I still do not understand how the Schuman Resonace & its measurement at the Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) range is an indicator of any of rise or "connectivity" in human consciousness on the globe. At 7.83 Mhz, the resonance is well understood as electrical activity taking place from the earth's surface to the ionosphere;which is basically a closed wave guide. One must concede that lightning storm activity, earth quakes, solar flates and the sunspot cycle (accurately predicted since the early 1940s to occur every 11 years - military operators have to learn this cycle because it has a negative effect on communications plans and must be mitigated) affect the Schuman Frequency.
How does this tie in with elevated human consciousness? Both the Schuman Resonance & the Human brain are closed systems.
Is the proposition that thinking positive thoughts directly changesw the Schuman Resonance, & that human consciousness "good" levels are able to be read by tracking this frequency? NOPE.
Booted off of PARLER. Trying to re-establish my connections. I am on Telegram, but looking for the right place to land.
Are you sure that the human brain is a closed system? There is a real connection between the consciousness of people when the body and the brain are not riddled with the poisons that have been fed to our bodies.
Pretty sure, but I must admit that I am not a biologist or neuronsurgeon. Worth rsearching more - If there is any evidence, it should be over places of worship (true focused prayer) or meditation (dharmsala). iIf the theory is correct, then a different frequency should be evudent over the vatican - as the brains there cast negative thoughts. Should negative intention lower or higher EMF?