Yankee Carolyn
50 minutes ago

Yankee Carolyn

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"Just" a Housewife

In response Mike Anon to his Publication

this is pretty cool

In response Maddy McCullough to her Publication

Thank you.

I believe by faith but I still do not actually understand how it works.

Jesus was a sin offering for us.

But what are the specifics, the reaons, the logistics of how that works?

I don't understand.

I never understood sin offerings.

In response Telesia Birdwell to her Publication

That sounds reasonable but I looked that verse up because I recalled the quote you paraphrased as coming from Paul, and not Jesus. Jesus's quote from Mark is below, where he says food cannot defile a man.
So very interesting it is, because I would still want to interpret that as you did, as if it were to say that prohibition no longer applies.
It just doesn't expressly say that, but I agree that is how I would take it.
And still, there must be a reason it was forbidden before?

In response Robert Wakefield to his Publication

That's right, and it's a mental thing, too. It causes you to think differently both when you are prohibited as well as just when you physically can't write it.
Resist with all your might, peeps!

In response Carole Parnell to her Publication

...while we can see for miles and miles

In response Robert Wakefield to his Publication

Yes but God can't be hidden so joke's on them!!

In response Pink Totter to her Publication

thank you!
it was yummy

In response Pink Totter to her Publication

well i'll just eat out of existence
(i actually just did😜)
so no worries😂

btw i made that

In response Dave Mars to his Publication


In response Juris Prudence Civilis to her Publication

oh yeah i know him ( well not personally, 😜)

In response Juris Prudence Civilis to her Publication

I believe there will be two beasts.
Not all in on the JFK Sr being alive but a definite possibility JFK Jr is

In response Coug girl7 to her Publication

It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven,
Jesus said

In response The Real Me to her Publication

I was suspicious of Kim. I heard of him through Trey Smith at godinanutshell project which I respect. However, something didnt sit right with me about Kim and now less so as I see he didn't prophesize anything above and beyond what Q said, and nothing above and beyond politics. I think he was a phony.
I think it's easy to "predict" the future when you know what the controllers' agenda is.
The 2nd beast of Revelation kills anyone who doesn't worship the image of the 1st beast.
I think the New Jerusalem might just be a heavenly realm. *IMHO*

In response Brian Strong to his Publication

I'm not voting.
I already decided.

I'm also ignoring all of the political headlines and not giving a shit because it's all Strawberry Fields to me.

In response Pissed Patriot to his Publication

I know it's not real now.

In response Yvonne McNeil to her Publication

"Contained" is an excellent choice of words.
I would say they subdued us from uprising by assuring us they had everything under control.
Well they sure did have everything under control : US ! 😡

In response Pissed Patriot to his Publication

Q predicted some mass shootings like the Los Padres one [did i get the name right?] so that means THEY KNOW SHIT but I don't think they're good

In response Juris Prudence Civilis to her Publication


In response Robert Wakefield to his Publication

Obummer did this too when he declared war without Congress and Leon Panetta went on Tv and said it was OK because the UN said it was 😡

In response walker Fast to his Publication

Justice for whom?
Justice when?
Justice how?

In response Robert Wakefield to his Publication

i thought that was shown to be video editing? or am i wrong?

In response The Real Me to her Publication

Revelation says if you do not have the Mark you cannot buy or sell.
So whatever the operating system is they use as the Mark, is one thing and neuralink could be it.
But no matter if it's neuralink or something else, it has to tie in with digital money or else there'd be no link to the "buying and selling".
That means something, somehow, will identify you as not marked, thus not allowed to participate in the monetary system.
It would be much harder to do this with physical money.
I suppose it'd be possible to do with physical money, but they have digital now and that makes the most sense, no?

In response Never Fuck with Kid's. to his Publication

just being realistic👐

being prepared for the worst,
hoping for the best

In response Par Nelli to her Publication


In response Yuri Stauffenberg to his Publication


In response Par Nelli to her Publication

The evil a*holes have reduced us to this, so looks like we're ready to do some ass whoopin now!😡

In response Yuri Stauffenberg to his Publication

i think he's just possessed now, tbh

In response Par Nelli to her Publication

wish we could tell that fucker to his face

In response Free Bird to her Publication


In response Yuri Stauffenberg to his Publication

But there are the REAL descendents of biblical Jacob/Israel and that are the Germanic/Nordic peoples of all Europe, Scandinavia, Britain and now here in the U.S.