Jamie Hinkle
@jamiehinkleNotice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/v2.anonup.com/themes/default/apps/profile/content.phtml on line 273

Thank you so much! We are fighting mouth cancer with our dog and she's had multiple surgeries. It's heartbreaking. I'm going to try this.

My daughter just started singing along with this and I asked her where she heard it. She said Vampire Diaries when Elena gets her memories of Damon back.

This is what I came here today to look for VK. Thank you for confirming my suspicions.
I was thinking about random facts about China.
* We have no satellite access to China.
* China only allows us to see what they want us to see.
* China produces our mRNA vax but does not administer them to their citizens.
* There is no long covid in China.
* There is no mention of Iran protestors being executed on MSM.
* There are very few covid deaths in China, according to what they've showed us.
*Anything that is talked about on MSM, I automatically don't trust.

Even MTG voted yes. He will win the final vote.

I toggle over and listen some more and he's going on about MS 13. Really? REALLY?!?!

Seriously VK. Please just explain why you posted this. I do not have it in me to go through 2 more years of rallies and drama just to watch an election be stolen... again. This is NOT OKAY.

They elected McCarthy today.

I keep hoping that my intellect is just not up to par but all I'm hearing is more of the same and this will be 8 years of BS listening to the same speeches over and over. Do I agree with what he says? Sure. Does it matter? Does it?!
I think this is rock bottom for me.

This is where I am troubled. No one is acknowledging the absurdity of last night other than the same people who knew in 2020. And those like my husband and loved ones know there is corruption but shrug their shoulders and think nothing more of it. There is no more awakening happening around me and has not been in the past 3 years. They accept defeat as "it is what it is." It feels cruel to open our eyes so long ago and continuously feed us false hope. We are told to use discernment... how else are we supposed to use it?

If only the Earth could do the same and send those parasites to outer space, or past the ice wall or through the firmament or whatever the hell is out there.

Okay fine, fine, I get it. I'm so impatiently frustrated it was even hard to watch that whole video, but I did and took a deep breath...fine. Whatever. I'll go stand on some grass.

I sure hope so. And I know I'm a Debbie Downer, I am so beat down from the last 6 years of insanity. I'm very grateful for this site that continously sees the silver lining when I am incapable of it.

It's amazing to me that people would even think that her campaign and lack of debating and Fetterman's entire presentation, along with Whitmer and Kochul had a chance of winning. There are people that are still lost, but there are more that are awake and they voted yesterday. I'm so sick of being in a world where everything is insane and everyone around me nods there heads and say "yeah, it was Trump or abortion". I call a big fat BS on the whole plot.

It is infuriating to me to see all conservatives on Twitter that have a platform make up every excuse in the book rather than acknowledge the elephant in the room and even consider cheating. There is absolutely no way these people won fair and square, it's insane to even think it! I had to mute them all while I try and bring my anger to a manageable level.

I voted for Huffines in the primary but I always thought Abbott is the one that is installed regardless of our votes.

I'm in Texas and he is so corrupt. I had to hold my nose and vote for the lesser of two evils. I don't think we could live in a state with Beto in charge.

Something has got to give.

I read yesterday that they are being charged with felonies. This video was one of the most demented things I've ever seen.

On Twitter, a journalist I've followed for years, George Webb, called her out for speaking out about adrenochrome. It was so disappointing. His partner was murdered for following child trafficking and now I'm wondering if he's controlled opposition.

I'm in Texas and I filed for an exemption with the state. It was super easy, they mailed me the forms and I just had to get it notarized. The school didn't give me any issues.

When I was a child, I remember writing in my diary that I didn't understand why our family was cursed but I was determined to break it and raise my children in an environment where they could not be touched by it. This quote is spot on!


I really admire those of you who are confident during this time. I've been trying for over 3 years now to get clarity, to not worry or fear...but I am who I am. One solid NOT coded confirmation would lift an elephant's worth of stress off my back. I have 2 draftable age boys. This may all be a show, but the consequences if it isn't are life altering. So yes, I'm waiting for one big arrest, blackout, solar flare, the fall of the MSM...any event that everyone has been talking, hinting, mapping out dates about, decoding until the decodes have decodes, misinformation creating a constant state of chaos, and reminders to discern. We are human. We have people we love and want to protect even while they are calling us crazy. We are alone but for an online community that are beautiful souls but make you question why they all believe conflicting things with such conviction that it boggles the mind. I've grounded myself, I've meditated, I've spoken to God. I have information, but not clarity.

Everyone has theories but the bottom line is his encouraging the vaccine influenced some conservatives that would not otherwise have gotten it. He signed an executive order in 2019 giving the government power in advance of the virus. His family reached out to David Martin and he in turn gave that family member his entire dossier on Fauci... so the information was available to him before the jab. I can't reconcile all of this. I will stay open minded, but my trust will never be in man.

I've been listening to Robert Sepher on you tube and the swastika is on so many artifacts across the world...on churches, currency, even highway signs here in America. it seemed to be a very spiritual and treasured symbol.

Exactly! And I will never complain about the smothering, scorching heat during the summer ever again! :)

I saw a sweatshirt yesterday that said "Corn Pop was a bad dude"... it kinda made my craptastic day here in Texas.

Right! And the attempted destruction of them all... I'm so ready for the table to flip!

My toilet flushed for the first time this week without me refilling it with a pitcher... feels like a win!