Guin Evere
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“Watching a movie” means
much of this has already been done.
Many have already been arrested
& Tribunals are ongoing.
HOWEVER—we don't know the whole TRUTH
only INTEL crumbs QTeam drops.
& QTeam have been working on
The Plan To Save The World for 60-YEARS.
They are doing everything they can
to keep Humanity safe
while they bring the demon matrix prison to rubble.
If in 2016, President Trump had said
‘98% of your government are
Traitorous satanic pedophiles’
NO ONE would have believed him
& they’d have put him in a straight-jacket.
The TRUTH is being revealed slowly
& we just have to HOLD ON & KNOW
MIRACLES are coming.
Peace, Health, Abundance, a Pristine planet,
& wonders unceasing 🙏🏻😻🌿🌍🌷🐬
Sometimes you can't TELL the public the truth.

Democrats are operating a series of 51 'fake news' websites pushing left-wing stories in toss-up states in a bid to turn the midterms in their favor, shocking investigation finds
Democrats are operating a series of 51 'fake news' sites pushing left-wing stories in toss-up states | Daily Mail Online
A liberal political media operation being run out of Washington DC and Florida is pushing left-wing stories in 51 different fake news outlets, according to a new Axios report.
Just what DOES Donald Trump know about Emmanuel Macron's 'naughty' bedroom antics? Former US president's claim that FBI took secret dossier on French premier during raid on Mar-a-Lago home has set tongues wagging
While campaigning, Macron was forced to deny being a part of a ‘rich gay lobby'
He denied allegations that he was having a passionate affair with Mathieu Gallet
Rumours also said Macron was sleeping with his former deputy chief of staff
Trump's claim that FBI took secret dossier on Macron during raid has set tongues wagging | Daily Mail Online
The former U.S. President claims he's sitting on a whopper of a sexual scandal relating to his erstwhile French counterpart.
'You can take someone's DNA and design a weapon that can kill them': House intelligence committee member warns people not to share health data with sites like 23andMe because it can be used to program new bio-weapons to target them
House intelligence committee speaks about new DNA bio-weapons that can target a single person | Daily Mail Online
U.S. Rep Jason Crow, of the U.S. House Intelligence Committee, warned that bio-weapons are being made that use a target's DNA to only kill that person at a security forum on Friday.
I'm a True Blue AUSSIE just here doing my part in The Great Awakening

The International Olympic Committee in Lausanne, Switzerland, studied documents from international data banks from 1966 to 2004. Those documents indicate 1,101 sudden deaths in athletes under 35 years of age, an average of 29 athletes per year, the sports with the highest incidence being soccer and basketball. (NIH Document)
A study by Maron on sudden death in US athletes, from 1980 to 2006 in thirty-eight sports identified 1,866 deaths of athletes with cardiac disease, with a prevalence of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
2005 to 2006 averaged sixty-six (66) deaths per year, with 82% of those occurring during competition or training.
In 2021 and 2022 so far, cardiac disease has not been mentioned. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy was mentioned twice, but those two reports were listed in the “not vax related” list. “Enlarged heart” was only mentioned three times, but there was no indication this was a long-term or recent issue (possibly due to vaccine injury).
1090 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 715 Dead, After COVID Injection - Real Science
It is not normal for young athletes to suffer cardiac arrest or death while playing sport, but most of these come shortly after a COVID shot.
Huge caravan of up to 15,000 migrants heads through Mexico towards the U.S. border ahead of Biden's Summit of the Americas in Los Angeles
Huge caravan of up to 15,000 migrants heads through Mexico towards U.S. border | Daily Mail Online
One of the largest migrant caravans of all time is making its way to the U.S.-Mexico border, just as President Biden heads to the Summit of the Americas in Los Angeles.
Great article. This covers everything. Definitely one for the sleepers.
COVID UPDATE: What is the truth?

I shared this information 6 months ago when we first heard the rumors of a future smallpox outbreak. Now that monkeypox has landed in the U.S., it may be time to review this. This is the only known thing I can find to treat smallpox and monkeypox. I don't know where to buy it, how to take it, or any side effects. I am sure we may be hearing more about this plant.
What is pitcher plant medication?
Pitcher plant is a plant. The leaf and root are used as medicine. Pitcher plant is taken by mouth for digestive disorders, particularly constipation; for urinary tract diseases and fluid retention; as a cure for smallpox; and to prevent scar formation.

The climate change tick. "The lone star tick, which causes a meat allergy called Alpha-Gal Syndrome, is expanding to the north because of climate change."
Dangerous Tick Is on the Move - Videos from The Weather Channel |
The lone star tick, which causes a meat allergy called Alpha-Gal Syndrome, is expanding to the north because of climate change. - Videos from The Weather Channel |
More programming...
Pediatrician warns parents that making baby formula at home can be deadly for their infants as shortages caused by recall and supply crisis lead moms and dads to resort to extreme measures
Pediatrician warns parents of deadly risk of making their own baby formula amidst supply crisis | Daily Mail Online
A pediatrician has warned parents not to feed their babies with homemade formula, as the US experiences a staggering shortage of formula following a national recall.
