cat a pussywoosy.

40 yr surgical cardiac RN & Social Work with microbiology science background. I just want to know WTF happened to my world.

In response Lisa Daigle to her Publication

There are things I fear at work much more than this CCP virus. Been thru worse. I actually was a cardiac RN...and caught a cardisv virus from a pt that we ended up transferring to Seattle for a heart transplant within a couple of hours of admit. NO isolation orders from ER. EVERYTHING was considered universal precautions standard...and airborne isolation rarely gets ordered till staff has been exposed.

Just saying...I did use a surgical mask admitting this young man. But it didn't save me from a cardiac virus and short exposure time. Luckily I did NOT end up with a transplant but my life was changed none the less. SOOOO simple masks...NOT GONNA HELP WITH A VIRUS. My virus...Epstein Barr. HIGHLY transmittable but rarely so damaging.

40 yr surgical cardiac RN & Social Work with microbiology science background. I just want to know WTF happened to my world.

In response Lisa Daigle to her Publication

I got banned several times on Twitter...first within mins of joining pre election...all because I asked a valid question about Fauci and his connection to coronovirus patent. My background is medical. I should be allowed to ask simple question that IF you can not patent a natural bacteria or virus...why is it he is linked to patent of a coronovirus circa 1999?? LOL! OMG...and I got banned for saying the DWSNBN 1 and 2 (drug which shall not be named is what we call it to get past the censors now) medications were being used in poor countries with good success. I have a microbiology science degree and nursing...but I'm banned?? Tells me everything about this pandemic I need to know we are being played by domestic and foreign enemies.

40 yr surgical cardiac RN & Social Work with microbiology science background. I just want to know WTF happened to my world.

In response WWG1 WGA to his Publication

I live in one of the most foggiest of places...and we do occasionally have an inverted weather system that hold smoke and pollution down low...BUT never in my 40+ years living here have I ever seen an ORANGE glow like that EXCEPT during forest fires off in the distance bouncing off the low clouds.

40 yr surgical cardiac RN & Social Work with microbiology science background. I just want to know WTF happened to my world.

In response Proclivity 1776 to his Publication

There appears to be a flag at half mast...just limp as a noodle. Remember they are putting it at half mast for 5 days to honor the 500,000 people who died....

40 yr surgical cardiac RN & Social Work with microbiology science background. I just want to know WTF happened to my world.

In response Dottie French to her Publication really sucks that they had to burn candles from China with the sooty lead wicks...aren't they concerned with the polution from them??

I guess they wanted to save the tax payers some money.

YEAH...I don't buy it either!

40 yr surgical cardiac RN & Social Work with microbiology science background. I just want to know WTF happened to my world.

In response Guin Evere to her Publication

I am shocked that these sick people can even think of using Etsy and Wayfair and who knows what else to market slaves. There is NO way that Etsy should not have a way to limit prices of handmade items...and as someone who does knit and crochet and make all sorts of items...CLEARLY the "sample" is poorly made and not intended to generate a high price. Description is very odd. I will be suggesting ETSY to police their platform OR get reported.

40 yr surgical cardiac RN & Social Work with microbiology science background. I just want to know WTF happened to my world.

In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

Clearly it is a glove of some sort. And not the medical type.

40 yr surgical cardiac RN & Social Work with microbiology science background. I just want to know WTF happened to my world.

In response Jlight 1111 to her Publication

TY for responding...I think it is true about disinformation needed however not sure it will help as far as virology goes. We have way way too much being spun by the CCP. I spent 40 yrs reading such as these it is pretty easy for me to recognize there are a lot of spinning going on and by the science I USED TO trust.

40 yr surgical cardiac RN & Social Work with microbiology science background. I just want to know WTF happened to my world.

In response Jlight 1111 to her Publication

Plz be careful with disseminating such information. I get it. NO one believes the fact checkers about this mans' reported article. I have background such that I know it is very unlikely that such a man as this would speak up in this way...for it simply is not done, especially without supportive evidence. And 2nd...I have issues with the statement about "temperature" preventing spread in natural spillover event. Don't get me wrong. I KNOW this is a manipulated virus. IF it was not...there would not be so much to hide. But I find it hard to say this man reported such.