Least Invasive Most Effective
16 days ago

Least Invasive Most Effective

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In response Robert Wakefield to his Publication

I am actually banned from my local one.... and the police are looking for my car... and other people also...

I bought it off a journalist who was very vaugh about it and lived on Princess annes estate.. I just needed a car and didnt realise until we got there but he seemed really funny and had been kicked off tritter so I already liked him..

But then he started messaging me telling me he was 'gettign into trouble' about the car... and I am thinking the car has been used for some dubious activity and he has sold it to me in common law and now he is freaking out because he cant man up and tell them to do one...

I told him he sounded like a fake shell journlaist like the fake shell companies...

SO... basically... I have reached my social credit score limit..

I await police to figure out they are looking for the youngest grandchild of FM COnway.... who laid the effing roads inthe first place. and who says NO CONTRACT..

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In response Kris Williams to her Publication

During COVID and now they are quietly emptying the bank accounts and assets of those who died... Im relaising how many people have died and something big is going on around it... they are all getting their kickbacks...

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In response Michele hoffman to her Publication

Sorry.... what is this? Have you studied the law of war manual? I dont comprehend how anyone could assert he is a loonatic... Im interested in the legalities of war not in his personal life or any judgements about him personally. Its a legal document and it can be usufully put to purpose and that is what I am enagaged in doing.. I am not interested in 'personality' or charatcer assassinations at this point... I have my own gripes and I regret them seeping out at times and try to focus on the data and not the messanger... i hit out when I am scared.. not a good look.

The olny thing you need to do is focus on the acutal law of war and other pertinent data and map that out according to the specificis of whats happening in your situation/area/constituency.. whatever..

Then we dont have discet him.. Im not interested in him I dont intend to marry him... and Im not perfect by any means.

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In response Michele hoffman to her Publication

than you so much michele.. that's so kind.

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In response Elle DiNardi to her Publication

Its happening now... and all the evidence you need it right in front of you...its all on public record you just have to take each company and go and dig into who they are and how they are all connected.. start local.. like FLynn keeps saying..

I beleive when engaged in those kinds of activities God shows up... on a scale I never could have anticipiated...

I would say dig in... dont rest on pure ideological frameworks regardless of how compelling ... it is inthe DOing and the BEing that God shows up because its a 3D reality being unpacked so thats the job..

You flank the local level by becoming aware of who they are and how the financial abuse is formed that all leads to Epstien... its a coordinated action at the 5D level but its not simple wishfulthinking its directly taking what you have been shown and rising peacefully to make it visible with specifiity and particulariity...

Noah did a DOing.. he 'built' the art.. he did not simple effect an internal state...he did.

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In response Chris David Bell to his Publication

Thank you. I need a team... I need back up. The logistics are overwhelming and my muscles weaken... I cant write emails they go on and on and ...

but the the way things are coming at me ... like this comms...

I just dont know where to begin and I become like jelly... my resolve is there but my body and muscles seem to be stopping me and I can only pray... but the downloads are intense in temrs of the data Im being led to.. or that is landing in my lap...

Just one offic manager type.. someone with no endges just structure. I worked with someone with sever motornuron desease and I had to follow her ever instrction because she only had her mond and partial voice box so I had to do everything she asked..

I need one of me.. I need that. SOmething huge is happening around me... I know that.

This helps...


Paul McCartney - We All Stand Together (Official Music Video) - YouTube

To mark the 100th birthday of Rupert The Bear, the animated music video for “We All Stand Together” has been remastered and upgraded to HD. The song was the...

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In response Aristarkos ✅ WWG1WGA to his Publication

I was just sort of saying that... the news is more than usually contrived and cordinated... but I was aso talking about how I am being closely censored online.

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WOW! That was strong language..

SOmething is going down because the tabliods today have one mage and thats Kates stripy top comms...

I do hope he didnt just give comms for us to be arrested.. because if thats on the agenda then its really close to being called into effect...

And I have and am unpacking some serious crimes locally and doing due diligence and I tell you...


The fraud is all 'companies house' and you can see from the names that its foreign interests or mutually alighed corrupt interest all the way up and all the way down...

inclduing but not limited to...


The patterns are all there but people have to be prepare to look foorensically for a significant duration before the patterns emerge...