Can't be the vaccine or another reason to destroy factory farming...
Every American carnivore's worst nightmare! Thousands - including John Grisham - have developed an allergy to MEAT due to tick bites sparking immune system disorder called 'Alpha-gal'
Symptoms range from mild to potentially fatal. People have described everything from anaphylaxis to diarrhea, vomiting, or breakouts of hives
Growing number of Americans are being left with potentially deadly allergy to MEAT due to tick bites | Daily Mail Online
The allergy is known as Alpha-gal Syndrome, named after a carbohydrate found in all non-human and non-ape mammals, as well as importantly ticks.
'I can't feed my son': Desperate parents cannot get hold of baby formula amid a national shortage as stores ration cans that are selling on eBay for up to $800 after infection killed baby and caused huge recall
Mothers across the country find barren shelves as they search for baby formula amid shortage | Daily Mail Online
Mothers across the country are struggling to feed their babies amid a nationwide shortage of baby formula following supply-chain issues and a national recall after bacteria was found.
CDC report admits 74.2 million people in the USA have not had a single dose of a Covid-19 Vaccine, & another 157 million have refused a 2nd or 3rd dose
CDC report admits 74.2 million people in the USA have not had a single dose of a Covid-19 Vaccine, & another 157 million have refused a 2nd or 3rd dose ..
The American people have seen right through President Biden’s propaganda and lies on the effectiveness of the Covid-19 injections because according to CDC data, 70% of the entire population of the USA have not had either a first, second or third dose of the Covid-19 vaccine. President Joe Bid..
No surprises here..
George Soros, Clinton and Obama staffers and European governments are behind anti-Musk campaign to force big corporations to boycott Twitter - after Elon demanded to know 'who funds these organizations?
George Soros, Clinton and Obama staffers and European governments are behind anti-Musk campaign | Daily Mail Online
Elon Musk on Tuesday demanded more information about the funding of 26 groups who signed a letter to Twitter advertisers, warning that Musk threatens to turn Twitter into a 'cesspool'.
How the CDC bought YOUR data to enforce lockdown: Health agency paid firm $420,000 to track tens of millions of cell phones and see who went to schools and churches in the pandemic
CDC used location data from millions of cell phones to track lockdown compliance | Daily Mail Online
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention paid for location data harvested from millions of cell phones to track compliance with COVID-19 lockdown measures.
A Tennessee family visiting Walt Disney World hurriedly left the Florida theme park over a stalking scare after being pinged by Apple about its AirTag surveillance device tracking their teenage daughter for up to four hours.
Jennifer Gaston and her 17-year-old daughter Maddison became frantic after the teen received a notification saying they were being followed by the owner of the tracking device as they headed back to their car on Magic Kingdom's monorail earlier this week.
The notification showed that Maddison had been tracked over the course of four hours - from 7:09 pm to 11:33 pm - with the location of where she had visiting in the sprawling theme park - all the way to the parking lot.
Tennessee family visiting Disney world discovered unknown Apple AirTag used to track teen daughter | Daily Mail Online
Jennifer Gaston, and her 17-year-old daughter alerted police about the suspicious digital activity after receiving a notification late at night while returning to their car from the theme park.
Three Scientology defectors sue church leader David Miscavige claiming they were trafficked as kids and forced into labor on ships: One woman says she was sexually assaulted and locked in engine room for 48 hours
Three Scientology defectors sue church leader David Miscavige over child labor claims | Daily Mail Online
Gawain Baxter, Laura Baxter and Valeska Paris all sued the church in Tampa this week, claiming they were forced into the work on the ships from as young as the age of six.
Twenty-one alleged fraudsters have been charged over $150million-worth of missing government cash during the pandemic - but just $8million has been seized.
The suspects, who include doctors, nurses and businessmen, were arrested by federal prosecutors in nine districts across the country over the last two weeks.
The Justice Department has accused them of trying to cheat schemes such as Medicare by charging fees for unneeded services or ones that never took place.
Twenty-one 'fraudsters' arrested for $150MILLION fake Covid schemes | Daily Mail Online
The suspects were arrested by federal prosecutors in nine districts across the US over the last two weeks.
The irony....
Genetic tracking used to create Covid vaccines is now being adapted to help regenerate hearts damaged from cardiac arrests.
The ground-breaking research could lead to the world's first cure for heart attack victims, The Times reports.
Scientists find world's first cure for heart attacks using same mRNA technology as Covid vaccines | Daily Mail Online
Genetic tracking used to create Covid vaccines is now being adapted to help regenerate hearts damaged from cardiac arrests.
I was accused of being a black voice for white supremacy when I questioned the legitimacy of the biggest BLM charity. Now that it's been exposed as a fraud their corporate backers owe us all an apology, writes KIRA DAVIS
I was accused of being a black voice for white supremacy when I questioned BLM, asks KIRA DAVIS | Daily Mail Online
DAVIS: Every company that has given BLMGNF any significant amount of money need to issue an apology to every customer they dragged into their shallow quest for racial absolution.
