John Tiger
5 months ago

John Tiger

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Hello, I haven't been here in a while.
Just dropping by to say hi!

This is my backup channel so if the SHTF on other platforms I'll be more active here.

Have a nice day

Most of what we see is a movie
I'm having fun figuring it out
And learning a lesson here and there while at it
While always trying to be positive and seeking to be useful
Like a good little frog :)

I haven't posted here in a while.
I'm mostly on the txitter battlefield
Just wanted to drop a word and say hi!

Ok, this is weird.

I've been testing this all morning now.

If I sit on the left side of my couch by the street & window
My tinnitus appears immediately

Then, if I go elsewhere, after 20 minutes or so,
it goes back down to barely perceptible

I tested it 3 times already, 100% reproductible

Wow, the tinnitus is hitting hard today.
It has a different qualia to it as well.


The ringing in the ears has intensified greatly since maybe 3 days.
Anyone else?

I was trying to get a vision past 2023.

I don't think I succeeded. I did have a recurrent torture dream but this time around I managed to save myself and someone else. I won't go into details on that one. At least there is an improvement.

I was half-awake, thinking "shoot, I didn't have a premonition dream", only remembering the torture one then it sprung on me. As I was relaxing in that semi-awake state of mind, I kind of remote-viewed my dream, foe lack of a beter term. This is what happenned.

A voice told me: "They recreated Baal but he is flawed".
I looked around, everything was cold and frozen, in hues of dark blue but I knew that this was not everywhere in the world, just where I was at. There was a huge sphere sunk in the earth at a distance. Tthe water around me had no waves, just slight (and slow) ondulations. Then, all of a sudden, I saw twinkling light coming up from the depth of the water.

(more in reply...)

Thank you AU!
I'm so thankful to be able to edit my typos :)

Here is a floppy cat on a dog.

The dog is frozen and I can read his mind.

In order:

1- uh oh! that smelly fluffy scratchy thing is on me, if I move too quickly it might scratch me!
2- hmm... so warm... so fluffy...
3- wait, should I move or not? This is part pleasant part dangerous !
4- (loop back to 3)

Men are as intuitive as womane are
Men are as emotional as woman are

With every field of the human condition, we share responsibilities.

While woman will have great social and empathic intuition, men will have great intuition about the motivations of individuals and about how things work.

While woman experience ther motions outwardly in order to communicate them clearly, men experience their emotions more seclusively to avoid distracting their peers from addressing the problems at hand

In truth, life experiences will actually train you to have the necessary specialization (and degree) of intuition regardless of the gendered archetype forementionned.

The maturity of one's intuition is not determined strictly by gender. Those that have richer intuition from the onset are girls that only have brothers or boys that only have sisters.

Stop perpetuating the myth that men are not intuitive and must "learn to deal with emotions" - those are preposterous & offensive claims.

1/ Moments ago someone rang at my door
Decending the building's stairs I could only see part of the top of his head
In hindsight, it was pretty obvious that he was tilting it in a way that would make him hardly identifiable.

I openned the door and he swooped in mumbling "I'll just move here" or something.
The young man had elocution problems, probably partly out of stress but evidently out of a lack of education.

I never tremble

I hear that a huge Island may pop up from the sea in the pacific...
anon island anyone?

The problem with meditation is that you can't meditate to initially ask your inner-self advice about how to meditate.

I haven't had Déja Vu's for a while now, I don't know why.
I really enjoy them, it's frankly quite thrilling.
There's always that moment when you break out of them, you can feel the end of the Déja Vu creeping up, as if it was an internal change of disposition, an internal realization.

So a while back, I took the decision to try and "stay" in the Déja Vu mode for as long as possible, what was usually 5-10 seconds of Déja Vu ended up being extended into 2-3 minutes by ignoring my internal "wait-a-minute, this is not now" worries and questions and transforming these into a non-invested kind of observational mode.

I was very happy about this, that was tons of fun!
I probably looked like a dazed lunatic to others though - lol

Anyways, I don't get them anymore, that's odd.

I just invented a word


So, just checking...

Are they pulling off a Stargate S04E16 move?

Population Control - YouTube

Stargate SG1 S04E16 +2010

I have a confession to make...

... I'm not a tiger

... it's an alias, you know, the things we use on the interwebz.

1/ Although they seem to work in parallel, there is no indication that the spiritual realm is antithetical to the physical realm, in fact, all indications point towards the fact that both form a smooth cooperative system without which humans could not form metaphysical concepts. We do. A lot.