Therein lies the rub...

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In response Stephanie Foster to her Publication

But then the bible says we are the salt... and sugr causes cancer...

So it gets hugely confusing...

To be honest.. I trust people like you who are a bit 'bad ass' more than anyone... I like blunt honesty and people who say it how it is.. no ribbons and no bows.. those people tend to be the ones with a throughline I can trust and relate to.

Thank you sista for being you.. blunt, forthright... unconcerned with appearances...

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In response Carole Parnell to her Publication

It would be great to see the annex to that meme...

I need specificity and particularity... 🙇🙅🙆🙋

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In response Stephanie Foster to her Publication

I feel you honey... add my name to that list.. Im on your list..

SO tired of the drip drip nature of things... its starting to feel like we are lobsters in a pot...

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In response Spar Hawk to his Publication

used to be vehmently against capitol punishment.. now it cant come soon enough...

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In response Medeea Greere to her Publication

Its not super bugs irts radiation triggering toxic overload...

You can not cacth ANYTHING from ANYONE... and those pushing that in the media, alt or MSM is pushing a lie to keep the idea alive that someting can be caught.

GERM THEORY is a lie.. its all TERRAINE... its the environment of the body, free radicals, heavy metals, toxic overload... the symptms of which a flu like because it is a detoxification process...

The paradym of health is shifting to recognise that...

Chlorine Dioxide works because it kills the parasites and binds free radicals removing them from the system and encouraging cell repatriation...

Its toxicti and radiation... so by keeping the GERM THEORY alive people are not addressing the EMFs inthe home and workplace that is a strategic part of the genocide...

People are dying because they still beleive GERM THEORY is real... its just a theory.. backed by CGI images. ZERO evidence ever of viruses jumping from one host to another...

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... as law.

I like him and he is doing a great job... my critique is inthe rhetoric used that is misleading rather than an objection to his position... absolutely agree with him and as a representative he absolutely is speaking for many of us....

But he is not making laws, he is prohibited from doing so... none of them have a mandate for that and it is the presumption of a mandate that allowed for the lockdowns and for everything else that was rolled out as an act of war on the people to occur and that is why I am picking apart the rhetoric because you cannot solve a problem at the same level of develpment that caused the problem in the first instance....

Parliment cannot fix problems it created under colour of law.

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In response Authentic Citizen to his Publication

Important to note BRigend is not a 'law maker' Parlimentarians do not not have authority to create laws. Thats a separate body of state...

The misconception is a part of the probelm we are in today...

"I do not bring you laws", The Queen on her coronation speech...

Thats not their job, we have common law and a judiciary who we have mandated to deliver justice...

The idea that MP's create laws is 'colour of law', a fraud that keeps being repeated and as such diminishes the role of the judiciary.

The term LAWMAKER is a US term and not a fitting application. In fact it is a treason to assert it to be the case. They are a debating chamber...

This may sound picky but its intergal to upholding the rle of law and protecting freedoms of the common law man and woman.

He is right to assert that Gates should be executed on the basis of his crimes in law... but no one can make up laws as has been happening and present those allaged laws ('ACTS & STATUTAES) or, 'COMPANY POLI

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In response Aristarkos ✅ WWG1WGA to his Publication

TO clarify.. I am not perfdrming for you so I have absolutely no intention of 'convincing you'..

There is something called TELLING THE TRUTH... Its what I did..

I dont know anything about 'convincing'.. I am not in that line of work.. I deal in FACTS... and the FACT is that image is from a NIGHT CLUB HOTEL.. used for trafficking not a dungeon that only appears that way because of the inversion of the lights and its been throughouly unpacked in an outstanding thread which I cant find... but you sound righousous enough to look for yourself...

You are mistaking me for for some other function if you percieve me to be CONVINCING YOU...

Its either a fact or not.. and I know and others who also saw the thread KNOW it is a FACT...

THats all i have to say on the matter.. busy lady.. things to do.. toot toot.

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In response CM_ Patriot to his Publication

Oh dear.. not good. Tricky one to navigate..

Are the kids ok? Are they safe?

Thats the concern...

THings can turn around.. prayer... will she pray?

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In response walker Fast to his Publication






call a spade a spade - YouTube

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In response Robert Wakefield to his Publication

Are you ENlgish RObert?

