Only followers of this user (@MrDeeds1111) can see their posts

Love my husband, family, angibals. BFF's with J.C. ✝️ Hospice RN for 16yrs (retired). Love our President Trump. Freedom or bust! WWG1WGA

In response Mr. Deeds to his Publication

So how do I know this to be true? I am an RN and every flu season we have noticed that those who get vaccinated for the flu ( just so you know - there's always two strains A and B), ones that get vaccinated for A, still get strain B-but they get ten times more sick than those who did not get vaccinated at all.

40 yr surgical cardiac RN & Social Work with microbiology science background. I just want to know WTF happened to my world.

In response Mr. Deeds to his Publication

I'm a retired RN with 40 yrs experience. I am NOT anti vaccine...BUT I have followed the attempts since SARS1 to get a vaccine cause it's sort of an interest of mine having had a microbiology science/nursing degree...
What this Dr is saying is correct concerning the coronovirus. There are others that have tried to speak up. But they are rapidly silenced and cancelled. Their speech is scrubbed from easy access on the internet. MSM wouldn't dare allow them to speak. That should tell you EVERYTHING you need to know.

I have been required to take vaccinations for 40 years. I do not plan to take this vaccine since I am NOT working now, AND until I can get TRUE science papers and TRUE studies that address the issue of animal trials, then NO, I will not be getting any type of the Covid19 vaccine. They are lying about science with this virus...and possibly lying about this vaccine for CCP and political agendas.

In response Mr. Deeds to his Publication

Fauci and the smiling Bill Gates have told us.....the next wave........

I'm loving this show even though I lost my family and frens. Hey guys does anyone else in my position want to sue CNN? Always praying.

In response Mr. Deeds to his Publication

This is horrible! Agenda 21.

President Trump supporter, Christian, Mom, Patriot, Save the Children, MAGA, Animal lover. Where we go one, we go ALL.

In response Mr. Deeds to his Publication

I put it all over my facebook, and told my whole family. I begged them not to get it. It's all I can do. I keep putting up information daily, to try and show them. Like this one.

Light-Bringer 🌟 💜 Spiritual Warrior 4 God ☀️ Gaia, Jesus, Trump 🦁 & The Children 🙏 Galactic Interfacer 👽 Ascension 5D 💙 JKD MMA 💦

In response Mr. Deeds to his Publication

Re Trump - a lot of people were going to want a 'vaccine' for whatever reason and the unloving ones were pushing the DNA altering injection so Trump knew the only way to 'save' them from their poisonous one was to come up with an alternative for them to take FIRST so they wouldn't need to take theirs, and he did. His is not the same as theirs. If, after this, people still choose to inject themselves with the poison... it is and always must be their choice but he DID come up with and offer the solution...

Only followers of this user (@HopeAlways888) can see their posts

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Conservative Christian, supports Police & Military,#1A,#2A Suspended by Twitter 3 X, honored to have been followed by General Flynn #MAGA

In response Mr. Deeds to his Publication

Here is another excellent & informative interview with Dr Carrie Madej on the vaccines.

Father, husband, brother and occasional Eye Doc. Do the next right thing.

In response Mr. Deeds to his Publication

Indeed, President Trump fast tracked these vaccines. Either he is complicit and evil.....or he knows something we don't. I go with the later.

In response Johnny Thunders to his Publication

Keep in mind, Trump never ever called the vaccine Covid Vaccine.Nor did he state he was going to take the injection. :) People have to make their own decisions. :)

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Reformed Christian wife, mother and friend. USA Patriot, Pro-Life, Pro 2A, Live Free or Die! Flat Earther

In response Mr. Deeds to his Publication

Stop calling these injections vaccines- they are trying to genetically modifying our DNA turning humans into GMOs

Just an American girl excited for the future of the Greatest country on earth. Follow me or not, it is NOW a free country! God Bless America

In response Carey Lou to her Publication

so was I wrong NOT warning my boss?

I've tried to talk to him about reality, but he just tells me that I spend too much time on the "dark web".

He is liberal and unreasonable and refuses to hold a conversation without being insulting.

I feel I should have said something before he got the first shot.

It is a very frustrating situation.

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In response Mr. Deeds to his Publication

Such BS

Throw Us to the Wolves if you will, We'll Come Back Leading the Pack!

In response Mr. Deeds to his Publication

I agree with her ....Ive seen it with the Flu shot my sister would get a Flu shot every year end up in the Hospital every year right after getting her shot with the dang FLU! Thats why Ive never had a FLU shot and Ive never had the Flu, im 43 with two grown kids who I never allowed the Flu Shot and they have never had the FLU!

In response Mr. Deeds to his Publication

I have listened to many doctors, scientists and virologists saying the same thing. What I cannot understand is why President Trump is encouraging a vaccine which is experimental and truly not a vaccine on the public? He knows that the cabal especially Bill Gates is at the centre of this - the Gates that is known for his depopulation remarks captured in quite a few videos - a Gates that did so much damage in India he was chased out.

Recently retired, no longer affiliated with any party. Constitutional patriot listening for God’s word

In response Mr. Deeds to his Publication

I pray that Q knew this, and there is a simple remedy. I cannot think that this would be allowed on such a large scale

Outsider, Patriot, Truther, son of God, Never quits, Stops at nothing .

In response Mr. Deeds to his Publication

Listen to them!


In response Mr. Deeds to his Publication


God ✝️ Family ❤️ Country 🇺🇸 Warrior Mom / Research Everything

In response Mr. Deeds to his Publication

I’m struggling why Trump would talk about and brag about vaccines. If this is true and they didn’t stop it then he and the team are no better than them.


In response Patriot Girl_3 to her Publication

optic's is and are important,,to get the evil side to show there card's or show there hand ,,set them up for the kill,,hope this helped you under stand

Yoga & Meditation Instructor, Reiki Master, BQH certified, Lightworker, Wife, Mother, Friend! God Bless Patriots and Q!!!

In response Patriot Girl_3 to her Publication

That is the biggest question of all! Optics nah I don't buy it. He has no problem calling shit out. If he needs to play along then fine but he went as far as to telling us to get it! He could have atleast reminded everyone it was experimental but he didn't. Why? I'd say he made it safe but no people are dying.

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Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Patriot #GodWins #WWG1WGA #SaveTheChildren #NCSWIC

In response Mr. Deeds to his Publication

And people are scrambling to get their shots. I also think them jabbing the swabs deep in your nasal passageway is dangerous. So incredibly sad that people are not taking a moment to think this through.

“This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” Matthew 24:14

In response Missy M.. to her Publication

If anyone planning to be tested, I would suggest to spit in a cup and let them take the sample from there.

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In response Mr. Deeds to his Publication

Sadly, I have been deplatformed on twitter & fb, making it really hard to reach others with these life and death TRUTHS! It burns my buns.. but my work must be done there.

books, painting, walks in nature

In response Mr. Deeds to his Publication

It's the same trubble with the anti virus for computers> they first infect you with a virus and them -surprising- come up with the antidote. Makes you think: wow so amazing! They found it hat quick? Hmm?


In response Mr. Deeds to his Publication

I've seen it... 🙏🙏🙏#truth