You can't make this stuff up...
For instance, exactly one month prior to Hawkins’ death, the Foo Fighters released a horror-comedy movie called Studio 666. The subject of the movie? Members of the Foo Fighters get killed as blood sacrifices for the demonic music industry.
The premise of the movie is quite simple: Dave Grohl wants to do something different for the Foo Fighters’ tenth album. So the band’s manager Jeremy Shill (interesting last name) sends them to a mansion in Encino, California to record their album. However, the band members are unaware of the mansion’s grisly history: In the 1990s, members of a band named Dream Widow were murdered there.
When the band moves inside the mansion, Dave Grohl discovers a basement filled with satanic objects and becomes possessed by a demon. Soon after, Grohl’s writer’s block is replaced with intense musical inspiration.
Taylor Hawkins' Death and Its Disturbing Links With His Band's Movie "Studio 666" | The Vigilant Citizen
The Foo Fighters' movie "Studio 666" is about blood sacrifices to the devil who rules the music industry. One month after the movie's release, Taylor Hawkins dies in strange circumstances. Here's a look at this bizarre situation.
A woke Ohio college has continued to refuse to pay a $33 million defamation settlement to a family-run bakery it tried to destroy after falsely accusing it of racism.
Oberlin College was ordered by Ohio's state appeals court to pay Gibson's Bakery the sum on April 1, but continues to contest the payout, and says it is considering its options.
The bakery was wrongly accused of racism after calling the police on three Oberlin black students for shoplifting a bottle of wine in November 2016. Gibson's first won its case against Oberlin in 2019.
Oberlin College refuses to pay $33m to bakery it accused of racism for calling cops on shoplifters | Daily Mail Online
A woke Ohio college has continued to refuse to pay a $33 million defamation settlement to a family-run bakery it tried to destroy after falsely accusing it of racism.
The US Attorney's Office on Tuesday accidentally published a list of alleged clients of the student prostitute in the Sarah Lawrence 'sex cult' case
A top executive at The Gap clothing firm and her husband was one of two married couples included. A former New York State Supreme Court judge is also named.
Another alleged client is a painter who has studios in Manhattan's East Village and in Italy. A third is an architect, famous for designing college and university buildings.
An investment executive who was also in pedophile Jeffrey Epstein's infamous little black book of contacts is also listed.
Other names include a hedge fund manager who has donated millions to charity and has his name on a museum building in New York, a Washington DC, lobbyist who has worked for a foreign resistance movement and an international diamond dealer.
Also included is an executive at the Metropolitan Transit Authority, an account executive at Amazon and a veteran travel writer.
DOJ 'inadvertently' publishes list of clients of Sarah Lawrence sex cult prostitute | Daily Mail Online
New York's business elite was left shaking in its boots Tuesday after a list of alleged clients of the student prostitute in the Sarah Lawrence 'sex cult' case was inadvertently published online.
His two-dimensional lover is modeled after a doe-eyed 16-year-old girl with blue pigtails who was created by music tech company Crypton. Miku has sold out 3-D concerts across Asia as well as a 2016 concert in NYC, The Post reported.
Kondo interacts with Miku through a $2,800 desktop device, where she shows up as a moving, talking image.
Even though his own mother didn’t attend the wedding, Kondo recently dropped about $17,600 on a formal ceremony at a local hall. Miku was present in the form of a stuffed doll with a wedding ring on her wrist.
Gatebox, the company that produces the holograms, issued a “marriage certificate” acknowledging their union goes “beyond dimensions,” since their relationship isn’t recognized by the state.
Kondo said Gatebox has issued more than 3,700 certificates to other “cross-dimension” couples.
Man marries 16-year-old hologram and never cheated on her
This Japanese man vowed to never fall in love with a real woman. So instead, he married an anime hologram. Akihiko Kondo, a 35-year-old school administrator, recently tied the knot with a hologram of virtual reality singer Hatsune Miku.
Do they really stand with Joe Rogan?
The streaming giant said it will add 'content advisories' to episodes related to Covid in an effort to curb the spread of misinformation
Spotify finally responds to Joe Rogan controversy with a plan to add content advisory to podcasts | Daily Mail Online
Spotify has responded to criticism levied against its star podcaster - anti-vaxxer Joe Rogan - from Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, Neil Young and others with a commitment to enforce rules
University puts trigger warning on Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone saying that studying the children's book 'can lead to difficult conversations about gender, race, sexuality, class and identity'
University of Chester puts trigger warning on Harry Potter module over 'difficult conversations' | Daily Mail Online
A Chester university has given a content warning to students reading JK Rowling's first Harry Potter book over 'difficult conversations about gender, race, sexuality, class, and identity'.
Thank you Spotify!
Spotify WILL remove Neil Young's music after singer protested Joe Rogan's vaccine misinformation | Daily Mail Online
Spotify will remove Neil Young's music after he demanded that it be removed from the streaming service in a blazing row over vaccine misinformation spread by podcaster Joe Rogan.
Interesting interview. The audience are clearly sleepers from the comments.