Every time you take a trait of reality at face value, usually a human trait, then use this trait as a justification as to why it prohibits you from a greater spiritual emancipation, you are probably on the wrong line of thought.

Philosophically, I abhor the school of thought of monism but when it comes to the relationship between the physical and spiritual realms, it's the only one that can stand in this case.

So, the next time you claim that "thinking too much or too logically" or that you are concerned about your current state of affairs in terms of your personal cognitive world (ie. thinking "through the ego" as new-agers would say) ask yourself the consequences of this recommendation

wow, intense headakes today, came out of nowhere.
A wierd kind too, from the base of the neck kind of headake.

Project ‘Looking Glass’ - The Guardians & The Technology - COAST TO COAST AM 2022

I was meditating

It's easy for me to detach from self-concern
But meditating is often uneventful, just nothing special.
I'm sure that it has some positive effects on my body and mind though

Last month or so, I was meditating as usual, observing the imagery brought to my mind without any interference of will or imagination. Usually, it's often faces or sceneries morphing into new faces/sceneries as if it was constantly unrolling. Kind of neat.

That time it was different, I became intensely transfixed and a load of beautifully complex symbols with very pleasant colors showed up like a high-speed stream. It felt like I never saw these colors before, their tint or hue was always someonewhat off from the colors I knew and it made them more beautiful, divine even.

The lines forming the symbols where white on color backgrounds, they had the same symbolic potency as crop circles but x1000 and they flashed before me extremely fast.

Any clues what this was?

Life is like walking
The body is like a bicycle
The mind is like a sailboat
And the spirit like a plane
The soul is all of the above

Without walking, you would never guess you could move
Without knowing what movement it, you would never built a proper bicycle
Without a bicycle you would never have the concept of vehicle
Without the concept of vehicle you could never build a proper sailboat
Without the sails of your sailboat you would never know the action of the wind
Without knowing how the wind affects shapes you would never build a proper plane

While walking comes naturally and owning a bycicle is innevitable most are stuck on their boat, prefering to stay and party in marinas instead of sailing the seas to examine the action of the wind. Worse, some sail so badly, that under habitual maneuvring, they always end up stuck in the same river, annoyed in the very same way and sailing very little. To think that these maneuvres are actively taught in schools.

Three weeks ago, I had a dream.

I was in the lush meadow by my house.
I was surrounded by druids and arthurian templars in ceremonial robes, not armor. I was part of the entourage but I had an insignificant role and a weird specialty.
Think weird hermit.

I knew how to breed cats so that their soul develop both the ability and a desire to send messages to people, even across dimensions or planes of existence. Each cat would tend to prefer sending messages to 7 people in particular and could otherwise refuse to send messages to people they didn't enjoy. They had to be atuned and willing.

They came to the meadow to ask me to send a cat-message to Galahad, to which my cat was atuned to. I think he was a childhood friend of mine and hang out at my place often, the cat liked him and was atuned like that.

I was not privy to the message but by looking at their faces, it felt like they where calling for his help, it was urgent.

The message was sent
The dream ended.

I wonder how yesterday was on the Schummann charts,
I had a very difficult time falling asleep
The tinnitus was low and tolerable
But I kept hearing a high-pitch signal from the left brain hemisphere
It almost sounded like a digital data transfer, kind of morse-like.
I still don't know what that was.

It's been a few months now.

I stopped moving in my sleep, this is very weird and abnormal for me.

I know because of the pressure marks left in my skin when I wake up which are deep and take forever to go back to normal, that and the akes.

I wonder if other people had this recently and what could have triggered this?

Before I was born, I spoke to my mom through a vision of hers
I was wearing my armor and riding my horse
I told her my true name and that I was the victorious

Humans match their electromagnetic vibrations to the Schumman resonnance. It's a law of physics, you can't escape it.

At the begining, you might "bounce around" so to speak but each time it "bumps against" the earth's vibration, the stronger force pushes back on the smaller force. Over time, they become perfectly synced. The stronger force here is the earth.

If the CIA docs are accurate, it'll make humans kinder, happier and smarter. Of course, this does not mean that we suddenly lose our morality and stop punishing crimes.

Technically you could sync to a harmonic instead. For example, imagine 2 very heavy pendulums surrounding a light pendulum. The 2 exterior pendulums could rock back and forth at 100Hz and the center one could sync at 50 or 25, or even 200Hz and still not bump into the surrounding pendulums.

In reality, since it started at 7.8 and slowly went up, it's virtually impossible to sync at an harmonic because of the speed increase, it'll be in unison.