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In response COMMANDER VALIANTTHOR to his Publication

I do hope this is not where we are headed... I dont wish to live inthat sort of matrix...

Its not human,... its sicence fiction.. thats opposite of where we need to go..

BLUE is the colour of masonry... little blue people are therefor the bastard children of masons...

No thank you... we dont need that kind of skull duggary messing up the terraine..

Humans haven't even managed to sort out this reality plaine.. I think its pitching way over peoples capacity to be calling up little blue people and creating a vision of the future that is a product of an AI programme...

Lets deal with this first... the provable stuff and then we can have a rethink once the decks are clear...

I am flesh and blood Sir... DO NOT CONSENT to ficitonal blue people coming to save us... thanks but not thanks...

and saucer dishes coming from the sky... with Lion... COME ON!

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In response Earth Alliance to his Publication

VK posted an E just before he went... what is the meaning of E?

5 is the obvious...

And there is the 'There is no 'step 5' - q...

Step 5 of AA reads; “admitted to God, to oneself, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.”

So, that would mean they have not made a confession... if we were to run with that one...

Are there are other meanings that I have missed?

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In response Authentic Citizen to his Publication

I'm 54 we did a walk out at school... rather a sit in... I really cant rememeber why.. but I do remember exactly where I sat...

In those days the teachers were adults and they just sort of took it in their stride... id didnt ammount to much because I dont think we were protesting that much...

It may have been for an increase in the pay for dinner ladies...

I really dont know but it was fun...

Not anything like this... kids having to walk out of being sexually abused... the level of demonic control is way beyond my imaginings... even being awake for a good time now... the level of it is way bigger than I thought.

Its quite surreal.

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This image is tripping with information...

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Yes.. but they have raised because the private entities who run them raised them.. and they are all listed as companies and its possible to locate the names of those people and hold them to account...

Those people put biden in place because they knew you would all focus on biden and they could carry on laughing at you...

They are distracting you with a manequine.

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In response CM_ Patriot to his Publication

How much is the bail?

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In response Roy Herman Kellerman to his Publication
Cadbury Gorilla - In The Air Tonight (Extended Mix) - YouTube

Because 1:30 of a drumming gorilla just isn't enough!

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Something about an artist... the artist painted the club/the wallpaper... and the walls were his art that he added to over years... but the stools are round velvet or leather type..

This club is a runby traffickers... and lots of the young elite types.. socialite club... still the same disgusting filthy swapm... But not children sat having their bwels emptitied in some dungeon as it appears...

It was a paradym shift for me...

Sorry I cant rememeber more.. I can see the images.. but I can remember the key words to search my links.. I have tried but nothing.. sometimes, rarely I mis saving a key link.. this is one time...

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In response Aristarkos ✅ WWG1WGA to his Publication

Because Ive seen the images of the hotel and so I have been able to discern...

Why do you dispute my word is more the question to ask?
You would require evidence before calling me a lyer, in law would you not?

Good.. then we can presume i am not lying and I have seen the evidence after myself percieving it, as explained, the way you see it.

Its NOT EPstien Island UNLESS they made a remodel of the club on the island... possible... they do like to twin things.

Somewhere I have the images but I have over 100,000 screenshots and am not about to go looking for them... if I come across them I will let you know.. there is a very very good thread on it which I had and was posted here relivatively recently.. an outstanding substak...

Im not disputing the trafficking or the perversity, beleive me I know more than you could ever know... I am simply stating that the images are of a club and not of the island.

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In response Mike Anon to his Publication

You can see that meme is the finger pointing back at its self?

Its antagonistic.. you just brought the energy of antagonism here... randomly

Im here for the data i can use to take down criminals locally to end child trafficking... Not for lifeskills advice...

IMaigne we are in an office working and then someone keeps popping their head in with this kind of comment? In the end you would say... ?

Welll. I wont say what I would say to them... but a plict person might ask them if they could stp so you and your team can remain focused on the job in hand...

Thats how I feel...

SO much random projectionist advice..

And you are basically saying 'if you disagree with me you are the problem''.. but you are also BLURTING it out when others are trying to work on a serious matter... some even saving their own children...

WHo gives a shit about this sort of crap when we have such a task in our hands?

Not me thats for sure...